Another MJ article

usf, fucking smoke a joint, and you will quickly see how ignorant you are of this issue. your mind will be blown.
What does that have to do with the article and the comment from way back when?

well for starters, from your blurb it doesn't make any mention of things not being safer, just that more drivers have it in their system. secondly you speak from a position of ignorance, you put MJ in your head as this big bad thing, but it's a fact, it's WAY safer than alcohol in every regard. you can die if you drink too much alcohol. you will NEVER die from smoking too much weed. you can't overdose on weed. you don't get weed poisoning. weed doesn't make you aggressive, it doesn't make you get into stoner fights. anyone that drinks alcohol but is for banning or limiting weed is a grade A hypocrite. simple as that.
look at this bullshit. you can get years in jail for lsd, ecstasy, etc, but alcohol and tobacco which kill millions every year is celebrate by our culture. fucking insanity.
More drivers test positive for pot in Washington state since legalization, but reasons unclear

In a post long buried, during a discussion on MJ legalization; it was stated that people don't smoke MJ and then drive, therefore it's safer then alcohol.


It's simple.

Marijuana stays in the system far longer than alcohol.

One can smoke marijuana and it will STILL be found in the bloodstream days later.

Of course don't look for a logical/rational explanation from ol dim Bulb USF.

He's just posting the same stupid shit he always posts.
well for starters, from your blurb it doesn't make any mention of things not being safer, just that more drivers have it in their system. secondly you speak from a position of ignorance, you put MJ in your head as this big bad thing, but it's a fact, it's WAY safer than alcohol in every regard. you can die if you drink too much alcohol. you will NEVER die from smoking too much weed. you can't overdose on weed. you don't get weed poisoning. weed doesn't make you aggressive, it doesn't make you get into stoner fights. anyone that drinks alcohol but is for banning or limiting weed is a grade A hypocrite. simple as that.

Now that you've had your little tirade; would you care to point out where I said the article had anything to do with anything not being safer?
It's also apparent that you have no idea of my stance on MJ; because I've never said MJ was a bad thing.

Is widdle gwindy whindy having a bad day?
Correct; but you left off the part where I stated in was in a post long buried, during a discussion on MJ legalization; it was stated that people don't smoke MJ and then drive, therefore it's safer then alcohol.


Do you plan on responding to the requests that you explain yourself?

Wait a minute...what am I saying?

OF COURSE you don't plan on answering anyone's requests!
Correct; but you left off the part where I stated in was in a post long buried, during a discussion on MJ legalization; it was stated that people don't smoke MJ and then drive, therefore it's safer then alcohol.

it's clear from your OP that you were taking issue with the claim that MJ is safer.
it's clear from your OP that you were taking issue with the claim that MJ is safer.

No; because my "OOPS" had to do with the idea that people who smoke MJ don't drive and I said so, in my post under the OP.
Someone had said it was because if you smoke enough to be impaired, then you usually get tired and go to sleep and yet someone else had said that sleepy drivers were more dangerous.

You just have a desire to try and make it appear that MJ has no negative side affects, when it comes to driving.
You just have a desire to try and make it appear that MJ has no negative side affects, when it comes to driving.

i didn't say that. my only issue is with your statement about it not being safer than alcohol. not all drugs are the same, even if it isn't safe to smoke and then drive, your OP postulates that it's ridiculous to assume that it's safer. you suggest it isn't and that those that said weed was safer are wrong, yet the article you posted in the OP doesn't stipulate that at all.
i didn't say that. my only issue is with your statement about it not being safer than alcohol. not all drugs are the same, even if it isn't safe to smoke and then drive, your OP postulates that it's ridiculous to assume that it's safer. you suggest it isn't and that those that said weed was safer are wrong, yet the article you posted in the OP doesn't stipulate that at all.

Once again, you decide to focus on minutiae instead of what I said.
My comment was directed to the presentation, by others, that smokers of MJ don't smoke and drive; but you go right ahead and keep beating your chest and complaining at the top of your lungs.