A liberal wakes up

Big Money

New member
We're gonna do it anyway, so too bad, so sad. But don't forget - we live in a Democracy. What a joke this is.

From what I read elsewhere, Boehner has sent the message - no vote. So no way is Congress going to be held responsible for this, it's all on Obama and I guess we can't do anything about him anymore. He's never running for anything again. Great little system we've got here huh? Not that it matters. I've no doubt that if Obama decided he did need Congressional authorization (ah, the good ole days), he'd get it. How well I remember the wonderful days in NYC just prior to the IRaqi invasion. I was once almost caught in a Penn Station mob because they found someone's paper lunch bag containing a sandwhich on a train and shut it all down. What a scene. Luckily I was in the position to turn around, walk out, and stay the night in the city. The other poor bastards, not so much. And that was happening every day as Bush terrorized the people of this country with his "imminent chemical attack" warnings.

Obama would do no less. So if they need that 9% number up, they'll get it there. And the dupes will all go along, screaming in terror, run for your lives! Assad is going to release chemical weapons inside the United States, just like Saddam did! What's that? Saddam never released weapons, chemical or otherwise here? Well, close enough! HE almost did! I should know! I was there for the big sandwhich scare of 2003!

