Another Stupid Teabagger Idea


We don't need immigration reform because all the terrorists are going to start wearing ponchos to get citizenship. *eyeroll*

Where do they come up with this shit? lol.
Where's all the righties defending this?

From Rachel Maddow via the Political Carnival.

Rachel Maddow did a great job highlighting the fringiest of the conservative fringe. Here are excerpts of her segment wrap-up, but please watch the entire video. She nailed it, as usual, especially the bell-the-cat suggestion:

“They can mingle in“? What exactly is the argument here? Latinos crossing the border won’t be able to tell if there’s an Arab secretly trying to cross the border with them because they all look alike and they might accidentally help bring an Arab over here, mingled in?

Is that the argument? Seriously?

Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Donald Trump, that guy running in New Jersey, Art Robinson, okay. This guy’s chair of the … Armed Services Committee in the House, thanks to the Republican party!

They should start tying a bell around these guys or something so we can tell when they’re coming.