Al Sharptons peeps at it again


The 93-year-old had been sleeping at the time and awoke to find the youth in her bedroom.

Taylor was caught by a footprint left at the scene where he had been wearing socks but no shoes.

A witness that night said they had seen the teenager without shoes on, according to police.

The 17-year-old denied the attack but was matched through DNA samples. If is not clear if he targeted the 93-year-old.

The 93-year-old had been sleeping at the time and awoke to find the youth in her bedroom.

Taylor was caught by a footprint left at the scene where he had been wearing socks but no shoes.

A witness that night said they had seen the teenager without shoes on, according to police.

The 17-year-old denied the attack but was matched through DNA samples. If is not clear if he targeted the 93-year-old.

Hopefully this piece of shit will receive some good loving, while he's doing his time; for RAPING AN 93 YEAR OLD WOMEN. :palm:
The age of the victim just makes it more disgusting.

What's puzzling is the absence of the Sob Sisters from threads like these.

Are they tacit rape apologists?
I wouldn't assign the problem exclusively to "Al Sharpton's peeps."

There's a serious problem in this country of young people with no boundaries, insane senses of entitlement, and zero work ethic.

And my medical care in my golden senior years will be paid by them? I think not....
sociopaths come in all colors.

do you realize how fucking stupid you people look doing this?

maybe you like being seen as stupid and racist
sociopaths come in all colors.

do you realize how fucking stupid you people look doing this?

maybe you like being seen as stupid and racist

I told you I would stop when you can find similar actions of whites toward blacks. Remember when you and SamBAC said that it was "open season on blacks" after the Zimmerman trial? I have scoured the internets and have yet to find any white on black crime that rivals what I have been posting.

Go find some then I will stop. Or you can admit I am right. It is up to you.

You are just pissed because you know I am right and you are wrong. You think you are helping blacks by not calling them out, but you are only crippling them. You let SamBAC run around this place with his chip on his shoulder and you bow down to him as if you owe him anything. The only thing we owe each other is mutual respect as a person. I tried that with SamBAC, he chose hostilities. So fuck him. I will treat him like he deserves to be treated.
The age of the victim just makes it more disgusting.

What's puzzling is the absence of the Sob Sisters from threads like these.

Are they tacit rape apologists?

They're in a quandary.

Their mindset of "must defend blacks, no matter what"; is conflicting with their mindset of "must condemn all men as rapists".
It's created such a problem, that their vapor locked; until their told what to say, by some liberal site.
They're in a quandary. Their mindset of "must defend blacks, no matter what"; is conflicting with their mindset of "must condemn all men as rapists". It's created such a problem, that their vapor locked; until their told what to say, by some liberal site.

Maybe you have something there. I see no condemnation of the vicious attack from the Sob Sisters.