It's likely to become law.
You will comply.
Yeah, you might just have to go around in life with NOTHING to make up for your small penis.
I'm a hard left Democrat.
I own eight firearms, none of them the paramilitary type.
Nobody has ever hinted about taking them from me.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
More guns sold last month than in history. Yeah, guns are being rounded up, as we get more and more. You guys are so afraid of losing your toys and metal manhood. These tears have been cried for decades and we just get more and more guns. These posts are getting old and boring.
no its very unlikely to become law as it has several constitutional issues , something democrat know very little about. when they come in power they act like a bunch of wild retadrts on crack
More guns sold last month than in history. Yeah, guns are being rounded up, as we get more and more. You guys are so afraid of losing your toys and metal manhood. These tears have been cried for decades and we just get more and more guns. These posts are getting old and boring.
no Im not afraid of loosing my guns dumb ass I'm afraid of loosing right granted to Americans under the constitution that democrat have been attacking, .
the bill is the work of a simpleton who will try to confiscate guns increase taxes and the size of the government , very Russian like .
And nazi like
no Im not afraid of loosing my guns dumb ass I'm afraid of loosing right granted to Americans under the constitution that democrat have been attacking, .
the bill is the work of a simpleton who will try to confiscate guns increase taxes and the size of the government , very Russian like .
And nazi like
I'm a hard left Democrat.
I own eight firearms, none of them the paramilitary type.
Nobody has ever hinted about taking them from me.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Not one aspect of that bill involves gun confiscation.
And owning weapons of war is not covered by the constitution. Fuck off with that shit. We had REAL, ACTUAL threats to democracy, and the "freedom fighting gun owners" were, in fact, that threat. Fuck off with the whole "protecting us from tyranny" canard.
You Ammosexuals disproved that argument with your own behavior in the face of anti-democratic tyranny.
Somebody is pretending that HR 127 doesn't exist. This isn't like a "fact checking" moment where leftist idiots can tell you it isn't real or something. It exists.
Here is the text of the bill.
Anyway, if you don't think that this is a "suggestion" that somebody may make a law like this... you are literally just deluding yourself.
Unless you get a license and register the guns you have then spend $800 per gun for insurance each year along with the licensing fees you can go to prison for decades. That seems like a "suggestion" to me.
I'm a hard left Democrat.
I own eight firearms, none of them the paramilitary type.
Nobody has ever hinted about taking them from me.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.