America’s Second Amendment Kills Another Good Samaritan

cancel2 2022

If you live in America you can own a gun. You can own a handgun, or a semi-automatic assault rifle, as well as any number of weapons designed to kill people. According to the gun nuts and the terrified sheep that represent them in congress, owning a gun is a constitutional right, and every one must exercise that right, even if they’re not so inclined.

As a result hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people across the nation die from gun inflicted wounds. Sometimes it’s criminals killing criminals, which reduces the surplus population of criminals and is quite acceptable, but more often than not it’s children killing children and neighbor killing neighbor because of carelessness, negligence, or just plain ignorance. In some cases it’s being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When Jesus Solis saw three men forcing a woman to dance with them at a Texas sports bar around 2am yesterday, he was quick to come to the woman’s defense. It was a move that ultimately proved deadly. The owner of Vara’s Sports Bar in Houston says Solis, 39, was a regular customer, and that he told the men the woman had a boyfriend as he stepped in to help, KTRK reports. One of the men then reportedly went outside to get a gun; witnesses say a fight broke out, and one of the suspects shot Solis in the leg then fired again as Solis walked away, killing the Good Samaritan.

This could have been worse if the victim had his own gun, and a good ole fashioned wild, wild west shootout had taken place. Just imagine bullets going everywhere, patrons dropping like flies. That’s what fanatics like Wayne LaPierre want to see: everyone with a gun, ready to kill at a moment’s notice. It’s their constitutional right after all.
Police are looking for the shooter and the men who accompanied him, none of whom Solis is thought to have known. Vara’s owner says the incident occurred as customers were being let out, and adds that the suspect left a bloody shirt behind, the Houston Chronicle reports. “The individuals entered the bar close to closing time [and] immediately began to confront bar patrons that were already inside,” confirms a sergeant. (It was a bad week for Good Samaritans: The Georgia man who was paralyzed in early June while trying to save a young girl died Friday.)
much better for the 'good Samaritan' to die being brave than risk the entire city being shot up as bullets fly everywhere. god knows how many kids could have been killed. he should have just left it to the police and minded his own fucking business. he wasn't being paid to keep order.
If you live in America you can own a gun. You can own a handgun, or a semi-automatic assault rifle,
Stop right there. It's clear the author has no idea what the hell they're talking about.

as well as any number of weapons designed to kill people. According to the gun nuts and the terrified sheep that represent them in congress, owning a gun is a constitutional right, and every one must exercise that right, even if they’re not so inclined.
Again, clearly the author has no facts or logic and is resorting to, among other things, a laundry list of logical fallacies. We're one paragraph into this (well, if you can call it a paragraph) and we can already discount the author as willfully ignorant on what he/she is writing about.
Sometimes it’s criminals killing criminals, which reduces the surplus population of criminals and is quite acceptable
If 75% is sometimes, then yes.
but more often than not it’s children killing children and neighbor killing neighbor because of carelessness, negligence, or just plain ignorance.
And once again, the author is just plain wrong. Firearms death for youth are one of the LOWEST causes of death in this nation. Statistically they barely exist in any capacity and can be viewed as irrelevant (from a statistical point of view).

When Jesus Solis saw three men forcing a woman to dance with them at a Texas sports bar around 2am yesterday, he was quick to come to the woman’s defense. It was a move that ultimately proved deadly. The owner of Vara’s Sports Bar in Houston says Solis, 39, was a regular customer, and that he told the men the woman had a boyfriend as he stepped in to help, KTRK reports. One of the men then reportedly went outside to get a gun; witnesses say a fight broke out, and one of the suspects shot Solis in the leg then fired again as Solis walked away, killing the Good Samaritan.
So wait, because criminals do something that is criminal, it is indicative of....what? Beyond their own criminality I mean.

This could have been worse if the victim had his own gun, and a good ole fashioned wild, wild west shootout had taken place.
Except no, it almost certainly wouldn't have been worse. All statistical evidence shows that resistance with a firearm has the LOWEST risk of associated death.
Just imagine bullets going everywhere, patrons dropping like flies.
He's confusing private citizens with POLICE here. Not sure why, as it's incredibly uncommon for citizens in defensive shootings to hit innocent people. As in it's 5x as likely for it to happen with police.
That’s what fanatics like Wayne LaPierre want to see: everyone with a gun, ready to kill at a moment’s notice. It’s their constitutional right after all.
More logical fallacies.....I don't think there is a single sentence here besides the paragraph detailing the event, that isn't dripping with them.
Police are looking for the shooter and the men who accompanied him, none of whom Solis is thought to have known. Vara’s owner says the incident occurred as customers were being let out, and adds that the suspect left a bloody shirt behind, the Houston Chronicle reports. “The individuals entered the bar close to closing time [and] immediately began to confront bar patrons that were already inside,” confirms a sergeant. (It was a bad week for Good Samaritans: The Georgia man who was paralyzed in early June while trying to save a young girl died Friday.)
Ok, I guess there aren't any logical fallacies here either.
If you live in America you can own a gun. You can own a handgun, or a semi-automatic assault rifle, as well as any number of weapons designed to kill people. According to the gun nuts and the terrified sheep that represent them in congress, owning a gun is a constitutional right, and every one must exercise that right, even if they’re not so inclined.

