American Thugs involved in Kenya Mall Shooting says FBI


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"The FBI is investigating whether as many as five Americans were among the small team of terrorists who took over a Kenyan mall and launched a bloodbath that has left at least 68 dead and 175 injured over two days of carnage."

"Two of the purported American jihadists are allegedly from the St. Paul-Minneapolis community in Minnesota, which authorities say is the largest Somali population outside of Mogadishu, with some 85,700 members, according to latest the Census Bureau numbers"

Yours Truly.....I doubt if any of the shooters were Tea Party Members, but I have a suspicion that since it happened in Black Kenya, that if there were any Americans involved, they would have to be your regular in the news thugs....capisce...otherwise they would stand out like sore thumbs? This could happen over here, we need to contact our Congressmen/Gals and tell them that we need to be able to defend ourselves in the USA against all thugs, White or Black, period. We need a National Right to Carry Concealed Weapon Law passed as soon as possible. The Next President should pledge to sign it into law, any Congress Person who will not pledge to pass it should be voted out in 2014.
Security forces launched what they called a final assault late Sunday against Somali militants holed up in a high-end shopping mall, claiming they had freed most of the hostages being held by the gunmen and seized control of much of the building.

Among the dead were three Britons, two French, two Canadians, a Chinese citizen, a Dutch citizen and renowned Ghanaian poet Kofi Awoonor.

U.S. officials said a number of Americans were at the mall at the time of the attack, and four were wounded.

A new account launched Sunday reported that the attackers included a number of Americans. However, analysts said they could not verify the account.

A senior State Department official said the U.S. government could not confirm that Americans were involved, and was seeking more information.,0,3799855.story