Berkeley’s ‘Effort to Right Wrongs of the Past’ Ends Single Family Homes


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Berkeley, California, is considering social justice policy for future housing in the northern California city by ending single-family-home zoning by December 2022.

The San Francisco Chronicle described the plan as “an effort to right the wrongs of the past and address the region’s housing crisis.”

The Berkeley City Council is set to vote next week on a “symbolic resolution” to end the ability of families to live in a home where only their family resides.

The policy targets safe and prosperous neighborhoods, according to the Chronicle:

Berkeley is the latest city looking at opening up these exclusive neighborhoods to more housing as the region struggles with exorbitant rents and home prices and increasing homelessness. Sacramento recently took a big step in allowing fourplexes in these neighborhoods and one San Francisco politician is pushing a similar plan.

Berkeley may also allow fourplexes in city neighborhoods. Next month, the council will consider that proposal, which will likely spark push-back from tenants groups fearful it could fuel displacement if more protections aren’t included.

For Berkeley, which has historically been anti-development, the moves are the latest shift as the city slowly embraces more density, including plans to add housing around the North Berkeley and Ashby stations.

Councilwoman Lori Droste, who introduced the resolution and who considers single-family homes “racist,” grew up in the Elmwood neighborhood established in 1916 and developed to put one house on each lot.

“At the time, an ordinance stated that its intent was to protect ‘the home against the intrusion of the less desirable and floating renter class,’” the Chronicle reported.

“I live in the Elmwood area where it is sort of the birthplace of single-family zoning,” Droste said. “I thought it was incumbent upon me as representing this neighborhood to say that I want to change something that I think is detrimental to the community.”

Councilman Terry Taplin, who also authored the resolution, said the same reforms that need to be made to policing should apply to housing.

“This is really a historical moment for us in Berkeley because now the racial justice reckoning really has come home,” Taplin said.

David Garcia, the policy director at left-wing University of California Berkeley’s Terner Center for Housing Innovation, called the proposal a “big deal.”

“It wasn’t that long ago when Berkeley wasn’t considered the most forward thinking on housing,” Garcia said.

But he also warned of harming current housing.

“It’s important to be thoughtful about these decisions because they cannot be easily reversed,” Garcia said, adding:

Creating such a significant change of land use in such a large part of the city is going to involve a lot of planning and critical thinking on how to ensure the best policy outcome. You’re going to want to make sure the policy itself does result in the kind of housing city leadership wants to see.

Jassmin Poyaoan, director of the Community Economic Justice Clinic at East Bay Community Law Center, said policies should start with the idea that “housing is a human right.”

The plan will bring 1,450 new “housing units,” about 50 percent of which would be for low-income families.
Since I've called out Berkeley for its hypocrisy in the past I have to give them credit here. We'll see how this actually plays out but I must give them credit for putting their money where their mouth is.

Berkeley is famous for being the City where residents place #BLM and Immigrants Welcome Here signs in their yards yet go to City Hall and fight any new development, especially multi-family, where lower income (read: black people and immigrants) might live near them. It's the ultimate virtue signaling while fighting to protect their neighborhood and property values from change.

If they actually allow more duplexes and fourplexes where single family only was allowed previously, then props to them.
Was texting with a buddy who lives in a Berkeley adjacent wealthy suburb about this topic this morning (he's a left leaning 'elite' himself). He wrote this me:

"I think the view of the liberal elite here is that we aggressively support diversity and equality as long as it doesn't adversely impact our children's education or our home values".

Now to be fair there are right-wing NIMBYs as well. There is a bi-partisan element here if you will. But the reality is the biggest problem is in coastal liberal dominated areas.
Can you say decline in property value?

It'll be The Rise of the Landlords! There won't be any owners living in housing in Berkeley one day, just absentee landlords living in mansions somewhere else (and nice) using property management companies to run their Berkeley slums...
Can you say decline in property value?

It'll be The Rise of the Landlords! There won't be any owners living in housing in Berkeley one day, just absentee landlords living in mansions somewhere else (and nice) using property management companies to run their Berkeley slums...

The funny part is you can drive through parts of Berkeley today and think you are in the slums and they're all million dollar homes.

Are you suggesting we don't build anything but single family homes in this country?
The funny part is you can drive through parts of Berkeley today and think you are in the slums and they're all million dollar homes.

Are you suggesting we don't build anything but single family homes in this country?

In the cities the advocates demand this. In fact in Seattle and other places they also demand that no parking be provided so that people will find it very expensive to own a car as monthly parking spots run into the several thousand dollars per year. . Cities are also trying to pry people out of their cars by greatly reducing the capacity of roads by removing lanes and lowing speed limits....I have been watching how this has payed out in Seattle for many years.
In the cities the advocates demand this. In fact in Seattle and other places they also demand that no parking be provided so that people will find it very expensive to own a car as monthly parking spots run into the several thousand dollars per year. . Cities are also trying to pry people out of their cars by greatly reducing the capacity of roads by removing lanes and lowing speed limits....I have been watching how this has payed out in Seattle for many years.

The realty in urban areas is not everyone wants/needs a car. It doesn't make sense to always force developers to use valuable and expensive land for parking. That just causes housing prices to increase. Especially if you're building higher density near public transit. And the reality today with Uber/Lyft and services that easily allow you to rent a car for short periods of time, you can live in those areas without cars (or maybe one to a household whereas in the suburbs the same family might have two or three).

That's a separate issue than what's happening in Berkeley though.
The funny part is you can drive through parts of Berkeley today and think you are in the slums and they're all million dollar homes.

Are you suggesting we don't build anything but single family homes in this country?

Not at all but I do think everybody should own a home and we should try hard to end people having to rent. Berkeley is doing what the Left loves. They're turning owners into renters because renters are more likely to be Leftists.

