A color-free world

Isn’t that what we’re after? I remember a bad TV movie called the “Lathe of Heaven,” where the main character could dream basically any scenario, and it would come true. They asked him to rid the world of prejudice, and he dreamed a world where we were all part black, part white, part middle-eastern, part oriental, etc.

How do WE get there? Do we get there with Obama saying he could have been Trayvon? Do we get there with BAC and Desh calling anything that moves a racist, and focusing on what divides us instead of what we have in common? Or with those who agree with them telling us that we can't disagree, because we're not black? Do we get there by making the GZ trial ALL about race…instead of what it is, which is one crazy idiot doing something stupid, it getting out of hand, and there not being enough evidence or any law to put him in jail?

People need to step off of their self-righteous mountain & take a good, long, hard look at what their goal is – what they want for society, and the best way to achieve that. To me, you don’t achieve that by drawing lines, and creating sides. Everyone can change; everyone has changed.
Roddenberry was so far ahead of his time.

I once played a drinking game where I had to drink every time those 2 characters spoke. I didn't quite make it to the end.
You're like a child....in your own little world of make believe...
color free, huh ?
murder free
robbery free
rape free
hate free
sickness free
how about free mansions for all
BMW's for everyone
50 weeks vacation for all....better yet, no work for anyone
all the coke you can stuff up your nose and all the weed you can inhale
how about free healthcare for the world....

damn lad, its time to wake up and smell the roses and then sniff the shit in your toilet....thats reality....there is good and there is evil, always was and always will be....
and realize, there will always be some people that need killing to protect those that don't...sad as that is....its got nothing to do with race.
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Jeez - bravo certainly is one sick, hateful fuck.

He does rant well....don't make a lick of sense....but you have to give him at least a C for his outrage.

Color free world? That isn't happening....but....and I don't mean to disrespect you....but re-read your OP. Do you realize that every example you gave was from one perspective?

If you really want an honest answer...don't predetermined the question.
He does rant well....don't make a lick of sense....but you have to give him at least a C for his outrage.

Color free world? That isn't happening....but....and I don't mean to disrespect you....but re-read your OP. Do you realize that every example you gave was from one perspective?

If you really want an honest answer...don't predetermined the question.

It's not a bad point - but it's my perspective. Others can weight in w/ theirs.

The idea is not that we can achieve a color-free world; the idea is that it's a worthy goal.
He does rant well....don't make a lick of sense....but you have to give him at least a C for his outrage.

Color free world? That isn't happening....but....and I don't mean to disrespect you....but re-read your OP. Do you realize that every example you gave was from one perspective?

If you really want an honest answer...don't predetermined the question.

Its not outrage, lads...its reality.....is there no reality in your world.....don't you know any history....you didn't learn anything
of the last 5000 years ..... ?

"Color free world? That isn't happening.' .....now at least you have some brain cells working....of course there will never be a color free world....
Nor will there be a nationality free world...nor a religion free world.....there will only be human nature as there always has been....
There will be insanity, zealots or various stripes, psychopaths, geniuses, and brilliant world leaders, ....just as we've always had....

Mine is not one perspective, it is to show you the endless variety of human beings in the world....all kinds...good and bad...thats reality...
there will never be a 'goody two shoes' world that Thingy1 imagines....that may be a noble mindset, but its an unrealistic and stupid mindset,... its fantasy....

We've had evil people in this world since there's been people....get used to that fact...and its insane to claim we wouldn't have been better off without them....
It's not a bad point - but it's my perspective. Others can weight in w/ theirs.

The idea is not that we can achieve a color-free world; the idea is that it's a worthy goal.

That's why I said that I didn't want to offend.

Ok....let's get this out in the.open...not so much to you...but to all my JPP friends....left and right. I DON'T think that the GZ verdict was so much about race, but a lack of evidence/witnesses. I am not even sure that GZ's actions were about race because of the same. It could very well be, but there's really nothing that could hold up in a court of law to make that statement.

I do however, feel that GZ is culpable and responsible for TM's death. If he would have done his job properly as a NW coordinator, TM would still be alive today and GZ would be living a normal life. TM didn't "deserve to die" and no one with a soul should be "glad he's dead".

You see thing1, that's where the racist stuff starts to creep in....one or two people make utterly cold and over the top statements like that....then the other side screams racism. Pretty soon it snowballs into the situation we have on this board.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way....a color free world. I'm sorry, it's not going to happen. I think we all have a tendency...if not an innate instinct to be wary and ungrudging of things and people that are different. What we all have to do as human beings is to get past the instinct and use.our intellect.
Its not outrage, lads...its reality.....is there no reality in your world.....don't you know any history....you didn't learn anything
of the last 5000 years ..... ?

"Color free world? That isn't happening.' .....now at least you have some brain cells working....of course there will never be a color free world....
Nor will there be a nationality free world...nor a religion free world.....there will only be human nature as there always has been....
There will be insanity, zealots or various stripes, psychopaths, geniuses, and brilliant world leaders, ....just as we've always had....

