"Assume the Victim is Lying"

It's really scary what women face when reporting rape. Right here in the good ole US of A btw.

I am only slightly surprised by this, and even then, the surprise results from the fact that they were open about it rather than having it be the de facto policy. I like how now they have changed their policy so all's good! Right! Because the cops who have been trained this way and functioning on rape cases in this manner all these years are suddenly going to have their entire mindset change over night.

No, they won't. They will still assume the victim is lying and she will know it. She will know.

"The city of Norfolk, Virginia only last week changed its official police policy away from assuming that victims of sexual assault are lying about what happened to them. According to Think Progress, Norfolk police classified all sexual assault claims as “unfounded” by default.

The rules changed in the wake of a case involving a 22-year-old woman who reported a sexual assault only to be told by police, “If we find out that you’re lying, this will be a felony charge.”

The woman was attacked in her home by serial rapist and diagnosed sexual sadist Roy Ruiz Loredo on April 22, 2012. Over the course of reporting the crime, police repeatedly expressed skepticism that the woman was telling the truth, even after the woman submitted to an exhaustive physical exam.

“You’re telling us a different story than you told … the other detectives,” they said to her, as well as saying “This only happened hours ago. Why can’t you remember?” Finally in frustration, the woman terminated the interview with police.

However, a forensics investigator was able to lift DNA from the woman’s attacker off of a cup he used at the crime scene. Eight weeks later Loredo was arrested in Virginia Beach, VA when he tried to attack three women near his neighborhood. Police were able to match the DNA from the cup to Loredo.

The attacker pleaded guilty on May 31, 2012 and was sentenced to 36 years, although he has yet to go to trial for the Virginia Beach cases.

In the wake of the department’s mistakes, Norfolk police chief Mike Goldsmith announced that there will be changes in police policy toward sexual assault victims, including the assumption by officers that people who report assaults are telling the truth. Officers will also be trained in helping victims cope with rape trauma and post-traumatic stress.

According to the The National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women, less than 2 to 8 percent of reported sexual assaults are false reports.

You know, anytime I put up a thread about women or rape, I always forget how many morons there are here that have to be blocked from that thread. In my defense, it's very difficult to keep count. The rape lovers on JPP far outnumber the per capita average in the general population.
So pointing out that you assumed a victim of assault (George Zimmerman) was lying to means that I am a "rape lover"?
This is why the piece of shit needs to go. You can't always remember to ban it.

Yeah, it's why IA isn't enough. I already have him on IA, doesn't prevent him from derailing a thread. My bad. he better enjoy it, he won't post on a thread of mine again.
sex related cases are the worst kind, both for their extreme violation of the victims personhood and the later stigma of shame impressed upon by society. This isn't a man/woman thing either, because we see it in male rape cases also. Should victims automatically be assumed to be lying? no, of course not, but we also cannot let our sense of justice for a victim to override due process based on the accusers word alone or we end up with cases like the duke lacrosse issue or, even worse, Brian Banks.
Stop derailing the thread. You are self moderating which is against the rules.
Here, let me help you.

Today, 08:40 AM
Scourging proles

[h=2] This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list[/h]
sex related cases are the worst kind, both for their extreme violation of the victims personhood and the later stigma of shame impressed upon by society. This isn't a man/woman thing either, because we see it in male rape cases also. Should victims automatically be assumed to be lying? no, of course not, but we also cannot let our sense of justice for a victim to override due process based on the accusers word alone or we end up with cases like the duke lacrosse issue or, even worse, Brian Banks.

Yeah nobody is saying we should override due process. Due process does not mean assume the victim is lying and threaten a rape victim with a felony charge.

As far as male victims, I am continuously shocked at how many men were raped before the age of 18. I think what most surprises me about is that first of all, I hadn't realized that young men are just as much prey as women are their entire lives, and also, considering how many men do have experience with this, more of them should have more compassion for women rape victims. Or so it seems to me. But I am not a psychologist.

That should get more publicity though because I think that society as a whole has failed in teaching young boys and teen boys the signs of predators and grooming, etc.
Yeah nobody is saying we should override due process. Due process does not mean assume the victim is lying and threaten a rape victim with a felony charge.

As far as male victims, I am continuously shocked at how many men were raped before the age of 18. I think what most surprises me about is that first of all, I hadn't realized that young men are just as much prey as women are their entire lives, and also, considering how many men do have experience with this, more of them should have more compassion for women rape victims. Or so it seems to me. But I am not a psychologist.

That should get more publicity though because I think that society as a whole has failed in teaching young boys and teen boys the signs of predators and grooming, etc.
the saying about how a society is viewed by how they treat their weakest, or their imprisoned, should be all that needs to be said. when we, as a society, not only ignore, but encourage, prison rape as extra punishment for those who are convicted criminals, then we invite the issues we have now. we have no real right to be that outraged about it, no matter the gender.
Is your comment on the topic of the thread or are you just trolling? I thought so. Just trolling. Asshole.

Know what? My former friend Grind had something to say about me yesterday that really pissed me off, so I'll address it here.

There's a certain group of trolls on this forum, Patrician, USF, ILA, Philly and a couple of others who's only goal is to troll and attack posters they don't like. One or two of them have posted personal information of mine and others.

When I ask about it, I'm required to submit details such as time, date, when, where, how, and so on...even when the matter's been discussed in PM after PM.