The man who owns the boat rarely has time to rock it.

Owners have a stake in society's outcomes. They have skin in the game. Renters don't.
The realty in urban areas is not everyone wants/needs a car. It doesn't make sense to always force developers to use valuable and expensive land for parking. That just causes housing prices to increase. Especially if you're building higher density near public transit. And the reality today with Uber/Lyft and services that easily allow you to rent a car for short periods of time, you can live in those areas without cars (or maybe one to a household whereas in the suburbs the same family might have two or three).

That's a separate issue than what's happening in Berkeley though.

The reality is that Leftist Authoritarians are working hard to force their will upon the rest.
Not at all but I do think everybody should own a home and we should try hard to end people having to rent. Berkeley is doing what the Left loves. They're turning owners into renters because renters are more likely to be Leftists.

The man who owns the boat rarely has time to rock it.

Owners have a stake in society's outcomes. They have skin in the game. Renters don't.

The reality is not everyone can, or should, own a home. The medium home price in the Bay Area is like $900K. It's probably over $1m in Berkeley. Not everyone can afford that. And if you can't where should they live?

And if you're a working class person who doesn't come from money how are you supposed to be able to afford a home in your 20's or even your 30's in some places?

I'm not sure how this is turning owners into renters. These renters can't afford to own.
Berkeley, California, is considering social justice policy for future housing in the northern California city by ending single-family-home zoning by December 2022.

The San Francisco Chronicle described the plan as “an effort to right the wrongs of the past and address the region’s housing crisis.”

The Berkeley City Council is set to vote next week on a “symbolic resolution” to end the ability of families to live in a home where only their family resides.

The policy targets safe and prosperous neighborhoods, according to the Chronicle:

Berkeley is the latest city looking at opening up these exclusive neighborhoods to more housing as the region struggles with exorbitant rents and home prices and increasing homelessness. Sacramento recently took a big step in allowing fourplexes in these neighborhoods and one San Francisco politician is pushing a similar plan.

Berkeley may also allow fourplexes in city neighborhoods. Next month, the council will consider that proposal, which will likely spark push-back from tenants groups fearful it could fuel displacement if more protections aren’t included.

For Berkeley, which has historically been anti-development, the moves are the latest shift as the city slowly embraces more density, including plans to add housing around the North Berkeley and Ashby stations.

Councilwoman Lori Droste, who introduced the resolution and who considers single-family homes “racist,” grew up in the Elmwood neighborhood established in 1916 and developed to put one house on each lot.

“At the time, an ordinance stated that its intent was to protect ‘the home against the intrusion of the less desirable and floating renter class,’” the Chronicle reported.

“I live in the Elmwood area where it is sort of the birthplace of single-family zoning,” Droste said. “I thought it was incumbent upon me as representing this neighborhood to say that I want to change something that I think is detrimental to the community.”

Councilman Terry Taplin, who also authored the resolution, said the same reforms that need to be made to policing should apply to housing.

“This is really a historical moment for us in Berkeley because now the racial justice reckoning really has come home,” Taplin said.

David Garcia, the policy director at left-wing University of California Berkeley’s Terner Center for Housing Innovation, called the proposal a “big deal.”

“It wasn’t that long ago when Berkeley wasn’t considered the most forward thinking on housing,” Garcia said.

But he also warned of harming current housing.

“It’s important to be thoughtful about these decisions because they cannot be easily reversed,” Garcia said, adding:

Creating such a significant change of land use in such a large part of the city is going to involve a lot of planning and critical thinking on how to ensure the best policy outcome. You’re going to want to make sure the policy itself does result in the kind of housing city leadership wants to see.

Jassmin Poyaoan, director of the Community Economic Justice Clinic at East Bay Community Law Center, said policies should start with the idea that “housing is a human right.”

The plan will bring 1,450 new “housing units,” about 50 percent of which would be for low-income families.

The reality is that Leftist Authoritarians are working hard to force their will upon the rest.

This doesn't make sense to me. You've argued before that you are pro-Trump because he is pro the little guy. So how is a City that doesn't build housing, thus increasing the property values of the elites while making it impossible for the little guy to every purchase, helping the little guy?

Building more duplexes, fourplexes, and multi-family allows the little guy access to the neighborhoods, schools and services that the rich do. That's a bad thing?
The reality is not everyone can, or should, own a home. The medium home price in the Bay Area is like $900K. It's probably over $1m in Berkeley. Not everyone can afford that. And if you can't where should they live?

And if you're a working class person who doesn't come from money how are you supposed to be able to afford a home in your 20's or even your 30's in some places?

I'm not sure how this is turning owners into renters. These renters can't afford to own.

The good news is that as companies abandon the requirement that their employee work out of a HQ the super expensive dangerous profoundly mismanaged cities are emptying out.
This doesn't make sense to me. You've argued before that you are pro-Trump because he is pro the little guy. So how is a City that doesn't build housing, thus increasing the property values of the elites while making it impossible for the little guy to every purchase, helping the little guy?

Building more duplexes, fourplexes, and multi-family allows the little guy access to the neighborhoods, schools and services that the rich do. That's a bad thing?

That is not what I am talking about, I am talking about the Authoritarians increasingly deciding from on high what can and can not be done, massively removing choice, and bullying everyone onto conformity to what the masters have decided.

I am against this.
That is not what I am talking about, I am talking about the Authoritarians increasingly deciding from on high what can and can not be done, massively removing choice, and bullying everyone onto conformity to what the masters have decided.

I am against this.

If the local community should not be in charge of zoning for their neighborhood who should be then? The state? The federal gov't? Should we have no land use or zoning laws at all?