Walt all along has only through cunning has been able to stay one step ahead of disaster during the entire run of this series. We've watched Walter White go from Walter Mittey into Scarface and like Scarface his empire has now crumbled around his feet. He's lost everything he has valued. His family, his self respect, his soul and now he's left with 11 million dollars and 6 months to live.
The world is populated with many Walter Whites and far to many of them get away with their crimes every day so it's hard to be sympathetic with Walter White. In reality, Walter would probably die in bed surrounded by family, who would inherit his vast sum of money and would live the remainder of their lives in without ever a worry for financial issues or give a thought to the devestation that Walter has caused in the lives of others. Both through his ruthlessly violent acts and through his sale of a very dangerous drug. That's reality and that shit happens every day. Don't believe me? Than go to North Carolina and visit tobacco road and see the mansions of the great tobacco barons. The greatest mass murderers in human history. So that's the reality.
The fantasy is that Walter White will receive justice before he dies. Given how this series is progressing I'm not expecting to see that and would almost be disappointed if it did.