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"Blow Hole Joe" has been having a pretty rough time recently on the Foreign Affairs front (I not surprized )

Recently in an interview with former Clinton hack come news anchor at ABC, Biden said he thought that Vladimir Putin was a soulless killer. That's true, of course, Putin is a thug who worked for the KGB in the Sovier Union from 197 for 16 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The KGB were an intelligence agency in the old communist Russia who has a well-earned reputation for ruthless brutality and the assassination of anti-Soviet actors. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Putin left the KGB in 1991 and embarked on a political career in Moscow. He steadily worked his way up the political ladder and became President in May of 2012. He is effectively known to have authorised several assassinations of journalists, lawyers, politicians and Russian oligarchs who were outspoken critics of his regime . The most well known being the poisoning of Andrei Litvinenko a former Russian spy with the KGB and its replacement organization the FSB. Litvinenko had a falling out with Putin and decided to defect to England where he wrote a number of books that attacked Putin and his regime for crimal corruption, etc. He ended up drinking a cup of tea in a London Hotel that had been poisoned, (by a member of Putin's Secret Service), with the deadly radioactive element, Polonium -210. He became violently ill after drinking the tea on the !st of November 2006 and was rushed to London's University College Hospital where he was dignosed with acute radiation sickness. It took him a dreadful 23 days to die. A Judicial Inquiry into his death some years later basically concluded that Putin was responsible for ordering Litvinencho's death. David Cameron, who was the Prime Minister of Britain at the time. launched a scathing , though still "diplomatically -worded" (just) rebuke at Putin and his dictatorial regime.

Biden was yet again displaying his lack of mental acuity by calling Putin "a killer"; doing this represented an unpredcedented breach with the unspoken rules of formal protocol that Heads of State traditinally abide by when addressing each other in a public forum . That is, we all know full well that Putin is an ass-hole, a major thug, and no doubt "a killer", but if you are POTUS you don't gratuitously accuse him ( the President of Russia) of this on thie internet. That's the kind of thing you leave for your minions to do. In any case its not clever to insult Putin like that when he packing 7,000 nuclear weapons he inherited from the old USSR (!). The worse upshot of this incident, however, was Putin's mocking Biden by quickly challenging him to a live streamed debate, that would be broadcast with no editing or time delays, as a completely open and direct discussion between himself and Biden Biden, of course, was no where near cognitively or physically fit enough to take up Putin's challenge, and so this incident was very humiliating for America. Putin was basically laughing in America's face - totally "dissing" the POTUS.

President Trump would never have allowed such an embarrassing situation to occur. In any case, Putin would never have show that kind of disrespect to Trump under any circumstance, because he clearly respected Trump and knew not to fuck around with him: (1) Because Trump was a very tough/fearless man; (2) Because Trump could outclass Putin in any game of realpolitik.


Biden doesn't seem to understand that Russia is a fading ("regional") power, it is no longer a global superpower like the old USSR. The real existential threat to America is now China. In fact, the Peoples' Republic of China is not merely the greatest threat to America today, it is the greatest threat to democracy and freedom since World War - II. Beijing fully intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically; and US policy-makers must be prepared for a prolonged period of confrontation with President Xi and his communist party lieutenants.

It is also a serious concern when we know that Joe Biden, his dead-head son Hunter, another Biden family member, Jim Biden, and a Biden family business partner, Tony Bobulinski had a number of meetings in 2017 Joe Biden does not deny this). Tony Bobulinski subsequently came forward and publicly provided a number of detailed allegations indicating the the former Vice President Biden had knowledge of his son Hunter's shady business dealings with a Chinese company very close to the CCP; namely CEFM China Energy. CEFM purportedly offered Hunter, $10,000,000 a year for introductions (to Joe Biden) alone. Biden says he knows nothing about his son's business dealings. This, of course, is a brazen lie. In sum it's not very reassuring to think that the drug-addicted son of a 2020 Presidential candidate was working with companies like CEFC that were very tightly tied to such masterly manipulators as the Chinese Communist Party. IS IT ? Presedent Trump would never have involved himself in sleasy, back-room, business deals with Chinese communists, because he is not a corrupt, lying, scumbag like Joe Biden and the rest of his grubby family. In particular when China is America's number one enemy, and President Xi and his mob of Chinese communist cunts are more than likely responsible for infecting the US with Wuhan 'flu and the deadly chaos it unleashed.

