Joe Capitalist
Racism is a disease
AARP: Seniors are livid with the Right Wing Media: "Stop mocking Biden's age"
Seniors are lambasting the Right Wing Media for incessantly mocking President Biden's age (78 years old). The persistent strategy by the Far Right media is getting too 'close to home' for many seniors over 70.
"There are Senators in Congress in their 80s. There are Doctors, CEOs in their 80s doing their jobs and doing them well. Leave President Biden alone." said an 82 year old man in Arizona.
"People in their 80s stumble. They stutter and stammer. It doesn't mean they have Dementia. Stop it", said a 83 year old woman in Nebraska".
One metric that should should cause the Far Right media concern: In the last eight Presidential Elections, Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Seniors have been one of their strongest, most reliable demographics for Republicans. But if they continue with the Biden Bashing because of his age, the right may potentially lose this demographic.
"Leave us alone. This whole mindset that people over 80 are weak, frail and can't perform complex tasks is insulting to us. Heck, my doctor is 87 and he's great." said another 80 year old senior.
It seems like the Right plans to use this attack strategy going forward. President Biden slipped twice walking up the stairs to Air Force One recently and FoxNews and other far right sources jumped on it like a rabbit in heat. They are using it as more evidence that President Biden is too frail to handle the job of POTUS. They may have to re-evaluate their strategy as it may yield less votes in the future from one of their most dependable demographics.
Seniors are lambasting the Right Wing Media for incessantly mocking President Biden's age (78 years old). The persistent strategy by the Far Right media is getting too 'close to home' for many seniors over 70.
"There are Senators in Congress in their 80s. There are Doctors, CEOs in their 80s doing their jobs and doing them well. Leave President Biden alone." said an 82 year old man in Arizona.
"People in their 80s stumble. They stutter and stammer. It doesn't mean they have Dementia. Stop it", said a 83 year old woman in Nebraska".
One metric that should should cause the Far Right media concern: In the last eight Presidential Elections, Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Seniors have been one of their strongest, most reliable demographics for Republicans. But if they continue with the Biden Bashing because of his age, the right may potentially lose this demographic.
"Leave us alone. This whole mindset that people over 80 are weak, frail and can't perform complex tasks is insulting to us. Heck, my doctor is 87 and he's great." said another 80 year old senior.
It seems like the Right plans to use this attack strategy going forward. President Biden slipped twice walking up the stairs to Air Force One recently and FoxNews and other far right sources jumped on it like a rabbit in heat. They are using it as more evidence that President Biden is too frail to handle the job of POTUS. They may have to re-evaluate their strategy as it may yield less votes in the future from one of their most dependable demographics.