now will you give as much respect to the other MILLIONS of black peoples opinions?
Unlike you fucking racist, for me the color of folk’s skin is totally irrelevant to their mentality, logic and honesty. Fucking morons and idiots come in all colors shapes and sizes as do logical, intelligent honest folks.
Classic Liberal please avoid being an asshole he wasn't being racist he was accusing you of false sense of being excepting because of listening to one black person. Although i do agree that everyone can be an idiot people of all beliefs, skin colors, and ideologies. So even a you Classic Liberal can be a loud moron.
Unlike you fucking racist, for me the color of folk’s skin is totally irrelevant to their mentality, logic and honesty. Fucking morons and idiots come in all colors shapes and sizes as do logical, intelligent honest folks.
Let me ask....would you be still singing the same tune if Zimmerman was convicted? Just curious.
Unlike you fucking racist, for me the color of folk’s skin is totally irrelevant to their mentality, logic and honesty. Fucking morons and idiots come in all colors shapes and sizes as do logical, intelligent honest folks.
What tune would you be singing if Zimmerman had been convicted????
Actually I would be supporting the judicial system and the jury verdict and also Zimmerman's "right of appeal" considering that a leftist prejudice racist judge ruled to disallow Martin's cell phone pictures to be presented at the trial. The pictures were evidence that supported the accused non-refuted testimony to police that he was attacked by a punk thief and not the choir boy the prosecution claimed he was.
They also didn't introduce Zimmerman's arrest record, IIRC....which included two acts of violence....but that was OK, I suppose.
I said this the other day and predictably got called a racist. Black on black murders are the elephant in the room that the race industry totally avoids for obvious reasons.
Logic and common sense.
The "race industry"? Gimme a break. Let's try something....let's throw us white people in slums...give us minimal educations, very bleak job prospects...and see how far we fall..let's see the drug abuse climb, and.the gangs start up and the bullets fly in the air.
The fact that you mentioned the elephant in the room is not racist....but to think that the elephant is due to some inherent character defect is.
The elephant in the room isn’t a black character defect, the fucking elephant in the room is y’all fucking racist leftist bastards that take advantage of the opportunities that the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton present to you. Those racist race-baiting bastards make a corrupt but affluent living convincing blacks they’re still victims of whites and white government owes them a fucking living and thereby you keep them in the pittance and squalor of government reliance. Y’all white bleedin-heart leftist bastards find vote buying opportunities in joining up with that fucking scam.
Thus, the minimal educations, very bleak job prospects, drug abuse, the gangs and the bullets are all the racist creations of the leftist socialist vote buying scam and the racist race-baiting black bastards like Jackson and Sharpton. You’re either aware of and support the scam or you’re just a fucking dupe of the left. Thousands of blacks have succeeded out of poverty precisely because they ignored the race-baiting of Jesse and Al and avoided the white racist vote buying scam of y’all leftist racist bastards.
You and yours are the fucking elephant in the room racist moron!!!
I dunno I thought his segment on the 3 other teen trayvons to die in the past few years was pretty damning.Actually he carefully avoided giving an actual opinion about Trayvon, I'd recommend to anybody a good watch of the entire video.
So what you are saying is to stop giving them welfare so they will go out and get jobs.......Most people on welfare are low skill workers........Most jobs outsourced are low skill jobs.......The very reason they need welfare is because their old jobs got outsourced by greedy Capitalist Americans like you. And now you cry about standing united and giving them basics such as food and shelter because you have heard a case of abuse or two.
Of course that is what the Right does.......They think if it doesn't run perfectly we should just get rid of it, instead of fixing it. Nothing in life runs perfect and brainers..
They also didn't introduce Zimmerman's arrest record, IIRC....which included two acts of violence....but that was OK, I suppose.