I certainly don't mean to compare rape victims to this forum, but the situation is the same. The person making the claim is automatically a liar in the eyes of the authorities (in this case, the mods).

Of course, they're Libertarians and live by the mistaken ideology that the nation, and our little nation, can survive without rules, regulations, and self-governance. This country couldn't survive in Ayn Rand World, and this forum is cluttered with crap from trolls with no common sense.

Case in point: 007 was banned for trolling posts, yet USF, Patrician, and the others have been guilty of the same for a lot longer. None contribute anything to the forum. Ever.

Then there's people like me who allow these trolls to accomplish their goal. We allow them to "get to us" and fight back while the trolls and the mods giggle and slap each other on the backs, enjoying the page hits and drama. Another case in point: The accusations and lies, actually libel, of USF regarding jb, someone who doesn't even post on this forum.

So when I bitch about this stuff, I name names. However, since all the trolls sound alike in their attacks, and since this forum is inundated with literally thousands of posts from the three or four of them in a single day, it's impossible to verify - so I get the wrong one sometimes, or the wrong picture posted, or something like that. It still happened, just another troll did it. But I'm the liar, therefore, can't be believed.

And the Forced Ignore? How the hell am I able to prove this shit when I can't see their posts when most of them are in a section that can't be seen? Ignoring hatred doesn't make it go away, neither in Ayn Rand World or JPP. Getting rid of the source of the hatred does. Not only that, but with the mass invasion of troll posts in forums, I can't even see legitimate discussions go on because all I see is this:

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

Back when Grind was sane, I'd get PM's on an almost daily basis from him lamenting the drama on this forum. He actually told me a couple of weeks ago he was thinking about asking to be removed as a mod for the rest of the summer.

So I told him I'd settle down in attacking back in hopes everyone else would. Yeah, that didn't work, did it Grind with your little post yesterday?

Here's the thing. You don't like drama, don't create it or fan the fires.
the saying about how a society is viewed by how they treat their weakest, or their imprisoned, should be all that needs to be said. when we, as a society, not only ignore, but encourage, prison rape as extra punishment for those who are convicted criminals, then we invite the issues we have now. we have no real right to be that outraged about it, no matter the gender.

Listen do me a favor, get off your high horse and don't tell me what I have a "right" to be outraged over. You don't know me or my life.

I hate when anyone says that so and so is going to learn his lesson jail, meaning be raped. Rape is a crime, not a punishment. Those on the left who say it do hear about it from me when I see it just as much as those on the right. I have never been quiet about that nor my feelings on the subject.

I will be outraged over whatever in hell I want to be outraged over, and the day that women sit around waiting for white dude to let us know when all his pet issues have been addressed and now it's okay to be "outraged" over something that happens to women, is the day women will never make an inch of progress.

We don't wait for your okay.

We never have. We never will. That's why we can vote today.

Of course, they're Libertarians and live by the mistaken ideology that the nation, and our little nation, can survive without rules, regulations, and self-governance. This country couldn't survive in Ayn Rand World, and this forum is cluttered with crap from trolls with no common sense.
fuck you and your entire idiotic misperceptions
Listen do me a favor, get off your high horse and don't tell me what I have a "right" to be outraged over. You don't know me or my life.

I hate when anyone says that so and so is going to learn his lesson jail, meaning be raped. Rape is a crime, not a punishment. Those on the left who say it do hear about it from me when I see it just as much as those on the right. I have never been quiet about that nor my feelings on the subject.

I will be outraged over whatever in hell I want to be outraged over, and the day that women sit around waiting for white dude to let us know when all his pet issues have been addressed and now it's okay to be "outraged" over something that happens to women, is the day women will never make an inch of progress.

We don't wait for your okay.

We never have. We never will. That's why we can vote today.

first, when I say YOU or WE, i'm referring to society as a whole. not YOU specifically or WE as the members of this board, so maybe you should grow some thicker skin. Second, choosing to be outraged over the whole issue is great, but you negate your entire position when you then single out the 'white dude' and his pet issues as something or someone that doesn't need to be listened to because he pointed out your hypocrisy on the issue.

you don't have to wait for my okay, but not acknowledging that I also have a position in relation to yours will not entice me to pay attention to your grief about yours.

"Case in point: 007 was banned for trolling posts, yet USF, Patrician, and the others have been guilty of the same for a lot longer. None contribute anything to the forum. Ever."

Howey 007 was not banned for "trolling posts"> He was banned because he continued making pedophile accusations after just coming off a ban for making pedophile accusations.

Leave Grind alone every once in a while would you please? I am not about to post here with Damo and Billy as the only mods. Who gives a shit what USF is doing? Is he calling anyone a pedophile? No? Then he hasn't broken any rules. WHy would anyone waste time reading that moron is beyond me.
first, when I say YOU or WE, i'm referring to society as a whole. not YOU specifically or WE as the members of this board, so maybe you should grow some thicker skin. Second, choosing to be outraged over the whole issue is great, but you negate your entire position when you then single out the 'white dude' and his pet issues as something or someone that doesn't need to be listened to because he pointed out your hypocrisy on the issue.

you don't have to wait for my okay, but not acknowledging that I also have a position in relation to yours will not entice me to pay attention to your grief about yours.


-You singled yourself out.
- I don't "choose" what to feel an emotion over.
-I don't give a crap.