Arifa Bibi Stoned To Death In Pakistan For Possessing A Cell Phone

cancel2 2022

A young mother of two has been put to death in Pakistan for possessing a cell phone.

Arifa Bibi was sentenced to death by stoning by a Pakistani tribal court, and was executed on July 11 at the hands of her family. Her uncle, cousins and other family members threw stones at the woman until she died, all because she had a mobile phone. She was buried in the desert far away from her home village, and according to reports, her family was not permitted to be involved in her funeral.

Stoning has been a common sentence in countries like Pakistan for a long time and is used against women and other vulnerable groups. Since the stoning of Arifa Bibi this summer, women’s rights groups have launched an even stronger campaign to put a ban on stoning.
Naureen Shameem, representative for women’s rights group Women Living Under Muslim Laws, says that stoning is used against women in particular as a way to control them.
“Stoning is a cruel and hideous punishment,” said Shameem. “It is a form of torturing someone to death. It is one of the most brutal forms of violence perpetrated against women in order to control and punish their sexuality and basic freedoms.”

The Asian Human Rights Commission explained the act of stoning against women in a recent press release.

“Stoning to death is a barbaric act from a primitive society,” reads the press release. “Society is sent the message that violence is the way to deal with women and other vulnerable groups. Women’s rights are negated through the use of these forms of punishment. Pakistani society has degenerated to the point that, for a woman, keeping a cell phone has become serious crime. It is treated as a worse crime than gang rape, murder and bomb blasts, through which many people are killed on a daily basis.”

Groups are currently petitioning the United Nations to enact a worldwide ban on stoning. It is not known what progress has been made on that front.

Ed. Note: This picture is not from the actual event. It's just a picture of a woman getting stoned in some movie.
a stoning is horrible and stupid.

when you gas an area EVERYONE dies and those who manage to survive are left with horrible injuries that include nasty aspects of birth defects for generations to come.

Yes stoning is horrible gassing is even worse.

when your stoned to death will your first responder DIE after taking care of you?
gassing and things like white phosphorous are worse than stoning.

birth defects and number of people killed along with the fact any first responders ( citizens, doctors, EMTs) KNOW they will die after caring for the wounded and dead.
why do you fucking creeps pretend that chemical weapons are not anything big?

because your fucking sociopaths
gassing and things like white phosphorous are worse than stoning. birth defects and number of people killed along with the fact any first responders ( citizens, doctors, EMTs) KNOW they will die after caring for the wounded and dead.

Has O-BOMB-YA ordered the removal of white phosphorous from the US inventory?
“Stoning to death is a barbaric act from a primitive society,”
it is. so why are we trying to partner with this society?

(albeit not all of Paki is like this -but the 'tribal areas' are) to facilitate some type of MODERN representative gov't in Afganistan?

The fundamnetalist are fierce, and dedicated - how the Taliban came to power to begin with - how they will re-take power.

Paki has their own problems with the various Taliban goroups in Lahore, Islamabad, etc.

That country is always going to teeter on the cusp of modernism vs. fundamentalism
Afghan Taliban supporting Pakistani militants

MIRANSHAH: The Pakistani Taliban say the Afghan Taliban are financially supporting their war against Islamabad and providing their fighters sanctuary in neighboring Afghanistan.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Shahidullah Shahid revealed the support Saturday in an interview with a small group of reporters in Waziristan, the Taliban’s main tribal sanctuary in Pakistan.

The disclosure is meaningful because Pakistan has long been accused of pursuing a policy of differentiating between the Afghan and Pakistan Taliban as so-called “good” and “bad” militants even though Islamabad denies this.

Pakistan has waged war against the Pakistani Taliban, which seeks to impose Islamic law in the country. The spokesman requested the exact location of the interview not be revealed

The Lahore Times Read more:
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now tell me Aox is religious nutters stoning one woman WORSE than gassing babies in their sleep for poltical gain?
it is. so why are we trying to partner with this society?

(albeit not all of Paki is like this -but the 'tribal areas' are) to facilitate some type of MODERN representative gov't in Afganistan?

The fundamnetalist are fierce, and dedicated - how the Taliban came to power to begin with - how they will re-take power.

Paki has their own problems with the various Taliban goroups in Lahore, Islamabad, etc.

That country is always going to teeter on the cusp of modernism vs. fundamentalism

I wonder if you would be happy if the Pakistani Taliban take over and get their hands on all those nuclear weapons?