Biden at odds with Democrats over call to cancel $50,000 in federal student debt


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President Biden is butting heads with key Democrats after he rejected Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s call to cancel up to $50,000 in debt held by federal student loan borrowers.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden told a borrower inquiring about the proposal at a town hall hosted by CNN in Milwaukee Tuesday. He later said: “I’m prepared to write off a $10,000 debt, but not 50 because I don’t think I have the authority to do it.”
President Biden is butting heads with key Democrats after he rejected Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s call to cancel up to $50,000 in debt held by federal student loan borrowers.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden told a borrower inquiring about the proposal at a town hall hosted by CNN in Milwaukee Tuesday. He later said: “I’m prepared to write off a $10,000 debt, but not 50 because I don’t think I have the authority to do it.”

Good for Biden. It is welfare for the rich.
No, tax breaks for the upper class are welfare for the rich. Helping students not be burdened with crippling debt is not welfare. Nice try, though, Trumper.

This is a huge outright gift for the wealthy. Students who chose to go to the most expensive schools get the biggest gifts. Working class students who got loans to go to inexpensive community colleges didn't get the advantage of the better school and having large debts abolished.

Biden has the right idea. Everybody is treated equally. Government's job is not to make loans and then abolish those debts to the student doesn't have to pay them back. Only Trumpers would want to give the most benefits to the wealthy.
This is a huge outright gift for the wealthy. Students who chose to go to the most expensive schools get the biggest gifts. Working class students who got loans to go to inexpensive community colleges didn't get the advantage of the better school and having large debts abolished.

Biden has the right idea. Everybody is treated equally. Government's job is not to make loans and then abolish those debts to the student doesn't have to pay them back. Only Trumpers would want to give the most benefits to the wealthy.

disagree with everything you said
President Biden is butting heads with key Democrats after he rejected Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s call to cancel up to $50,000 in debt held by federal student loan borrowers.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden told a borrower inquiring about the proposal at a town hall hosted by CNN in Milwaukee Tuesday. He later said: “I’m prepared to write off a $10,000 debt, but not 50 because I don’t think I have the authority to do it.”

Bite-n doesn't have the authority to write off a single dollar. But when did that stop any 'crat from throwing taxpayers' money down the toilet?
President Biden is butting heads with key Democrats after he rejected Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s call to cancel up to $50,000 in debt held by federal student loan borrowers.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden told a borrower inquiring about the proposal at a town hall hosted by CNN in Milwaukee Tuesday. He later said: “I’m prepared to write off a $10,000 debt, but not 50 because I don’t think I have the authority to do it.”

BIDEN made this loud and clear during his campaign before he was ever elected.

The government insured the loans- they didn't finance them. It's not money the people owe the government- it's all private enterprise financial institutions that financed student loans. SO THE MONEY IS NOT OURS TO GIVE.
President Biden is butting heads with key Democrats after he rejected Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s call to cancel up to $50,000 in debt held by federal student loan borrowers.

“I will not make that happen,” Biden told a borrower inquiring about the proposal at a town hall hosted by CNN in Milwaukee Tuesday. He later said: “I’m prepared to write off a $10,000 debt, but not 50 because I don’t think I have the authority to do it.”

The president was the guy to beat Trump, perhaps. He's certainly from the obsolete side of our party, however.
When the Squad grows into leadership positions, the country will begin to be repaired for real
No moderate solutions will mitigate radical problems...that's the reality we must start facing.

The immediate solution is to shitcan the senatorial filibuster (may require cuffing Manchin around a little bit),
get progressive bills onto Biden's desk,
and see if Biden has the balls to veto them.
I don't think that he does.
That's a lie. I took out loans and paid for my own education. I don't want to pay for some rich kid's college.

As it should be. I was being sarcastic about the Trumpers because the OP called me a Trumper for not favoring paying off $50,000 loans; especially when we have just committed ourselves to trillions in new debt by giving out free stimulus money to people who did not lose their jobs due to covid.
The president was the guy to beat Trump, perhaps. He's certainly from the obsolete side of our party, however.
When the Squad grows into leadership positions, the country will begin to be repaired for real
No moderate solutions will mitigate radical problems...that the reality we must start facing.

Biden is a centrist. He always checks with corporate America before making a decision.
As it should be. I was being sarcastic about the Trumpers because the OP called me a Trumper for not favoring paying off $50,000 loans; especially when we have just committed ourselves to trillions in new debt by giving out free stimulus money to people who did not lose their jobs due to covid.
