Barring someone from a thread shows weakness, and obvious Party affiliation


Verified User
I am beginning to see all these different posters barring each other from reacting/answering their posts, mostly political opposites. This is getting ridiculous and wimpy, do you want me to bar all you Libs, when I post some fabulous post on this Forum, say what? I think I barred Howey once, just to be mean spirited, but I will not bar anyone no mo, so no one will know my Party affiliation. I just noticed that Zappy and Howey are not barring me, what does that tell you? I know why, butt I cannot say why on this Forum, without being politically incorrect....LOL
I never ban Cawacko, who is of a different political party from me.

I ban people who bog down threads with off-topic comments and who try to generate off-topic arguments; you may have some "unusual" threads but you don't derail other threads, so why ban you?

Not saying you have to ban anyone; although I remember being yelled at a couple times when I posted in prior threads of yours, so maybe you SHOULD ban me.
Then don't use it. I'm not going to come to your home and hold you at gun point telling you to thread ban. Just don't use it.
Then don't use it. I'm not going to come to your home and hold you at gun point telling you to thread ban. Just don't use it.

Damn. What's the point of guns if you aren't going to use them to make SJJ threadban? might as well toss those guns into the ocean....
Already lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident.
This is a true story; Way back, some people I knew, went to Mexico to hunt Ducks over decoys in a lake, using a local Mexican guide. After shooting their ducks, while rowing the boat back to shore, the Mexican guide got the boat caught up in the tules and while trying to undo it, tipped the boat over with the three hunters and their shotguns, etc. getting dunked. Needless to say, they were in over their heads and barely got to shore, with all their hunting clothes bogging them down. Anyway, they lost their shotguns and returned home to the USA. Later on, some other people that they knew had the same experience and had it investigated by the Federales, it seems that this guide always turned the boat over in the same tule area, and in the evening after the hunters had left to go home, the guides family went out with lights, dove and retrieved the guns, pretty slick. In Mexico, they might call this shotgun stealing payback the "Mordita".
I never ban Cawacko, who is of a different political party from me.

I ban people who bog down threads with off-topic comments and who try to generate off-topic arguments; you may have some "unusual" threads but you don't derail other threads, so why ban you?

Not saying you have to ban anyone; although I remember being yelled at a couple times when I posted in prior threads of yours, so maybe you SHOULD ban me.
I apologize for yelling, I am not mean spirited by nature, and I will never ban you.
I am beginning to see all these different posters barring each other from reacting/answering their posts, mostly political opposites. This is getting ridiculous and wimpy, do you want me to bar all you Libs, when I post some fabulous post on this Forum, say what? I think I barred Howey once, just to be mean spirited, but I will not bar anyone no mo, so no one will know my Party affiliation. I just noticed that Zappy and Howey are not barring me, what does that tell you? I know why, butt I cannot say why on this Forum, without being politically incorrect....LOL

It's because they can't use guns. Find a problem, fix it *BANG!*

Or less directly, it's because they can't debate. If you can't debate someone, just ban them.

Then we get to the third tier of people that don't debate anyone but only troll here. People who never even attempt a debate. They simply state "you are stupid" or other similar terms and never talk about subject.

I'll have to admit, I love this post and I love the topic. But I've been close to banning many Right Wingers because most never bring debate. Most don't reply, but "I Love America" and "Patriot" constantly reply with "shows how stupid you are" and the like, and NEVER more.

So at what point do you filter idiots in hopes to have a true political debate?
I agree. If you have substance and you are willing to accept information, never ban.

But we should also expose the extremeists who want to ban every source of information because the cult tells them it's bias (the cult isn't *tools*)
For the record, I ban people who are typically on my ignore list. And if you're on my ignore list, it's usually (though not always) because I want you to die slowly and horribly.
It's because they can't use guns. Find a problem, fix it *BANG!*

Or less directly, it's because they can't debate. If you can't debate someone, just ban them.

Then we get to the third tier of people that don't debate anyone but only troll here. People who never even attempt a debate. They simply state "you are stupid" or other similar terms and never talk about subject.

I'll have to admit, I love this post and I love the topic. But I've been close to banning many Right Wingers because most never bring debate. Most don't reply, but "I Love America" and "Patriot" constantly reply with "shows how stupid you are" and the like, and NEVER more.

So at what point do you filter idiots in hopes to have a true political debate?

I wasn't aware that the inclusion of "kid" and/or "kiddo" was promoting debate.
Hey 'I anti-party except when I'm a lefty which is all the time' my tab is open "kid". Come drink on me sir.