America Is on a Path to Turn into Detroit, and Republicans Are Cool with That?!!


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Your subject was only about Obama and not Clintons' NAFTA. Maybe you should learn politics before posting.

Fox News cult will be Fox News cult. That is one of the few facts in politics.
The OP title is entirely correct and everything wrong with Politics today. The only counter force are the Libertarians who claim Corporations are people and have the ability to make any decision they want.

I tend to think about the reasons so many low incomes are out of work and how to fix it, instead of relying on a few video's to profile those households labeling them as "Society Leeches"

I was told by Libertarian Talk Radio that my daughter enslaves Americans. I was told that people who don't pay taxes, but receive benefits, enslave the rest.

My daughter has Cerebral Palsy. The Libertarians I know personally always state that "I don't mind taxes when it's legit, like in your daughters case" but always post video's on blacks.

So what is it you morons. Do you believe in "survival of the weakest" on human scale or do you believe in "United We Stand"?
Kenneth... The last republican to hold the office of Mayor in Detroit was Louis Miriani who left office in 1962. The reality is, Detroit is going downhill, but it isn't republicans that brought it there.
OK Child. Let's take a POP Quiz. Tell me exactly what decisions Obama made that destroyed Detroit. Inform me of his power in that decision and how he forced America to follow up. You MIGHT learn something, you will PROBABLY learn nothing.

Democrats are to Detroit as Democrats are to the entire country.....Obama is only one of them.....
Kenneth... The last republican to hold the office of Mayor in Detroit was Louis Miriani who left office in 1962. The reality is, Detroit is going downhill, but it isn't republicans that brought it there.
Really Damo? What about the attack of the American auto industry be southern conservative States?
The CEOs killed it by so very badly refusing to change with the market.

that is what happens when you a one industry town and expect the CEOs to give a rats ass about real peoples lives over money
If the CEOs had paid attention to where the market was going in the rest of the world they would have RETOOLED Detroit in a timely manner and remained competitive.

they didn't and you know why?


they were only going to be CEOs for so much longer and the industry would not have been able to PAY THEM as much on the next few years because of the cost of retooling.

they did what CEOs do,

they fucked the company and the city over to get the money for their retirements.

those are the KINGS you worship you fools
Kenneth... The last republican to hold the office of Mayor in Detroit was Louis Miriani who left office in 1962. The reality is, Detroit is going downhill, but it isn't republicans that brought it there.

The prevalence of imported cars on the road has nothing to do with the decline of Detroit?

Only the Mayor could have altered the course of industrial development and consumer preference?

You make me laugh. Too bad because I respect you deeply and yet then you say these remarkably stupid things.
The OP title is entirely correct and everything wrong with Politics today. The only counter force are the Libertarians who claim Corporations are people and have the ability to make any decision they want.

Note that I thanked many of your posts in this thread.

Then we come to this statement.

Where do you get your information?

This libertarian is fiercely opposed to CU.

CU is a product of corporate influence, NOT libertarians.
The car CEOs killed Detroit.

they were the ones who could have made it a priority to keep the business healthy enough to sustain the employment numbers into the future.

They didn't give a rats ass about staying at the top of the market because they only cared about themselves personally.

That is who the republican party wants to be in control of this country.

random guys who get the top seat in a corp.

well,'s some uncomfortable truth for you.....Detroit is run by, explained it I have done.....

Well Jingophat, the entire country's consumer habits ruined Detroit, not whoever was in charge of paying the streetsweepers.

Why are you such a dirty dishonest liar?