Mine is not one perspective, it is to show you the endless variety of human beings in the world....all kinds...good and bad...thats reality...
there will never be a 'goody two shoes' world that Thingy1 imagines....that may be a noble mindset, but its an unrealistic and stupid mindset,... its fantasy....

We've had evil people in this world since there's been people....get used to that fact...and its insane to claim we wouldn't have been better off without them....

For this I'm called one sick, hateful fuck.Go figure.....

You can't reason with stupid, unreasonable people the refuse to acknowledge truth....
There is a couple of things that have already helped break down the race barriers, mixed marriages and bi-racial children.

I think as more people mix, the better we will be.
That's why I said that I didn't want to offend.

Ok....let's get this out in the.open...not so much to you...but to all my JPP friends....left and right. I DON'T think that the GZ verdict was so much about race, but a lack of evidence/witnesses. I am not even sure that GZ's actions were about race because of the same. It could very well be, but there's really nothing that could hold up in a court of law to make that statement.

I do however, feel that GZ is culpable and responsible for TM's death. If he would have done his job properly as a NW coordinator, TM would still be alive today and GZ would be living a normal life. TM didn't "deserve to die" and no one with a soul should be "glad he's dead".

You see thing1, that's where the racist stuff starts to creep in....one or two people make utterly cold and over the top statements like that....then the other side screams racism. Pretty soon it snowballs into the situation we have on this board.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way....a color free world. I'm sorry, it's not going to happen. I think we all have a tendency...if not an innate instinct to be wary and ungrudging of things and people that are different. What we all have to do as human beings is to get past the instinct and use.our intellect.

I agree w/ your assessment of the GZ verdict. That's why when Obama says he could have been Trayvon, my reaction is "huh?" I know what he means, but all I hear is that he, too, could have been a victim of someone who was a little off in the head, a little too aggressive & pretty stupid. GZ doesn't symbolize anything, and he doesn't represent anyone.

As for a "color free world" - like every other bit of human progress, it WILL happen. It may not be for 100 years, or even 1,000, but this kind of progress is inevitable, and has been throughout history. It wasn't that long ago that we didn't think that African Americans would even be free, or that women would vote, or that a black guy would be President. I mean, imagine if you'd told someone that one 50 years ago.

It'll happen, but right now, having it as a goal works.
Roddenberry was so far ahead of his time.

I once played a drinking game where I had to drink every time those 2 characters spoke. I didn't quite make it to the end.

i dont know, he didn't really lack subtlety. Not to mention, what would be the evolutionary advantage of having a perfectly symmetrical two toned face? Really far fetched imo.
That's why I said that I didn't want to offend.

Ok....let's get this out in the.open...not so much to you...but to all my JPP friends....left and right. I DON'T think that the GZ verdict was so much about race, but a lack of evidence/witnesses. I am not even sure that GZ's actions were about race because of the same. It could very well be, but there's really nothing that could hold up in a court of law to make that statement.

I do however, feel that GZ is culpable and responsible for TM's death. If he would have done his job properly as a NW coordinator, TM would still be alive today and GZ would be living a normal life. TM didn't "deserve to die" and no one with a soul should be "glad he's dead".

You see thing1, that's where the racist stuff starts to creep in....one or two people make utterly cold and over the top statements like that....then the other side screams racism. Pretty soon it snowballs into the situation we have on this board.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way....a color free world. I'm sorry, it's not going to happen. I think we all have a tendency...if not an innate instinct to be wary and ungrudging of things and people that are different. What we all have to do as human beings is to get past the instinct and use.our intellect.

Could we leave the Zimmerman/Martin comments off of this thread? I realize that is the story that is precipitating this conversation, but there are enough Z/M threads on this board. No need for another to devolve into the same old tired rhetoric about the case.

That being said. I think the notion that we live in a color free society is childish. We don't. Of course we see color when we see other people and there is nothing wrong with that. Do we have prejudices? Yes, and you would be lying if you said you didn't.

What I think we should strive for is a world envisioned by the Founders and Martin Luther King where people are judged by character not color. That is a different bird altogether. For example, I disagree with your politics, but I think underneath that you are a decent person. Same with Tekkychick. I think that if we were to meet out in person and didn't have the history of this board we would probably get along fine. It doesn't hurt that we are both Steeler fans.

However, BAC, Howey, Darla are all truly hateful, spiteful people who have no redeeming qualities whatsoever in my book. I could tell in 5 seconds that they aren't people I would want to associate with. And not it isn't because BAC is black and no it isn't because Howey is a queer and no it isn't because Darla is a chick. It is because I think all three of them are colossal assholes. But, you see in their collective minds they can't possibly be disliked because of that. They can't accept that notion. So they have to employ cognitive dissonance and presume that people don't like them becuase of their toxic personalities (because that they could change) and associate with things that they think they can't change (their color, sexual orentation etc). That way they don't own it and turn it back on the other person.

It is why they cavalierly throw around terms like racist, homophobe and misogynist the way they do. They don't really care about those things because they turn a blind eye to real acts of those deeds and focus on made up acts and perception.