Biden not taking prisoners, will push through infrastructure plans w/o GOPigs

I hope Biden does push through his infrastructure plan with or without GOP support?!! Something that is not in the plan is, high speed rail system, just expanding Amtrak, which still good for my home state of Ohio. I wonder if this country will ever get a nationwide high speed rail system, like Europe, Japan and China and others?!!

I hope Biden does push through his infrastructure plan with or without GOP support?!! Something that is not in the plan is, high speed rail system, just expanding Amtrak, which still good for my home state of Ohio. I wonder if this country will ever get a nationwide high speed rail system, like Europe, Japan and China and others?!!


Biden's COVID stimulus and infrastructure plans are both wildly popular and even had substantial support with Republican voters. That makes it bipartisan as far as I am concerned, irrespective of what 300 Republicans on Capitol Hill think.
"As he has said, he was sent to the presidency to do a job for America. And if the vast majority of Americans, Democrats and Republicans, across the country support spending on our country and not allowing us to lose the race globally, then he's going to do that," Granholm said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Good and its good to have a legitimate POTUS Biden after four years with a lawlessly hacked in POS tRump, and who is a expert when it comes to dealing with pressing issues regarding the state of the nation and humanity. This especially when it comes to recovering from atrocities demonstrated by that illegitimate and breach birth former fake so-called president tRump and his team of un American swine.
I hope Biden does push through his infrastructure plan with or without GOP support?!! Something that is not in the plan is, high speed rail system, just expanding Amtrak, which still good for my home state of Ohio. I wonder if this country will ever get a nationwide high speed rail system, like Europe, Japan and China and others?!!


That's because rational large nations know that choo choo trains for passenger service are idiotic relics of the 19th century. How many days would it take a 150 mph bullet train to go from New York to California? Remember, it would stop at major cities, etc., along the way too...
That's because rational large nations know that choo choo trains for passenger service are idiotic relics of the 19th century. How many days would it take a 150 mph bullet train to go from New York to California? Remember, it would stop at major cities, etc., along the way too...

As usual, just as out of touch with America and Americans as your dear leader is.
"As he has said, he was sent to the presidency to do a job for America. And if the vast majority of Americans, Democrats and Republicans, across the country support spending on our country and not allowing us to lose the race globally, then he's going to do that," Granholm said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Teabaggers ( are going to obstruct anything a democrat proposes, been that way for the last 13 years.
Good. What Eisenhower did for the Highway System, Biden can do for the Electric Grid.

And sundry other shiny things for the Greenies and who even knows what else that has nothing to do with infrastructure.

In a more sane world, they could *easily* fund the electric grid and give us the best electric grid in the world—for a fraction of what democrats plan on spending on stupid crap in the ‘infrastructure’ bill.

Voters/people fully understand that, so when the inflation and stagnation comes they won’t be blaming republicans for it.
And sundry other shiny things for the Greenies and who even knows what else that has nothing to do with infrastructure.

In a more sane world, they could *easily* fund the electric grid and give us the best electric grid in the world—for a fraction of what democrats plan on spending on stupid crap in the ‘infrastructure’ bill.

Voters/people fully understand that, so when the inflation and stagnation comes they won’t be blaming republicans for it.

--->I'm having a Vision (holding fingers against temples) ... I see an Electric Vehicle in your future, Darth.
As usual, just as out of touch with America and Americans as your dear leader is.

Americans are hungry for more choo-choos lol?

Here’s an idea: since our *existing* infrastructure is crumbling, why don’t we address that before we go for the utopia stuff?