Truck Fump / h1b
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Americans must accept the devastation of our manufacturing base by slave labor and currency manipulation by foreign powers. Anything else is racism and protectionism.
Americans must accept their wages being driven lower and lower by an uncontrolled border, and we must subsidize the well being of these people with taxpayer paid services, as they steal our social security numbers and get state tuition at all universities. Anything else is racism and protectionism.
Americans must sit by idly as Theocratic and intolerant religions blossom and grow inside our borders with the intention of subjugating all in their path. Anything less is racism and denial of the constitution.
Americans must accept their wages being driven lower and lower by an uncontrolled border, and we must subsidize the well being of these people with taxpayer paid services, as they steal our social security numbers and get state tuition at all universities. Anything else is racism and protectionism.
Americans must sit by idly as Theocratic and intolerant religions blossom and grow inside our borders with the intention of subjugating all in their path. Anything less is racism and denial of the constitution.