Adrian Grenier On Obama's Marijuana Use: Imagine If He Was Busted For Inhaling

The Dude

Adrian Grenier On Obama's Marijuana Use: Imagine If He Was Busted For Inhaling

Alexandra Schuster

Posted: 06/26/2013 9:45 am EDT
Updated: 06/26/2013 11:03 am EDT

Adrian Grenier and Matthew Cooke, producer and director of "How to Make Money Selling Drugs," joined HuffPost Live's Mike Sacks to talk about their new documentary and the implications of this country's drug policies for American citizens, especially minorities.

"Let's just have a real conversation," Grenier said. "How many people do you know who tried drugs recreationally, a glass of wine? How many people do you know who smoke where it doesn't have a major effect on their lives? They don't become addicts."

The actor, who made his name as Entourage's pot-smoking movie star Vinny Chase, continued, "And were we to throw them in jail, it would devastate their lives, they wouldn't be able to get college loans."

To hammer their point home, the filmmakers brought President Obama into the picture. "Imagine if Barack Obama had been busted for inhaling," said Cooke. "In that single moment when the SWAT teams came in and raided him, he wouldn't have been able to become president of the United States, and not only that, he couldn't have had a good job at all."

"He would have, as a black man, been less likely to get a good income in any job," Cooke continued. "He would have likely been prosecuted more than any white dealer or user."

A recent analysis by Americans For Safe Access, a pro-medical marijuana group, just revealed that the Obama Administration has spent $289 million fighting its use in states that have legalized the substance.

Grenier rounded out the debate, proclaiming, "I think [Obama] owes it to himself and future Obamas to stop this madness."