Biden Caught LYING To Diplomats About Him Once Being Shot At Overseas


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Lyin’ Joe just can’t help himself, or maybe he’s just having a little Alzheimer moment.

President Biden has revived an old claim that previously got him in hot water, telling state department employees Thursday that he was “shot at” overseas.

Remarking on the courage of the diplomatic aides he was speaking to, Biden commented, “I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at.”

“Veterans don’t like it when people mischaracterize their service, people who overstate what happens to them,” said the former legislative director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Patrick Campbell. “We have names for them.”

Not distinguishing lies from reality is a hallmark of the Democrat party. Their definition of truth is whatever they want it to be. The Marxist media supports them in whatever they say.
Lyin’ Joe just can’t help himself, or maybe he’s just having a little Alzheimer moment.

President Biden has revived an old claim that previously got him in hot water, telling state department employees Thursday that he was “shot at” overseas.

Remarking on the courage of the diplomatic aides he was speaking to, Biden commented, “I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at.”

“Veterans don’t like it when people mischaracterize their service, people who overstate what happens to them,” said the former legislative director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Patrick Campbell. “We have names for them.”

Not distinguishing lies from reality is a hallmark of the Democrat party. Their definition of truth is whatever they want it to be. The Marxist media supports them in whatever they say.

Right he a fucking lying racist groping imbecile who is letting Americans die of covid every day because of his inaction. He the leader of all the evil pricks in America. He isn't my president