Another great example of how snopes is full of shit.

why would I care about that? I think you missed the point of the thread. snopes is a garbage source. a far left loon site masquerading as a paragon of truth.

Appears the poster that offered the topic post doesn't know what an edited film is, especially when it comes via something called "Rezii2k," then again, O'Keefe has made a killing supplying Fox with edited films for years
The only people I have heard booing Biden, are those whose candidate they chose, seriously got his ass whooped by Joe Biden in the election!


I suppose- Trumptards feel, if you can't beat them- BOO THEM!

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lol, ok then. /facepalm

you can keep denying reality. Its not hard to imagine him getting booed.

hes not a god you know.

Now we got something called "Rezii2k" replaced by something called "Heavy," probably both blogger living in their mother's basement

Are you daft, "Snoopes" ran numerous videos from an array of recognized sources and concluded there is no evidence to support if Biden was booed or not booed, give it up, your "point" is inane


Leftists stink tank Media Matters for America hired Talia Lavin, a former fact checker for The New Yorker, less than a month after she left the magazine over a tweet falsely accusing a disabled ICE employee of having a Nazi tattoo.

The leftist media "watchdog group" employed Lavin as a "researcher on far-right extremism", she said.

“Some personal news: I’m delighted to be joining Media Matters next week as a researcher on far-right extremism and the alt-right, part of a brand-new team,” she wrote. “I’ll be working full-time with some of the smartest, most passionate people in media right now and I’m psyched.”

:rolleyes: More like "psycho", I'd say.[
why would I care about that? I think you missed the point of the thread. snopes is a garbage source. a far left loon site masquerading as a paragon of truth.

Considering the sources you rely on, you should be an expert on lies and garbage. Thats all the right wing has to offer these days.

At the end Biden goes into dementia land talking about the 440,000 lives given up to Covid. On Super bowl day they were past 470,000 and climbing rapidly. Shows how much he really cares when they are stacking up on his watch.
Bullshit, seems "copy and paste" has borrowed "nightengale's" list of fallacies he got off of Google If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, common sense tells you it is a duck

The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance that is based solely on someone's or something's history, origin, or source rather than its current meaning or context. This overlooks any difference to be found in the present situation, typically transferring the positive or negative esteem from the earlier context.

Poor Anchovies.
At the end Biden goes into dementia land talking about the 440,000 lives given up to Covid. On Super bowl day they were past 470,000 and climbing rapidly. Shows how much he really cares when they are stacking up on his watch.

Don't worry, Skipper, the WHO suddenly "discovered" that too many new cases of Bidenvirus were being diagnosed incorrectly.

It's just a coincidence that they made the announcement of this "revelation" on January 20.
The genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance that is based solely on someone's or something's history, origin, or source rather than its current meaning or context. This overlooks any difference to be found in the present situation, typically transferring the positive or negative esteem from the earlier context.

Poor Anchovies.

Once again, common sense, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it sure as hell ain't an elephant
Don't worry, Skipper, the WHO suddenly "discovered" that too many new cases of Bidenvirus were being diagnosed incorrectly.

It's just a coincidence that they made the announcement of this "revelation" on January 20.
