Any Cons left?


Well-known member
Are there any Conservatives left here that can hold an argument?

Damocles is close to a conservative and used to be good in an argument, but he is barely here anymore and when he is here he does not discuss anything.

Dixie was banned.

Supercandy cant hold an argument and got so ass whipped recently he is shy to engage.

Nobody else can really keep consistent to discuss anything.
We need to recruit some more cons to the board. . On a day like today we should have had several epic threads and at least two or three epic meltdowns.

I miss the image of Dixie pounding on his keyboard with smoke coming out his ears.
I hate to bring this up, because I wasn't here when Dixie was here, but even after a few weeks on this board I have learned:

Dixie was only banned for a short time, then he "banned" himself - i.e. removed himself from the board.
I hate to bring this up, because I wasn't here when Dixie was here, but even after a few weeks on this board I have learned:

Dixie was only banned for a short time, then he "banned" himself - i.e. removed himself from the board.
I know but it drives them crazy when I say that!
Im not sure you are what I would call a solid conservative, or maybe you are, but that does not make you an average conservative.
my post was specifically directed to rune, who's shown himself to be unable to think in anything but left and right, but since you have replied I can tell you that I am not a conservative, nor am I a liberal. That is probably too difficult for most people to handle. maybe even you since you've taken to using ONLY the term conservative.
my post was specifically directed to rune, who's shown himself to be unable to think in anything but left and right, but since you have replied I can tell you that I am not a conservative, nor am I a liberal. That is probably too difficult for most people to handle. maybe even you since you've taken to using ONLY the term conservative.

I think I would call you a States Rights Constitutionalist.
then you'd only be half right. States do not have rights. only PEOPLE have rights. The states have powers that the people ascribed to them when the state constitutions were written.

So you are an State Powers Constitutionalist?
so you do not believe in peoples rights? that can only be the explanation for why you went straight to a states powers constitutionalist label.

No, I was simply using the common language to explain the same thing.... but I do have a question for you...

What would be your position if a majority of the People of Alabama voted for a Constitutional Amendment that gave the State the power to treat black people with less deference than white people. Say for example, they granted the State the power to decide what color people could go to what schools.? What would be your position? I am not trying to get you, I am simply trying to understand the limits of your belief in the rights of the people.
No, I was simply using the common language to explain the same thing.... but I do have a question for you...

What would be your position if a majority of the People of Alabama voted for a Constitutional Amendment that gave the State the power to treat black people with less deference than white people. Say for example, they granted the State the power to decide what color people could go to what schools.? What would be your position? I am not trying to get you, I am simply trying to understand the limits of your belief in the rights of the people.
my position would be that the amendment, no matter if 99% of the population of that state voted for it, is illegal on it's face and merits because ALL PEOPLE are created equal with equal rights and opportunitites. The majority in any state does not have power or authority to control the minority.
my position would be that the amendment, no matter if 99% of the population of that state voted for it, is illegal on it's face and merits because ALL PEOPLE are created equal with equal rights and opportunitites. The majority in any state does not have power or authority to control the minority.

I agree. But lets pretend that the majority religion of the state says that Black people are not full humans and are heathens, not to be treated the same as white people. Would the refusal of the State to follow there will be infringing on there right to practice the religion of there choice?
I agree. But lets pretend that the majority religion of the state says that Black people are not full humans and are heathens, not to be treated the same as white people. Would the refusal of the State to follow there will be infringing on there right to practice the religion of there choice?
no, because the religion of their choice would be attempting to remove the rights of some people by redefining who is human and who is not. something that nobody is allowed to do, no matter how much of a majority you have.