Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism


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Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

The Arizona Department of Education has purportedly created an “equity toolkit” that teaches parents how children as young as 3 months can develop racial bias and encourages parents and teachers to talk to young children about race.

Can we get even more depraved and insane??
Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

The Arizona Department of Education has purportedly created an “equity toolkit” that teaches parents how children as young as 3 months can develop racial bias and encourages parents and teachers to talk to young children about race.

Can we get even more depraved and insane??

You poor little pathetic racist asshole.
I am shaking my head and asking, "WHY?" Why all the lies? What is the purpose?
I am an old fart and WHITE!

I was at Krogers the other day, and I encountered a Black lady with a baby girl in the child seat, just old enough to talk, and the baby girl said to me "Hi there" with this huge smile

Of course I said "Hello Little girl" back and told her Mom, "That is one little sweetheart you have there lady"!

Her Mom said, "Yes she is- She loves everybody"!

And this happens a lot. I've seen this many times before while out shopping.

So, I do not believe babies are racists. Racism is taught! It passes down from their older relatives!
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My mother told me that when I was a tiny child, we visited a big city and tugged my mother's clothes, asking her in sign language, "why is that man so dirty?"

I don't remember that but I thought that was funny when she told me. the OP again.

I know reading comprehension is hard for you but give it the old college try....oh wait, you didn't graduate did you?

Ok perhaps you can explain it to me like I am a 3 month old baby? Explain to me how one can talk to a 3 month old baby about racism.