AARP: Seniors are livid with the Right Wing Media: "Stop mocking Biden's age"

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Joe Capitalist

Racism is a disease
AARP: Seniors are livid with the Right Wing Media: "Stop mocking Biden's age"

Seniors are lambasting the Right Wing Media for incessantly mocking President Biden's age (78 years old). The persistent strategy by the Far Right media is getting too 'close to home' for many seniors over 70.

"There are Senators in Congress in their 80s. There are Doctors, CEOs in their 80s doing their jobs and doing them well. Leave President Biden alone." said an 82 year old man in Arizona.
"People in their 80s stumble. They stutter and stammer. It doesn't mean they have Dementia. Stop it", said a 83 year old woman in Nebraska".

One metric that should should cause the Far Right media concern: In the last eight Presidential Elections, Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Seniors have been one of their strongest, most reliable demographics for Republicans. But if they continue with the Biden Bashing because of his age, the right may potentially lose this demographic.

"Leave us alone. This whole mindset that people over 80 are weak, frail and can't perform complex tasks is insulting to us. Heck, my doctor is 87 and he's great." said another 80 year old senior.

It seems like the Right plans to use this attack strategy going forward. President Biden slipped twice walking up the stairs to Air Force One recently and FoxNews and other far right sources jumped on it like a rabbit in heat. They are using it as more evidence that President Biden is too frail to handle the job of POTUS. They may have to re-evaluate their strategy as it may yield less votes in the future from one of their most dependable demographics.
This has to be from the Onion. (Not that seniors wouldn't be upset at people mocking old age but we just had a prior President get mocked for his age, we've had people all across the country say our leaders are too old; Trump, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, etc. Feinstein is regularly being called too old and told she needs to step down in California.) But somehow Seniors are only upset at Far Right Media for calling Biden old?

Consider me skeptical.
This has to be from the Onion. (Not that seniors wouldn't be upset at people mocking old age but we just had a prior President get mocked for his age, we've had people all across the country say our leaders are too old; Trump, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, etc. Feinstein is regularly being called too old and told she needs to step down in California.) But somehow Seniors are only upset at Far Right Media for calling Biden old?

Consider me skeptical.

I don't recall the Left media bashing Trump because of his age. My God! His moronic statements have been going on for years, decades. It's not because of his age. It's because he's a complete fucking moron.

But I agree. There are too many members of Congress over 80. Commercial Pilots are forced into retirement at 65. Why not put a limit on Congress or members of the Supreme Court? Maybe they should take some sort of competency test. But that would probably eliminate many much younger members like The Qanon Lady and Jim Jordan and many others.
Seniors are lambasting the Right Wing Media for incessantly mocking President Biden's age (78 years old). The persistent strategy by the Far Right media is getting too 'close to home' for many seniors over 70.

"There are Senators in Congress in their 80s. There are Doctors, CEOs in their 80s doing their jobs and doing them well. Leave President Biden alone." said an 82 year old man in Arizona.
"People in their 80s stumble. They stutter and stammer. It doesn't mean they have Dementia. Stop it", said a 83 year old woman in Nebraska".

One metric that should should cause the Far Right media concern: In the last eight Presidential Elections, Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Seniors have been one of their strongest, most reliable demographics for Republicans. But if they continue with the Biden Bashing because of his age, the right may potentially lose this demographic.

"Leave us alone. This whole mindset that people over 80 are weak, frail and can't perform complex tasks is insulting to us. Heck, my doctor is 87 and he's great." said another 80 year old senior.

It seems like the Right plans to use this attack strategy going forward. President Biden slipped twice walking up the stairs to Air Force One recently and FoxNews and other far right sources jumped on it like a rabbit in heat. They are using it as more evidence that President Biden is too frail to handle the job of POTUS. They may have to re-evaluate their strategy as it may yield less votes in the future from one of their most dependable demographics.

Lmao I am in AARP's demographic and I say fuck them. The imbecile you voted for is an incompetent moron. Get over it.
I don't recall the Left media bashing Trump because of his age. My God! His moronic statements have been going on for years, decades. It's not because of his age. It's because he's a complete fucking moron.

But I agree. There are too many members of Congress over 80. Commercial Pilots are forced into retirement at 65. Why not put a limit on Congress or members of the Supreme Court? Maybe they should take some sort of competency test. But that would probably eliminate many much younger members like The Qanon Lady and Jim Jordan and many others.

