Biden fakes video of press conference



go to the 1:05 mark and look how his right hand is super imposed over the fuzzy mic for a moment. Lol, I knew the sleazy scum would start doing this.
Snopes is more full of shit than you, if that's even possible.

That bogus film clip has been debunked by umpteen sources two minutes after it hit social media

Added to the others, we now have "video proof" that Biden's Inauguration was fake and that his office in the White House is fake, the wingers will swallow anything if it tells them what they want to believe
Idiot never heard of video editing. I have the software to do it, so I'm sure a mind floating in shit like yours, must be able to imagine what kind of faking power the gov has.

You know nothing about me, dumbass.
Idiot never heard of video editing. I have the software to do it, so I'm sure a mind floating in shit like yours, must be able to imagine what kind of faking power the gov has.

It's amazing how they were able to edit in the Fox news reporters that claimed they saw Biden outside just like the video shows. Does your editing software edit people's minds so they think they were there?
That bogus film clip has been debunked by umpteen sources two minutes after it hit social media

Added to the others, we now have "video proof" that Biden's Inauguration was fake and that his office in the White House is fake, the wingers will swallow anything if it tells them what they want to believe

All liars like you.