APP - Another Welfare Drug Test, Another Failure


This time in Utah,

Utah has spent more than $30,000 to screen welfare applicants for drug use since a new law went into effect a year ago, but only 12 people have tested positive, state figures show.

The preliminary data from August 2012 through July 2013 indicates the state spent almost $6,000 to give 4,730 applicants a written test. After 466 showed a likelihood of drug use, they were given drug tests at a total cost of more than $25,000, according to the Utah Department of Workforce Services, which administers welfare benefits and the tests.

"Obviously drug use among this population is not an issue," said Gina Cornia, executive director of Utahns Against Hunger and a longtime welfare-reform advocate.

Lawmakers should instead use the money to address barriers to employment such as low-reading skills, she said.

What is that? About .25 percent of those seeking the benefits?
We the people through our elected officials decide whether or not people need to be drug tested. Apparently the tests have a deterrent effect.
That's your opinion. The voters of Utah chose otherwise, didn't they? can't see the inherent flaw in your argument? I mean.... it's one thing to say..... let's do it for a year or two and see if those people are being crackheads on the Public dime, you know.... as kind of a social experiment?

But when you make it policy and you find out that .25% is your nemesis.... but you've already passed this into law? What else can you say other than.... IT'S DUMB!
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So....let's see....when the facts don't support your side's prejudiced suppositions, you create strawmen...nice.

Prove that it's a strawman; because it's the liberals who are crying about voter ID's and how it's going to keep the poor from voting, yet that same ID is required for numerous other activities.
Liberals know that if drug testing was mandated, that there are numerous people who would fail and by failing they wouldn't qualify for the programs that they've applied for.

You tell me why drug testing shouldn't be part of the welfare program.
Prove that it's a strawman; because it's the liberals who are crying about voter ID's and how it's going to keep the poor from voting, yet that same ID is required for numerous other activities.
Liberals know that if drug testing was mandated, that there are numerous people who would fail and by failing they wouldn't qualify for the programs that they've applied for.

You tell me why drug testing shouldn't be part of the welfare program.

Is this thread about voter ID? I thought it was about the waste of taxpayer dollars on drug testing people who receive Public Assistance when it's been proven TWICE in two different states that is a miniscule percentage of people who actually FAIL those tests.

Why shouldn't drug testing be part of the welfare program? Because it's a huge waste of taxpayer dollars trying to weed out 1/4 of 1% of the population.
Is this thread about voter ID? I thought it was about the waste of taxpayer dollars on drug testing people who receive Public Assistance when it's been proven TWICE in two different states that is a miniscule percentage of people who actually FAIL those tests.

Why shouldn't drug testing be part of the welfare program? Because it's a huge waste of taxpayer dollars trying to weed out 1/4 of 1% of the population.

So because it was a small amount in two states, means that it's always going to be a small amount??