A few days ago US and Chinese officials recently met in the first high-level talks between the Biden Administration and China in Anchorage, Alaska. On the US side Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and NSA , Jake Sullivan,faced of against China's senior foreign policy officials, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi.

The American deligation was thoroughly mocked by China, with Yang lecturing the Americans...

For China, it is necessary that we make our position clear. So let me say here that in front of the Chinese side that the United States does not have the qualification to speak to China from a position of strength." Other remarks made by the Chinese were...

* Many people within the US actually have little confidence in the democracy of America (A shot the industrial-scale fraud that the Democrats and their operatives used to steal the November 2020 election).

* We believe that it is important for the US to change its own image and stop advancing its democracy on the rest of the world I would have though Blinken or Sullivan migh knock that "little" insult out of the ball park, but no... just crickets.

In response to Blinkin raising his concerns about Chinese Human Rights abuses: in Tibet, the clampdown in Hong Kong on pro-democracy protestors, the imprisonment and re-education of the Ugyhur Muslims in Western China, etc. The Chinese rebuffed the question and referred to the anti-Black racism in America and the BLM movement, weaponizing the American progressive left's own crazy Identity Politics to effect. The Chinese understand the progressive left's: Woke ideology/Critical Race theory, its, political correctness, its "soft-cock" moral/epitemological relativism, its multicultural doctrines; its divisive "cancel culture", it's overweaning "Green New Deal" obsession; its mania for the misnomer "social justice" (any Judge with tell there is no such thing because Lady Justice is blind-folded, she cannot see such a thing as (a) SOCIAL justice; it's deluded utopianism and so on, for the rag-bag of mindless ideological stupidity and weak-kneed bullshit that it is.

Not once, BTW, did the American delegation demand any clear, detailed answers to the Wuhan (covid-19) virus and the laboratory where it was synthesized. Why it was being made, how it spread, etc, etc.


The Chinese understand America's liberal progressive Democrat Leaders very well. They are known as "BAIZOU". When translated from Mandarin, "Baizou" refers to the self - hating, professional class of White liberals (I would include today's "woke"/progressive Democrat elites). They are people who care only about topics of immigration, minority groups, LGBTQI, transgenderism, social justice and the environment. "Baizou" have an abstract/theoretical consciousness, and no sense of real problems in the real world. They only ever advocate for peace and equality/equity to satify their own feelings of moral superiority, and they are so obsessed with political correctness that they tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism. The Chinese media portrayed Obama as an acolyte of "BAIZOU" :).

"BAIZOU" also advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination, but cannot tolerate opinions that differe from their own. "BAIZOU" political values and opinions are so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that contrdict the basic concept of equality. :) They are phony, hypocritical and will make the current situation in the West go from bad to worse.

Ha Ha Ha, that's the most perfect summation of modern dummycrats I ever encountered...Just one word - "BAIZOU" It sums up all of the worst Democrat wankers this forum BEAUTIFULLY: Taiciliberal, Archives, Dukka, Nordberg, Hoosier Daddy, Iolo/Penderyn, Fowlwoman, Evince and all of their suck-hole, neo-socialist friends !



PS: I heard "Raggedy Anne" (Jenn Psaki) say at a recent Press Conference that "Blow Hole Joe" was blown over three times by the wind while going up the boarding steps to "Air Force One" recently. I think that was a "Porky Pie", and I'm shocked because "Raggedy Anne" has never, ever told a fib before !
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