Another Obama lie

Big Money

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Obamacare has a new message to seniors: Take two aspirins and find yourself a new doctor in the morning.

Just ask 84-year-old Dorothy Gaillard, a retired book binder and a patient of my father, an Upper East Side primary care physician, for more than two decades.

Gaillard could easily find a doctor near her Queens home, but she dutifully makes a 45-minute schlep to my father’s office for uniquely personal care. He takes her blood pressure himself and even schedules her next appointment, tasks that most doctors shunt off to assistants.

Last Saturday, Gaillard called my father, aghast about a letter she had just received from the Medicare Advantage program of UnitedHealthcare.

Gaillard, one of close to 900,000 aged New Yorkers covered by Medicare Advantage, was informed that my father’s contract was being terminated effective Jan. 1; she would need to find another doctor.

“I couldn’t believe it,” she recalled. “Something ain’t right.”

That something is Obamacare.
I love it....he lies, and he's still the President of the United States of America, and there is nothing you can do about it. Bush and Cheney lied too. I guess it comes with the office.
How does it feel to be impotent? LOLOLOLOL

She lied, too.

Due to reductions in funding under the law, the Medicare Advantage programs, in which Medicare provides money for private insurers to cover seniors, have quietly started to cancel the contracts of providers to save money.

Although there was much attention last week to the fact that many health insurance plans purchased on the individual market will be cancelled under Obamacare, the havoc it is wreaking on Medicare Advantage patients and their providers has been barely noticed.

Yet this is exactly what critics of the program have warned, even as its slavish defenders vehemently denied any coming ill effects.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) was pooh-poohed after he said “the chances are that soon seniors will open up your mail to the bad news that your Medicare Advantage has been changed - in a negative way for you - because of Obamacare.”

In order to fund other aspects of the program, Obamacare cuts $717 billion from Medicare over 10 years; $154 billion of that will come from Medicare Advantage.
Citi analyst Carl McDonald warned his clients earlier this year that government payments to Medicare Advantage programs would decrease by 7% or 8% in 2014, proving “enormously disruptive to Medicare Advantage, likely forcing a number of smaller plans out of the business and creating disarray for many seniors.”

McDonald could not be reached for comment, but his warning has come to fruition.

According to New York State Medical Society president Sam Unterricht, UnitedHealthcare is canceling the contracts of 2,100 Medicare Advantage doctors, with nearly 8,000 patients, in the New York metropolitan area.

Brooklyn internist Mitchell Lipton, who has 60 UnitedHealthcare Medical Advantage patients, received a cancellation notice from UnitedHealthcare two weeks ago.

“My reaction was: I hate Obamacare.”