up over 400
up over 400
up over 400
A president has very little control over the economy. I find it not very useful to attribute very much credit or very much blame for any swing.
you miss the point entirely
A president has very little control over the economy. I find it not very useful to attribute very much credit or very much blame for any swing.
you miss the point entirely
you miss the point entirely
you have a good point.......katzgar's threads over the last four years were never very useful........
no one has ever discovered a point in one of your threads......
A president has very little control over the economy. I find it not very useful to attribute very much credit or very much blame for any swing.
Says the guy who never initiates anything. You just snipe with a troll gun loaded with blanks.
You are top 5 in the most useless posters here ever. What can we expect from you today. "Librules" 20 times.
In this case this isn't even the economy, being the stock market. It's kind of like gang warfare. No one really knows how it began but it's just about killing the other side. In this scenario, years ago someone credited the President on their side for the stock market going up. Someone on the other side then blamed that President when it went down. And thus the stock market flame/troll wars began.
It's mindless but its engrained.
The federal government can really only effect the economy by adjusting interest rates, printing money, and regulating industries, among some other things. Since the government pretty much refuses to do its job to regulate corporations (see the global financial collapse of 2008 and the GameStop drama), it's truly mindless for partisans to blame or credit the president based on a breeze in the air.
Yep! I'm sure we've all heard the adage the President gets more credit, and blame, than they deserve. But especially with the stock market there really is a disconnect between the regular economy and the performance of the stock market. And the Fed plays such a huge role in that. The reality is many Americans know very little about what the Fed does and the role it plays. So they attribute every thing done to the President instead.
The past four years have reinforced for me more so than anything that not only are many Americans ignorant, undereducated, and misinformed, but also that they are "American proud" of those things and have no desire to improve upon any of them. To try to explain macroeconomics and federal monetary policy to a Trumpist would be like trying to teach a carp how to fly.
Says the guy who never initiates anything.
Why don't you actually try to make a point then?
His entire OP was, "Biden Fixes the DOW
up over 400"
And he thinks he made a point that I somehow missed. Par for his posting behavior. It's usually pretty worthless.