A new record: the most sea ice in Antarctica in 30 years

cancel2 2022

Never so much sea ice at Antarctica in the last 30 years

In light of global warming, it seems paradoxical that the sea ice cover of the Southern Ocean has covered a larger area in the past month than in the last decades. Only in the mid-70s was observed a similar expansion.

The means were 19.48 million in September 2013 square kilometers, an area once covered more than 50 times larger than Germany with sea ice. The absolute maximum of 19.65 million square kilometers was reached on 18 of September. Although this maximum in the ice-covered surface can not be equated with a maximum of the total volume or mass, suggest that sea ice physicist Marcel Nicolaus and Stefan Hendricks from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) “This winter there is in Antarctica as much ice as long gone, if it has ever been since the beginning of the regular satellite observations ever so much sea ice.”

To be able to make such statements in certain future, the researchers of the Alfred Wegener Institute is currently also the thickness of sea ice in the Antarctic work together with colleagues from different institutions that they can derive from satellite observations. In the Arctic, it has recently become possible, although there are significant differences between Arctic and Antarctic. The snow is thick, inhomogeneous and does not melt completely in summer. In addition, sea ice is formed at the top, a phenomenon that is encountered less frequently in the Arctic. Then there can also be calculated from the thickness and extent of sea ice volume in the future.

Read more: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/10/24/a-new-record-the-most-sea-ice-in-antarctica-in-30-years-by-extent-and-by-volume/
The increase of sea ice which is merely a thin layer of ice is due to melting ice caps. Basically the icecaps melt and as the colder water hits the ocean water it freezes and the process continues resulting in expanding sea ice.
The increase of sea ice which is merely a thin layer of ice is due to melting ice caps. Basically the icecaps melt and as the colder water hits the ocean water it freezes and the process continues resulting in expanding sea ice.


Formation of sea ice

Only the top layer of water needs to cool to the freezing point. Convection of the surface layer involves the top 100 – 150 m, down to the pycnocline of increased density.

In calm water, the first sea ice to form on the surface is a skim of separate crystals which initially are in the form of tiny discs, floating flat on the surface and of diameter less than 0.3 centimetres (0.12 in). Each disc has its c-axis vertical and grows outwards laterally. At a certain point such a disc shape becomes unstable, and the growing isolated crystals take on a hexagonal, stellar form, with long fragile arms stretching out over the surface. These crystals also have their c-axis vertical. The dendritic arms are very fragile, and soon break off, leaving a mixture of discs and arm fragments. With any kind of turbulence in the water, these fragments break up further into random-shaped small crystals which form a suspension of increasing density in the surface water, an ice type called frazil or grease ice. In quiet conditions the frazil crystals soon freeze together to form a continuous thin sheet of young ice; in its early stages, when it is still transparent — that is the ice called nilas. Once nilas has formed, a quite different growth process occurs, in which water freezes on to the bottom of the existing ice sheet, a process called congelation growth. This growth process yields first-year ice.

In rough water, fresh sea ice is formed by the cooling of the ocean as heat is lost into the atmosphere. The uppermost layer of the ocean is supercooled to slightly below the freezing point, at which time tiny ice platelets (frazil ice) form. With time, this process leads to a mushy surface layer, known as grease ice. Frazil ice formation may also be started by snowfall, rather than supercooling. Waves and wind then act to compress these ice particles into larger plates, of several meters in diameter, called pancake ice. These float on the ocean surface, and collide with one another, forming upturned edges. In time, the pancake ice plates may themselves be rafted over one another or frozen together into a more solid ice cover, known as consolidated ice pancake ice. Such ice has a very rough appearance on top and bottom.

If sufficient snow falls on sea ice to depress the freeboard below sea level, sea water will flow in and a layer of ice will form of mixed snow/sea water. This is particularly common around Antarctica.
The increase of sea ice which is merely a thin layer of ice is due to melting ice caps. Basically the icecaps melt and as the colder water hits the ocean water it freezes and the process continues resulting in expanding sea ice.


So the ice melts and freezes the water it comes into contact with after it has melted?


Ice formation is due to wind bringing cold air. Ice, having melted, would not be able to cause other other water to freeze. It's already lost the imbalance in thermal energy so it would be impossible for the melted ice, known as water, to cool other water to a point of freezing.
Yes global warming increased the ice, gw is responsible for everything!

And Al Bore is the pimpist playa out there

So the ice melts and freezes the water it comes into contact with after it has melted?


Ice formation is due to wind bringing cold air. Ice, having melted, would not be able to cause other other water to freeze. It's already lost the imbalance in thermal energy so it would be impossible for the melted ice, known as water, to cool other water to a point of freezing.

Of coarse! Because the water is colder then the air! The wind does play a factor but it's actually the icecap and the melting playing the most factor. If you get a glass of water and put ice cubes in it? The water on the top of the glass will start to get COLDER. If it got cold enough it would freeze over! That combined with the cold air produces sea ice. That is why you don't see sea ice forming in the middle of nowhere.
Of coarse! Because the water is colder then the air! The wind does play a factor but it's actually the icecap and the melting playing the most factor. If you get a glass of water and put ice cubes in it? The water on the top of the glass will start to get COLDER. If it got cold enough it would freeze over! That combined with the cold air produces sea ice. That is why you don't see sea ice forming in the middle of nowhere.

I think it is cute when lefties try to get all sciencey

Please go back and re-read your statement that I bolded.

I have never seen ice cubes placed in a glass of water freeze over the water, unless of course that glass of water is then placed in a freezer. You are going to hurt yourself
I think it is cute when lefties try to get all sciencey

Please go back and re-read your statement that I bolded.

I have never seen ice cubes placed in a glass of water freeze over the water, unless of course that glass of water is then placed in a freezer. You are going to hurt yourself

Am I typing too fast for you? I will slow down so you don't hurt your brain.lol What happens when you put ice cubes in a glass of water? What part gets colder first?

Oh and go back and read(IF IT GOT COLD ENOUGH).
Oh and for you guys that are WAYYYYY behind in the GW debate? The deniers lost that debate a LONGGGG time ago. They BOTH now agree that the planet is warming AND the ice caps are melting. The actual debate NOW is??? What is causing the warming. One side states pollution and the guys that are causing the pollution are saying it is a natural earth cycle(so they can keep on polluting and racking up the cash).

If you guys want to know why the usa(NOT Canada) is experiencing more snow fall? It is simply because the melting polar caps due to GW is causing massive cold fronts to form in the polar regions.
Here's how it works:

Hot? It's global warming.

Cold? It's global warming.

Wet? It's global warming.

Dry? It's global warming.

Thaw? It's global warming.

Freeze? It's global warming.

Cloudy? It's global warming.

Sunny? It's global warming.
Here's how it works:

Hot? It's global warming.

Cold? It's global warming.

Wet? It's global warming.

Dry? It's global warming.

Thaw? It's global warming.

Freeze? It's global warming.

Cloudy? It's global warming.

Sunny? It's global warming.

UMMMM 90+% of scientists on BOTH SIDES agree that the planet is warming up(GW is real). The argument now is, what's causing it. Man or mother nature.

You've been swallowing too much mis-information.
It's raining. Global warming.

Maybe you can explain why plants have been budding months earlier in the Northern hemisphere? Maybe you can explain why 30 years ago Canada used to be buried in snow steady and now it only snows a few times a year? Yes it's all part of Al Gore's diabolical plan to sell his GW videos.LOL