(1) End all subsidies
(2) Eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development; the Department of Education; eliminate the Department of Labor; eliminate the Department of Energy; eliminate the Department of Labor.
(3) Pass a balanced budget amendment.
(4) Eliminate the current tax code and supplant it with a consumption tax (Fair Tax). This would also cause a significant reduction in the size of the IRS and Congressional staffing levels.
(5) Hold current spending levels at $3 trillion for the next five years, or until the deficit is completely eliminated.
(6) Instutute term limits on Congress: Three terms for House members and Two terms for the Senate.
By implementing these plans, the deficit would evaporate in 3 to 5 years and the economy would be in full recovery above and beyond previous levels.
Unfortunately, the leftist media would attack anyone proposing such initiatives in their typical Marxist clamor for the poor, and the politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle would resist it with all their might because it reduces their power and ability to buy votes.
In addition, as President I would campaign for electoral vote reform in all the states so that there would no longer be a winner take all, but replace it with an allocated system giving voters more of a say in elections and making States that have been completely ignored in the current system relevant again.
The days of watching Ohio, Florida and Virginia decide all our candidates has become old and tiring.
(2) Eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development; the Department of Education; eliminate the Department of Labor; eliminate the Department of Energy; eliminate the Department of Labor.
(3) Pass a balanced budget amendment.
(4) Eliminate the current tax code and supplant it with a consumption tax (Fair Tax). This would also cause a significant reduction in the size of the IRS and Congressional staffing levels.
(5) Hold current spending levels at $3 trillion for the next five years, or until the deficit is completely eliminated.
(6) Instutute term limits on Congress: Three terms for House members and Two terms for the Senate.
By implementing these plans, the deficit would evaporate in 3 to 5 years and the economy would be in full recovery above and beyond previous levels.
Unfortunately, the leftist media would attack anyone proposing such initiatives in their typical Marxist clamor for the poor, and the politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle would resist it with all their might because it reduces their power and ability to buy votes.
In addition, as President I would campaign for electoral vote reform in all the states so that there would no longer be a winner take all, but replace it with an allocated system giving voters more of a say in elections and making States that have been completely ignored in the current system relevant again.
The days of watching Ohio, Florida and Virginia decide all our candidates has become old and tiring.