Are movie stars idiots?

what boggles my mind is how we perceive "stars"....take athletic stars...we bitch and moan if they are not educated never hear one word about whether hollywood stars should be educated

i have no problem with their seems unfair...however, that is what the market pays and what we all (most of us) pay to put them in the stratosphere of income.
what boggles my mind is how we perceive "stars"....take athletic stars...we bitch and moan if they are not educated never hear one word about whether hollywood stars should be educated

i have no problem with their seems unfair...however, that is what the market pays and what we all (most of us) pay to put them in the stratosphere of income.

Acting, musical and athletic talent have little to do with education. If that were the case, then anyone could do it. You can't teach a WR to run a 4.3 40 yard can't teach a guitar student to be a Stevie Ray Vaughan, and you can't teach just anyone to perform a role like Anthony Hopkins.

Add to that, if they are successful at what they do...they live pretty sheltered lives.
Lawrence said, "It was so fun, because Josh [Hutcherson] and I could just swim in the water, or like, pee any time you want. Anytime you have to pee you can just run right in the water. It was amazing, because the water was really warm, and Hawaii is great. I love working in the water."

I am willing to bet that if someone sold a bottle of movie star piss on Ebay, with the appropriate provenance, it would sell for thousands.