Biden Signed Executive Order Giving China Access To U.S. Power Grid


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Video: After Texas Power Grid Disaster Jen Psaki Was Asked Why Biden Signed Executive Order Giving China Access To U.S. Power Grid - The WH Press Secretary Has No Answer

During the press conference, the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked why Biden removed the EO that kept China out of the U.S. power grid and she couldn’t explain why Biden revoked the executive order.

Q Thanks, Jen. In an executive order that the President signed last week, he also suspended a Trump administrative — administration executive order that was particularly aimed at keeping foreign countries, specifically China, from interfering in the U.S. power grid. But he suspended that for 90 days in that executive order last week. Given what you said about China today, why did he do that, especially related to something so critical to our national security as the power grid?

MS. PSAKI: I’ll have to — I think the President’s view on our relationship with China I tried to do my best to convey to all of you. I’ll have to check on that specific piece, and we’ll — we’ll circle back with you directly.

And coming out today,the Biden administration blocked Texas from increasing electrical production prior to the recent ice storm.

Two lies in one post. Not unusual for the low IQ types that never get anything right.

"Texas leaders failed to heed warnings that left the state's power grid vulnerable to winter extremes, experts say

Texas officials knew winter storms could leave the state’s power grid vulnerable, but they left the choice to prepare for harsh weather up to the power companies — many of which opted against the costly upgrades. That, plus a deregulated energy market largely isolated from the rest of the country’s power grid, left the state alone to deal with the crisis, experts said."
Volsrock is actually a liberal, posing as the stupidest fucking racist right winger possible.

Doing a good job of it.