Atheists are so funny!


I support their right to place their religious monument to their faith bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha,

And for the record, the (words separation of church and state) appear nowhere in the constitution, period.

Atheists unveil monument and plans for more
By Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL) July 1, 2013 6:55 am
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They are calling it a monument to a secular nation, and it now sits next to the Ten Commandments on the Bradford County Courthouse square.

It's a bench engraved with quotations from America's founding fathers, a prominent atheist and the penalties for violating each of the biblical commandments that are displayed a few feet away.

Hundreds gathered in light rain on the courthouse square in Starke Saturday for the dedication. American Atheists, the organization that led the effort, said it's the first atheist monument on public property in the United States -- and it will be the first of many.

President David Silverman said they intend to start placing monuments next to every public religious display in America, and they've secured anonymous funding to build and place up to 50.

Silverman encouraged those in attendance in Starke to let the organization know if there's a public display in their community.

"American Atheists will work with them to ensure truth is placed next to the lies, civility next to barbarism," he said.

The monument is the result of a settlement in the federal lawsuit filed against Bradford County by American Atheists along with Starke resident Daniel Cooney. The Community Men's Fellowship was allowed to put its Ten Commandments monument on the square last year, and the group sued to have it removed. Instead, it agreed the square was a free speech zone, and the atheist group was also entitled to post its own self-funded monument.

A group of about a dozen people held "Honk for Jesus" signs across the street and blasted gospel music from a pickup truck. A secessionist group, Florida League of the South, also waved Confederate flags and posted signs proclaiming America a Christian nation. But there was no organized protest from the men's group, and a county commissioner opened the ceremony praising freedom of speech and the free speech zone. He encouraged the crowd to search both monuments, and determine their true meaning.

"This is what makes America the greatest nation on earth," Bradford County Commissioner Danny Riddick said.

EllenBeth Wachs, the founder of Atheists and Humanists of Florida, told the crowd she was the plaintiff on a lawsuit in Lakeland fighting Christian prayer at commission meetings, and what was important then is the same thing that's important in Starke: being heard.

"One look at this historic bench, and atheists will never again be ignored in this public square," she said.

Ro Reddick said she drove over from Jacksonville because she believes the unveiling was a watershed event: atheists standing proud in their fight for the separation of church and state.

"It's a heralding event that allows atheists to come out," she said. "We don't have to be in the closet."
It's not a religion. The only thing anyone is up in arms about is the attempts to enforce religion through the law.

Another thing that is not in the Constitution, God or the supremacy of biblical laws. Did you not get the message from Kennedy?
It's not a religion. The only thing anyone is up in arms about is the attempts to enforce religion through the law.

Another thing that is not in the Constitution, God or the supremacy of biblical laws. Did you not get the message from Kennedy?

How are monuments to God Doing that, the are simply statues. No Christian i know wants a theocracy.
How are monuments to God Doing that, the are simply statues. No Christian i know wants a theocracy.

Monuments on public property that celebrate any religion are thrusting that religion into the faces of everyone that passes. In addition, they imply that the government is endorsing that religion.

Of course to you they seem innocuous, because they agree with your beliefs.

Trust me, if there were Wiccan statues and plaques and whatnot everywhere, you're be complaining.
(ps -your comment in post #3 made no sense to me. Thus, incoherent. You seemed to understand nothing of atheism based on your comment)
It's not a religion. The only thing anyone is up in arms about is the attempts to enforce religion through the law.

Another thing that is not in the Constitution, God or the supremacy of biblical laws. Did you not get the message from Kennedy?

Who is trying to enforce religion through the law?

You are a lying POS
For instance, the many people who argue that the biblical definition of marriage should be codified in legal definitions.

Exactly, every time gay fraidy cats get up in arms about same sex marriage they start talking about the BIBLICAL definitions of marriage. Stupid signs that say "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve."
For instance, the many people who argue that the biblical definition of marriage should be codified in legal definitions.

Before the state got involved in marriage, Ie a form needed to make the union a recognized legal marriage by the state, it was a religious thing, still is, but the Government wants it's tax money
Exactly, every time gay fraidy cats get up in arms about same sex marriage they start talking about the BIBLICAL definitions of marriage. Stupid signs that say "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve."

True statement, That is exactly what God had intended when he created man and woman.
Exactly, every time gay fraidy cats get up in arms about same sex marriage they start talking about the BIBLICAL definitions of marriage. Stupid signs that say "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve."

Nope. I talk about raising children. You know those folks queers can't have on their own?