Biden Declares ‘America Is Back’ on International Stage


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For anyone looking for evidence that boasts about “America First” — and the need for America to go-it-alone — are over, President Biden’s speech to the Munich Security Conference was meant as an opening argument.

America is back, the trans-Atlantic alliance is back,” Mr. Biden declared. Trying to expunge the last four years without ever once naming his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, Mr. Biden said “we are not looking backward.”

And then he went on to offer a 15-minute ode to the power of alliances.

He talked about an America that was itself overcoming challenges to the democratic experiment.

“We have to prove that our model isn’t a relic of history,” he said, a clear reference to the critique that China and Russia have been helping to push. “We must demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for our people in this changed world. That is our galvanizing mission. Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it. Strengthen it. Renew it.”
For anyone looking for evidence that boasts about “America First” — and the need for America to go-it-alone — are over, President Biden’s speech to the Munich Security Conference was meant as an opening argument.

America is back, the trans-Atlantic alliance is back,” Mr. Biden declared. Trying to expunge the last four years without ever once naming his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, Mr. Biden said “we are not looking backward.”

And then he went on to offer a 15-minute ode to the power of alliances.

He talked about an America that was itself overcoming challenges to the democratic experiment.

“We have to prove that our model isn’t a relic of history,” he said, a clear reference to the critique that China and Russia have been helping to push. “We must demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for our people in this changed world. That is our galvanizing mission. Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it. Strengthen it. Renew it.”

For anyone looking for evidence that boasts about “America First” — and the need for America to go-it-alone — are over, President Biden’s speech to the Munich Security Conference was meant as an opening argument.

America is back, the trans-Atlantic alliance is back,” Mr. Biden declared. Trying to expunge the last four years without ever once naming his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, Mr. Biden said “we are not looking backward.”

And then he went on to offer a 15-minute ode to the power of alliances.

He talked about an America that was itself overcoming challenges to the democratic experiment.

“We have to prove that our model isn’t a relic of history,” he said, a clear reference to the critique that China and Russia have been helping to push. “We must demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for our people in this changed world. That is our galvanizing mission. Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it. Strengthen it. Renew it.”

lol yea and hes going to unite America cure cancer and destroy covid too lol
That's fine. We'll watch you righties warming up with global warming like on Venus. :D

You'll have to deal with a little global warming on Mars. I'm sure you'll implement the "Green New Deal" on your arrival as you build your "Utopia."

Us, with half the earth's fools gone, we'll be fine.
America is falling apart in so many ways and is hemorrhaging money at an alarming rate....Biden is Full Of Shit....The rest of the world is not stupid....They know.
For anyone looking for evidence that boasts about “America First” — and the need for America to go-it-alone — are over, President Biden’s speech to the Munich Security Conference was meant as an opening argument.

America is back, the trans-Atlantic alliance is back,” Mr. Biden declared. Trying to expunge the last four years without ever once naming his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, Mr. Biden said “we are not looking backward.”

And then he went on to offer a 15-minute ode to the power of alliances.

He talked about an America that was itself overcoming challenges to the democratic experiment.

“We have to prove that our model isn’t a relic of history,” he said, a clear reference to the critique that China and Russia have been helping to push. “We must demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for our people in this changed world. That is our galvanizing mission. Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it. Strengthen it. Renew it.”

Yeah, your right, Nerdberg; America is definitely back on the international stage BIG TIME; it has been the synosure of all eyes arounf the globe for quite a while, in fact !

Every nation in the world has its peepers glued on the USA. - waiting patiently to see the whole joint to self-destruct in an orgy of firey chaos.

Here are recent alarming developments in America that would have focussed internation attention on the US...

(1) They world watched months of race-riots and lawless mahem in America last year. And they saw DEMOCRAT politicians, Mayors and State Governors sit back and do nothing to try and stop the mobs of thugs and militants from looting, setting cars and building on fire, destroying private and public property, attacking police with rocks and other missiles, terrorising and assaulting law-abiding local folk caught up in the brutal hurly-burly that had descended on their city stem. People around the world saw unhinged mobs of "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) activist chanting the demand "Defund the Police" and were astonished when they learned that the communist Mayor of New YorK City had capitulated to the rioters in his city, and would beslashing the NYC Police Department's budget by around $1 billion. The officials and policymakers in a number of other major Democrat- controlled cities also caved in to the demands of "BLM" activists who had rampaged through their cities demand that the police be defunded or even abolished. Police Department budgets were promptly slashed in the following big Democrat cities: Minneapolis; Seattle, Chicago;Portlant; Atlanta; Los Angeles; Seattle Baltimore; Philadelphia and Washington DC, among other. The upshot of these budget cuts was not surpring, crime rates very quickly WENT THROUGH THE ROOF (homicide, murder, rape, property crimes, assault, larceny and so on).

(2) Finally, on the issue of the "George Floyd" rioting across America over the summer months of 2020, there was the violent debacle of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (or CHAZ) in Seattle. Following eight days of confict with officers of the Seattle Police Department, protesters harrassed the SPD; hurled abuse, threats, and variety of projectiles (bottles, rocks, fireworks) at the police. They also attempted to direct high-intensity, LASAR beams into their eyes, capable of causing serious permanent damage to vision, even blindness. Many officers were injured in in the melee. The police resonded with: tear gas; flash bangs/grenades, pepper spray; rubber bullets, blast balls and such like, in order to disperse the crowd of protestors from the region outside their East Precinct, station on Capitol Hill.

