AHZ, is Bloomberg the end of times?


I was just wondering - for the first time in history, the Jews finally have a direct chance of getting a stranglehold over our legitimate government (as opposed to just all the money in the world, and the illegitamate "shadow" North American government that we all KNOW exists from those websites you posted). What is your response to this? Will he destroy the world? How will the Jews use this to their advantage to prove the existence of 1/3rd, the holocaust, and other such historical innacuracies?
Just cus' a few million, I mean, hundred thousand, were murderd, I mean, collateraly damaged by Hitler doesn't give them the right to run for president. What gall. Only white, heterosexual Christians have that right. It was in the constitution until the "shadow North American government" replaced it with THEIR constitution, under the noses of all the Americans who now sit idly by!
Unless they are Jewish of coarse (or Noahides, God forbid!). So where do you keep your hammer and popsickle then?

I don't even have a problem if jews want a separate state. They need to stop condemning that desire in others and stop pilfering our government to achieve their ends. They need to rid themselves of their double standards and their dishonest opportunism.
I actually agree that Israel needs to be more responsible. They need to pull all settlers and troops out of the West Bank, relinquish some control over Jerusalem, and recognize a sovereign Palestinian state. Perhaps we could reduce funding as well.
I actually agree that Israel needs to be more responsible. They need to pull all settlers and troops out of the West Bank, relinquish some control over Jerusalem, and recognize a sovereign Palestinian state. Perhaps we could reduce funding as well.

You're hitler.;)
I don't even have a problem if jews want a separate state. They need to stop condemning that desire in others and stop pilfering our government to achieve their ends. They need to rid themselves of their double standards and their dishonest opportunism.

Word to your mother.