Technically speaking wouldn't this be defined as ageism? To me, if old people are upset over old politicians being called out for their age then that is a non-partisan thing. What you posted seems to me as partisanship hiding behind age.
Technically speaking wouldn't this be defined as ageism? To me, if old people are upset over old politicians being called out for their age then that is a non-partisan thing. What you posted seems to me as partisanship hiding behind age.

I have two good friends who are Commercial Airline Pilots. Both were forced into retirement at 65 over the past few years. Both still have the cognitive ability to continue flying. Why does the FAA have the right to terminate their careers when other professions like Doctors, Judges, Politicians can continue working well into their 80s?

Dementia isn't a natural part of aging but if you're going to have laws that affect Commercial Pilots, shouldn't you apply that to other professions as well?
I have two good friends who are Commercial Airline Pilots. Both were forced into retirement at 65 over the past few years. Both still have the cognitive ability to continue flying. Why does the FAA have the right to terminate their careers when other professions like Doctors, Judges, Politicians can continue working well into their 80s?

Dementia isn't a natural part of aging but if you're going to have laws that affect Commercial Pilots, shouldn't you apply that to other professions as well?

Regarding politicians I have mixed feelings. Generally speaking I like the idea of the young replacing the old. However I don't believe that should be codified into law. Ultimately voters can choose right?
Regarding politicians I have mixed feelings. Generally speaking I like the idea of the young replacing the old. However I don't believe that should be codified into law. Ultimately voters can choose right?

How do you feel about the law that requires Commercial Airline Pilots to retire at 65, but not Doctors, Judges, Bus Drivers?
Seniors are lambasting the Right Wing Media for incessantly mocking President Biden's age (78 years old). The persistent strategy by the Far Right media is getting too 'close to home' for many seniors over 70.

"There are Senators in Congress in their 80s. There are Doctors, CEOs in their 80s doing their jobs and doing them well. Leave President Biden alone." said an 82 year old man in Arizona.
"People in their 80s stumble. They stutter and stammer. It doesn't mean they have Dementia. Stop it", said a 83 year old woman in Nebraska".

One metric that should should cause the Far Right media concern: In the last eight Presidential Elections, Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Seniors have been one of their strongest, most reliable demographics for Republicans. But if they continue with the Biden Bashing because of his age, the right may potentially lose this demographic.

"Leave us alone. This whole mindset that people over 80 are weak, frail and can't perform complex tasks is insulting to us. Heck, my doctor is 87 and he's great." said another 80 year old senior.

It seems like the Right plans to use this attack strategy going forward. President Biden slipped twice walking up the stairs to Air Force One recently and FoxNews and other far right sources jumped on it like a rabbit in heat. They are using it as more evidence that President Biden is too frail to handle the job of POTUS. They may have to re-evaluate their strategy as it may yield less votes in the future from one of their most dependable demographics.

I suspect that #TRE45ON with his downplaying of the pandemic did a lot to cost the QOP a lot of senior votes in 2020. You're right -- this ain't helping them either.
I have two good friends who are Commercial Airline Pilots. Both were forced into retirement at 65 over the past few years. Both still have the cognitive ability to continue flying. Why does the FAA have the right to terminate their careers when other professions like Doctors, Judges, Politicians can continue working well into their 80s?

Dementia isn't a natural part of aging but if you're going to have laws that affect Commercial Pilots, shouldn't you apply that to other professions as well?

I don't know what the FAA's rationale is, but it likely has more to do with reaction time than it does with cognitive ability. But why not let them continue flying as co-pilots, if they can pass the physical and cognitive tests?
I suspect that #TRE45ON with his downplaying of the pandemic did a lot to cost the QOP a lot of senior votes in 2020. You're right -- this ain't helping them either.

After the Jan 6 Capitol Riots and how the Republicans in Congress responded, I don't know if I can ever vote for someone with an (R) after their name. And I used to vote R about 70% of the time.
Since they lost the election on Nov 3rd, Republicans sound more like Trump RINOs than Republicans.
TBH, never gave it much thought. Is there science behind it or just arbitrary?

Seems arbitrary to me. Commercial Airlines also had a mandatory 38 y.o. retirement for Airline Stewardesses at one time that was outlawed in the mid 1960s after many Stewardesses brought lawsuits.
After the Jan 6 Capitol Riots and how the Republicans in Congress responded, I don't know if I can ever vote for someone with an (R) after their name. And I used to vote R about 70% of the time.
Since they lost the election on Nov 3rd, Republicans sound more like Trump RINOs than Republicans.