As a result hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people across the nation die from gun inflicted wounds. Sometimes it’s criminals killing criminals, which reduces the surplus population of criminals and is quite acceptable, but more often than not it’s children killing children and neighbor killing neighbor because of carelessness, negligence, or just plain ignorance. In some cases it’s being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When Jesus Solis saw three men forcing a woman to dance with them at a Texas sports bar around 2am yesterday, he was quick to come to the woman’s defense. It was a move that ultimately proved deadly. The owner of Vara’s Sports Bar in Houston says Solis, 39, was a regular customer, and that he told the men the woman had a boyfriend as he stepped in to help, KTRK reports. One of the men then reportedly went outside to get a gun; witnesses say a fight broke out, and one of the suspects shot Solis in the leg then fired again as Solis walked away, killing the Good Samaritan.

This could have been worse if the victim had his own gun, and a good ole fashioned wild, wild west shootout had taken place. Just imagine bullets going everywhere, patrons dropping like flies. That’s what fanatics like Wayne LaPierre want to see: everyone with a gun, ready to kill at a moment’s notice. It’s their constitutional right after all.
Police are looking for the shooter and the men who accompanied him, none of whom Solis is thought to have known. Vara’s owner says the incident occurred as customers were being let out, and adds that the suspect left a bloody shirt behind, the Houston Chronicle reports. “The individuals entered the bar close to closing time [and] immediately began to confront bar patrons that were already inside,” confirms a sergeant. (It was a bad week for Good Samaritans: The Georgia man who was paralyzed in early June while trying to save a young girl died Friday.)
If you live in America you can own a gun. You can own a handgun, or a semi-automatic assault rifle, as well as any number of weapons designed to kill people. According to the gun nuts and the terrified sheep that represent them in congress, owning a gun is a constitutional right, and every one must exercise that right, even if they’re not so inclined.

As a result hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people across the nation die from gun inflicted wounds. Sometimes it’s criminals killing criminals, which reduces the surplus population of criminals and is quite acceptable, but more often than not it’s children killing children and neighbor killing neighbor because of carelessness, negligence, or just plain ignorance. In some cases it’s being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When Jesus Solis saw three men forcing a woman to dance with them at a Texas sports bar around 2am yesterday, he was quick to come to the woman’s defense. It was a move that ultimately proved deadly. The owner of Vara’s Sports Bar in Houston says Solis, 39, was a regular customer, and that he told the men the woman had a boyfriend as he stepped in to help, KTRK reports. One of the men then reportedly went outside to get a gun; witnesses say a fight broke out, and one of the suspects shot Solis in the leg then fired again as Solis walked away, killing the Good Samaritan.

This could have been worse if the victim had his own gun, and a good ole fashioned wild, wild west shootout had taken place. Just imagine bullets going everywhere, patrons dropping like flies. That’s what fanatics like Wayne LaPierre want to see: everyone with a gun, ready to kill at a moment’s notice. It’s their constitutional right after all.
Police are looking for the shooter and the men who accompanied him, none of whom Solis is thought to have known. Vara’s owner says the incident occurred as customers were being let out, and adds that the suspect left a bloody shirt behind, the Houston Chronicle reports. “The individuals entered the bar close to closing time [and] immediately began to confront bar patrons that were already inside,” confirms a sergeant. (It was a bad week for Good Samaritans: The Georgia man who was paralyzed in early June while trying to save a young girl died Friday.)

The gun debate hasn't been about guns in general.

The NRA made it about guns in general when they stated that "hammers killed more people than rifles this year"

Ignorant statements like this and others created a wildfire of uneducated American citizens who will quickly state they need all guns and stop the focus on the real matter of "guns with massacre potential".

I have tons of guns. But I'm still open to the debate about guns manufactured to kill people and not game we eat. I'm still open to the talk about 100 round mags. I'm still open to talks about silencer/suppressors.

I think I will always have my guns. But I will never have a gun set-up that is a threat to a crowd because rednecks like me don't need one. We shoot game and targets. We don't need a 100 round drum to shoot a deer. We need 1 shot.
The gun debate hasn't been about guns in general.

