Another Obamacare delay 9/26/13


The Force is With Me
There have been so many delays, I think I'll start to date them.

The Obama administration is delaying another piece of Obamacare — this time postponing enrollment in most of the small-business exchanges scheduled to open Oct. 1.

Small businesses looking to enroll in coverage on so-called SHOP exchanges run by the federal government can start their applications on Oct. 1 — they just won’t be able to enroll online until November.

The one-month delay is not a major blow to the health care law — the exchanges for individuals are still expected to open on time. But it’s yet another PR headache for the White House as it ramps up a major Obamacare sales pitch just five days before open enrollment is scheduled to begin.


POLITICO learned of the delay Thursday morning as President Barack Obama delivered an impassioned defense of the health law in Maryland.

Also on Thursday, The Associated Press reported that the Spanish-language version of, the administration’s main Obamacare website, won’t be ready on Oct. 1 either — a delay that could cause problems for the effort to sign up Hispanics, a key health care constituency.

The SHOP applications represent the latest glitch in the federal exchange infrastructure. Federal health officials recently said they won’t be able to transfer Medicaid applications to states right away, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week.

Almost 4 years after the law is signed it's still not ready for prime time. It didn't take this long for Medicare or Social Security to be put in place.

... more to come.
I caught the Obama (Maryland ) speech a bit on MSNBC - the usual.
Honestly I will prolly (maybe/who knows?) use the exchange, but not in any hurry to do so. Coverage doesn't take effect till Jan1.

Wait for others to work out the glitches.