Biden drops the N-bomb

@15:34; turn on closed captioning

He should learn to conduct himself in a presidential manner.

He does, idiot.

It's obvious he was saying "....and eager to...." and it just came out sounding odd.

The fact that you fucking sick-minded fuckers will find any bullshit reason to fling your ignorant shit about a decent guy like Joe Biden while sucking the asshole of a low rent scumbag like Trump, is a true indicator of the level of depravity the right sinks to.

And you have the gall to act resentful over being called "deplorables".
He does, idiot.

It's obvious he was saying "....and eager to...." and it just came out sounding odd.

The fact that you fucking sick-minded fuckers will find any bullshit reason to fling your ignorant shit about a decent guy like Joe Biden while sucking the asshole of a low rent scumbag like Trump, is a true indicator of the level of depravity the right sinks to.

And you have the gall to act resentful over being called "deplorables".

I don't. I agreed with Crooked Hillary both times that she said it.