The NRA made it about guns in general when they stated that "hammers killed more people than rifles this year"

Ignorant statements like this and others created a wildfire of uneducated American citizens who will quickly state they need all guns and stop the focus on the real matter of "guns with massacre potential".

I have tons of guns. But I'm still open to the debate about guns manufactured to kill people and not game we eat. I'm still open to the talk about 100 round mags. I'm still open to talks about silencer/suppressors.

I think I will always have my guns. But I will never have a gun set-up that is a threat to a crowd because rednecks like me don't need one. We shoot game and targets. We don't need a 100 round drum to shoot a deer. We need 1 shot.

Except the 2A isn't about pleasing you fudds.
Seriously, if you're going to be a retarded hunter and negotiate gun rights for legitimate purposes away, just get rid of your guns, grandpa.
Stop right there. It's clear the author has no idea what the hell they're talking about. Again, clearly the author has no facts or logic and is resorting to, among other things, a laundry list of logical fallacies. We're one paragraph into this (well, if you can call it a paragraph) and we can already discount the author as willfully ignorant on what he/she is writing about.
If 75% is sometimes, then yes.
And once again, the author is just plain wrong. Firearms death for youth are one of the LOWEST causes of death in this nation. Statistically they barely exist in any capacity and can be viewed as irrelevant (from a statistical point of view).

So wait, because criminals do something that is criminal, it is indicative of....what? Beyond their own criminality I mean.

Except no, it almost certainly wouldn't have been worse. All statistical evidence shows that resistance with a firearm has the LOWEST risk of associated death.
He's confusing private citizens with POLICE here. Not sure why, as it's incredibly uncommon for citizens in defensive shootings to hit innocent people. As in it's 5x as likely for it to happen with police.
More logical fallacies.....I don't think there is a single sentence here besides the paragraph detailing the event, that isn't dripping with them.
Ok, I guess there aren't any logical fallacies here either.​

Seeing as you've chosen to attempt to trash the author and yet seem unsure as to their sex.

About Michael John Scott

Mr. Scott is the owner and publisher of Mad Mike's America. He is a U.S. Army veteran, career law enforcement executive, and dog trainer. He is a university professor, and criminal justice consultant, holding several degrees, including a master's in criminal justice and human services. He has completed the requisite coursework toward his doctorate, and is still working on his dissertation.​
Seeing as you've chosen to attempt to trash the author and yet seem unsure as to their sex.

About Michael John Scott

Mr. Scott is the owner and publisher of Mad Mike's America. He is a U.S. Army veteran, career law enforcement executive, and dog trainer. He is a university professor, and criminal justice consultant, holding several degrees, including a master's in criminal justice and human services. He has completed the requisite coursework toward his doctorate, and is still working on his dissertation.

What does that have to do with my post?
What does that have to do with my post?


Stop right there. It's clear the author has no idea what the hell they're talking about. Again, clearly the author has no facts or logic and is resorting to, among other things, a laundry list of logical fallacies. We're one paragraph into this (well, if you can call it a paragraph) and we can already discount the author as willfully ignorant on what he/she is writing about.
much better for the 'good Samaritan' to die being brave than risk the entire city being shot up as bullets fly everywhere. god knows how many kids could have been killed. he should have just left it to the police and minded his own fucking business. he wasn't being paid to keep order.

You have consistently pointed out the shortcomings of the police in the past. Indeed, you were only saying the other day that you would shoot someone that was caught in the act of rape, yet here you are saying that it's nobody's business.
I am intrigued to know why you've chosen to concentrate on a side issue rather than the fact that somebody was killed for coming to the aid of a woman being harassed.

Because that's the premise of the article, that because we recognize a right to arms and defense someone innocent died. That's as faulty as a premise gets and the author engages in multiple logical fallacies and either outright it.orance or worse outright lies.
much better for the 'good Samaritan' to die being brave than risk the entire city being shot up as bullets fly everywhere. god knows how many kids could have been killed. he should have just left it to the police and minded his own fucking business. he wasn't being paid to keep order.
You got to be fucking kidding me?
The gun debate hasn't been about guns in general.

The NRA made it about guns in general when they stated that "hammers killed more people than rifles this year"

Ignorant statements like this and others created a wildfire of uneducated American citizens who will quickly state they need all guns and stop the focus on the real matter of "guns with massacre potential".

I have tons of guns. But I'm still open to the debate about guns manufactured to kill people and not game we eat. I'm still open to the talk about 100 round mags. I'm still open to talks about silencer/suppressors.

I think I will always have my guns. But I will never have a gun set-up that is a threat to a crowd because rednecks like me don't need one. We shoot game and targets. We don't need a 100 round drum to shoot a deer. We need 1 shot.
Keep talking sensible like that and your gong to make some gun nut cry.