(3) After eight days of conflict, the Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, effectively directed the SPD to abandon the East Precinct. With the police having vacated the area, the protesters quickly seized on the idea of creating a sustained occupation - style protest in the locality. City utility personnel helped them to block off street traffic in a six - block radius around the abandoned East Precinct poliice station, and put extra barricades in place to ulimately create what they called the ,"Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ). CHAZ was an autonomous police-free zone were also put in place. The establishment of CHAZ sent the mainstream media into a frenzy of excitement. They initially reported that radical socialists, ANTIFA and militant "Black Lives Matter activist had seized a six-block chunk of the city of Seattle and declared the independence of their new, miniature state. "CHAZ" has seceded from the United States" ! gasped one "talking head". ( The truth is that "CHAZ" was fundamentally anoccupation of the Seattle's Capitol Hill district, no official declaration of independence was ever made by the protesters of CHAZ). Then President Donald Trump was soon advised about the situation in Seattle and became instantly enraged. Furious, he contacted the Mayor of Seattle (Jenny Durkin)...

(A) "Take back your city NOW! If you don't do it I will. This is not a game. These ugly anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST !" said Trump.

(B) "Domestic terrorists have taken Seattle, run by the Radical Left Democrats, of course. LAW AND ORDER" !! Trump yelled.

(C) " Anarchists just took took over Seattle and the Radical Left Democrat Mayor just said she knows "nothing about that" ! was yet another angry Tump outburst.

At one point in this hot, verbal tirade, a peeved Jenny Durkan, told Trump...

(D) "Make us all safe, go jump back in your bunker." (a reference to the fact that the Secret Service had reccomended Trump go into the White House bunker two weeks ago during the protests in Washington DC). :hearnoevil:

(4) When Trump became personally involved in the CHAZ situation, all of America tuned in and followed the story. So did the rest of the world. They must have been thinking to themselves - what next ??!!

(5) Well, there was lots more to come. For example, the scandalous 3rd November, 2020, Presidential election in which the Democrats and their goons planned and executed industrial- scale ballot fraud, using a combination of tactics. I 'm talking about electoral fraud on steroids here, some instance of it were so outrageously brazen , it beggared belief. There is no doubt whatsever that "the fix was in" for old "Blow Hole Joe, and Trump's team of lawyers collected a voluminous amount of hard evidence. Most of the 75 million Republicans who voted Trump still believe the election was rigged. In any case millions of people around the world would have been wondering WTF is going on in America? There one hell of a fuss about the validity validity of Biden's win in the November election. Something odd is definitely going on !

(6) Then the world would have been astounded by the disgusting debacle that was former President Trump's SECOND impeachment. A far as ludicrous, disgraceful "clown shows" are concerned ,anyone would have thought that Trump's first impeachment would be a hard act to follow. But no, the Democrats just keep on raising the standard in their quest for supreme stupidity and foolishness the first Trump impeachment would be a hard act to follow. But no ! The Democrats just heep raising the stadard in their question to achieve supreme stupidity and foolishness. Enough said.

(7) Then, on January the 6th, 2021, nations from every part of the globe witnessed another American "spectacular" on their televison sets, as a rag-tail "shower" of over-excited young Trumpists, stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC !!. The images of this terrifying drama were no doubt beamed aroud the world: to deepest, darkest Africa; to London, to Rome; to Munich and Finland; Australia; Moscow - everywhere you can imagine ! They were unarmed and actually theydidn't really do much once they were inside the Capitol, apart from break a few panes of glass. In he video footage I saw,they were not behaving like ultra-violent, frothing-at-the-mouth Viking raiders. One of them, a young woman (unarmed), was promptly shot dead by a security guard for attempting to clamber through an opening of some kind that would allow her to move closer to chamber were the official electoral ballot count was taking place. Why this robust male security officer not simply physically restrain the girl is an interesting question ? Was he frightened that a young, unarmed woan might kick his ass if he tried to ? Or did he just gun her down for kicks because he was a Democrat (most federal government employees are you know). Equally, It's "funny", how there's never been even the faintest whisper about this MURDER on any the mainstream news media ?. To continue. Who exactlywere this motley crew who forced their way into the Capitol building (all 100 or so of them). Well we were all told that they were TRUMP cultists - unhinged, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, domestic terrorists and violent, political insurgents, who were attempting a putsch; a deadly, lightening strike at the very heart of American government. As for Donald Trump, -the President himself ! - CNN confirmed that he was, in fact, the diabolical mastermind who planned and incited this entire shocking and unprecedented rebellion No wonder America is back on the internation stage. Million of around the globe are wondering in dismay, "Is America finally unravelling before our eyes !!?? If not, then how much longer can the barking - maddness that has gripped the United States possibly continue before the nation finally collapses??!!

(8) Next, on the 20th of January this year, people around the world would have seen how 26,000 soldiers were deployed and formidable, razor- wire barriers erected, to make certain that "Blow Hole Joe's" inaugation ceremony outside the Capitol was made secure in case there was another attack launched by WHITE SUPREMACIST, MAGA militiamen, "Death or Glory" Orange loyalists; violent domestic terrorists and insurrectionists. In short, dangerous, Trumpite fanatics who would not hesitate to make an attempt on the the life of the newly inaugurated, Democrat POTUS46 ( or try to gun down AOC, the leftist,lesbian, bisexual, "Lady Ga Ga", or that Trump-hating, Democrat bitch, Taylor Swift !!) Thf so many armed troops, the razor-wire barricad, etc;"e made the occasion look like something that was taking place in a Third Worlds "Banana Republic like Venezuela or Cuba, not in the West's most powerful nation. Again, I expect the international audience looking on were aghast !

So, yes, Nordberg; America is back on the international stage. But it has been since 2016. The world is watching the United States closely, though with a sense of trepidation. They are seeing a deeply divided and extreely volatile country, and unsure what it's future holds, especially under a Biden administration, where hard-line, radical socials in the Democratic Party are setting the major policy agendas.

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