That must be difficult, seeing the party and principles you used to support being flushed down the sewer. Would you return to the fold if #TRE45ON starts his own party and draws the crazy unto him and away from the GOP? Or is it too late for them?
Trump's problem is he is stupid and immature. He is a bad, selfish person and governed that way. It is not an age problem. He has always acted that way.
The Republican party has been led down a path to the sewer by the PIED PIPER- DONALD TRUMP!

First of all, MEANNESS is not TOUGHNESS! MEANNESS is not a strength- but is rather a sign of WEAKNESS!

Let me tell you what some of the toughest things in the world are to weak people- And that is the TRUTH!

The Truth is so tough for weak people- They fight it- They distort it- THEY TOTALLY RESIST IT AND THEY REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT!

Here is another tough one for weak people- REALITY! WEAK PEOPLE refuse to accept reality- IT'S JUST TOO TOUGH FOR THEM!

So weak people create a false reality to surround themselves in.

Another Tough thing in this world are FACTS! Weak people do not rely upon FACTS! FACTS ARE TOO TOUGH FOR WEAK PEOPLE- SO IN TURN THEY JUST MAKE UP THEIR OWN!

DEMOCRACY is tough and one of the strongest things in the entire world! In fact, in a Democratic Society where a majority rules, the power is in the numbers. THIS FACT- IS TOO TOUGH FOR WEAK PEOPLE!

So when a leader is weak, and he does not face the truth, or reality, or the facts, and has no respect for Democracy- THEY WILL LEAD YOU DOWN A PATH OF SELF-DESTRUCTION!


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That must be difficult, seeing the party and principles you used to support being flushed down the sewer. Would you return to the fold if #TRE45ON starts his own party and draws the crazy unto him and away from the GOP? Or is it too late for them?

If they stop kissing Trump's ass to get re-elected, maybe. I still like a few Republicans but most of them are Trumpaholics.
Matt Goetz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, John Kennedy, Qanon Boebert, Qanon Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz. These are the ones getting most of the Right's air time and I would NEVER consider voting for them. They're so far up Donald Trump's rectum, they look like polyps.
This has to be from the Onion. (Not that seniors wouldn't be upset at people mocking old age but we just had a prior President get mocked for his age, we've had people all across the country say our leaders are too old; Trump, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, etc. Feinstein is regularly being called too old and told she needs to step down in California.) But somehow Seniors are only upset at Far Right Media for calling Biden old?

Consider me skeptical.

Oh stop.

None of the people you mentioned were gone after anywhere near as hard as the right-wingers are haranguing Biden.

When the right gets ahold of something to use as propaganda against the left, they are like rabid pit bulls.

They clamp down and keep gnawing until they find something else to chomp on and not let go.
Seniors are lambasting the Right Wing Media for incessantly mocking President Biden's age (78 years old). The persistent strategy by the Far Right media is getting too 'close to home' for many seniors over 70.

"There are Senators in Congress in their 80s. There are Doctors, CEOs in their 80s doing their jobs and doing them well. Leave President Biden alone." said an 82 year old man in Arizona.
"People in their 80s stumble. They stutter and stammer. It doesn't mean they have Dementia. Stop it", said a 83 year old woman in Nebraska".

One metric that should should cause the Far Right media concern: In the last eight Presidential Elections, Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Seniors have been one of their strongest, most reliable demographics for Republicans. But if they continue with the Biden Bashing because of his age, the right may potentially lose this demographic.

"Leave us alone. This whole mindset that people over 80 are weak, frail and can't perform complex tasks is insulting to us. Heck, my doctor is 87 and he's great." said another 80 year old senior.

It seems like the Right plans to use this attack strategy going forward. President Biden slipped twice walking up the stairs to Air Force One recently and FoxNews and other far right sources jumped on it like a rabbit in heat. They are using it as more evidence that President Biden is too frail to handle the job of POTUS. They may have to re-evaluate their strategy as it may yield less votes in the future from one of their most dependable demographics.

If they continue with this crap, the Democrats will have to remind the public very effectively in 2024 if Trump (God help us) decides to run again, that he will be 78 at the time.

Same age Biden is now.

I wonder if Trump's advanced age and characteristics if dementia will be anywhere near as important to them then?
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