archaeologists claim to have found piece of jesus' cross

How do you PROVE that Jesus was crucified on this particular piece of wood? Do we have his DNA somewhere on record?
How do you PROVE that Jesus was crucified on this particular piece of wood? Do we have his DNA somewhere on record?
no idea. I just lowered the costs of pieces of the true cross i've been holding. You want a splinter or a plank?
How do you PROVE that Jesus was crucified on this particular piece of wood? Do we have his DNA somewhere on record?
seems I remember some discovery channel show about a year ago that talked about supposedly having his families DNA because they found his familly tomb.
throughout the middle ages there was scam after scam selling the tip of the spear that pierced Christ's side to splinters of the cross to vials of the water that supposedly came out when his side was pierced. Christians have been dupes for hundreds of years buying "relics".