9% Back Syria Intervention

We're gonna do it anyway, so too bad, so sad. But don't forget - we live in a Democracy. What a joke this is.

From what I read elsewhere, Boehner has sent the message - no vote. So no way is Congress going to be held responsible for this, it's all on Obama and I guess we can't do anything about him anymore. He's never running for anything again. Great little system we've got here huh? Not that it matters. I've no doubt that if Obama decided he did need Congressional authorization (ah, the good ole days), he'd get it. How well I remember the wonderful days in NYC just prior to the IRaqi invasion. I was once almost caught in a Penn Station mob because they found someone's paper lunch bag containing a sandwhich on a train and shut it all down. What a scene. Luckily I was in the position to turn around, walk out, and stay the night in the city. The other poor bastards, not so much. And that was happening every day as Bush terrorized the people of this country with his "imminent chemical attack" warnings.

Obama would do no less. So if they need that 9% number up, they'll get it there. And the dupes will all go along, screaming in terror, run for your lives! Assad is going to release chemical weapons inside the United States, just like Saddam did! What's that? Saddam never released weapons, chemical or otherwise here? Well, close enough! HE almost did! I should know! I was there for the big sandwhich scare of 2003!

Americans have no voice in what wars the MIC wants to engage in.

It wouldn't matter if there was no support for war, the MIC and its puppet president are going to war anyway.


Americans have no voice in what wars the MIC wants to engage in.

It wouldn't matter if there was no support for war, the MIC and its puppet president are going to war anyway.



I mean, I think that 9% is as close as you can get to zero support. Nixon retained the support of over 20% of the population on the eve of his resignation (back when the stuff he did was actually scandalous). So this is pretty low, you can't get lower than this in a poll. I doubt anything has ever polled this low. Cancer maybe.

It's really ridiculous how we pretend we have any say whatsoever.
I mean, I think that 9% is as close as you can get to zero support. Nixon retained the support of over 20% of the population on the eve of his resignation (back when the stuff he did was actually scandalous). So this is pretty low, you can't get lower than this in a poll. I doubt anything has ever polled this low. Cancer maybe.

It's really ridiculous how we pretend we have any say whatsoever.

Not only do Americans have no say in the wars we conduct for profit .. democrats have no control, no say in what Obama does or does not do.

At what point will democrats wake up and realize that Obama is a warmonger and puppet of the MIC?
Well, at least there is a clear military objective with well-defined metrics for success with the primary objective to protect Syrian civilians from their government and and altering the course of the civil war in favor of the rebels, right? And this would be done without resulting in an influx of support for Assad's forces from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and I'm sure Israel will be left alone because it's not like the United States is viewed as doign Israel's bidding by proxy or anything, right?

It's not like we're going to just lob some Tomahawks into heavily populated areas of Syria on the justification that Assad violated international law and crossed a "red line" that Obama shouldn't have laid down in the first instance without thinking through the many diasterous consequences that could arise and the limited benefits that may result.
Well, at least there is a clear military objective with well-defined metrics for success with the primary objective to protect Syrian civilians from their government and and altering the course of the civil war in favor of the rebels, right? And this would be done without resulting in an influx of support for Assad's forces from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and I'm sure Israel will be left alone because it's not like the United States is viewed as doign Israel's bidding by proxy or anything, right?

It's not like we're going to just lob some Tomahawks into heavily populated areas of Syria on the justification that Assad violated international law and crossed a "red line" that Obama shouldn't have laid down in the first instance without thinking through the many diasterous consequences that could arise and the limited benefits that may result.

Good thinking...you've changed my mind.
Americans have no voice in what wars the MIC wants to engage in.

It wouldn't matter if there was no support for war, the MIC and its puppet president are going to war anyway.



Democracy is the worst form of government any man could live in.
DH's trolls get less subtle by the day.

Troll? I suppose I could have made it a bit less sarcastic, but really I don't see the benefit to missile strikes in Syria in two days without some discussion of what the ultimate objective is. Is it simple retribution for flouting international law? Are we really hoping to protect Syrian civilians from their government? If so, how are airstrikes alone going to achieve that end?
Not only do Americans have no say in the wars we conduct for profit .. democrats have no control, no say in what Obama does or does not do.

At what point will democrats wake up and realize that Obama is a warmonger and puppet of the MIC?
the writing IS on the wall;
as the Jethro Tull song goes "I may make you feel, but I can't make you think"
tweeting up war

The tweets came hours after Secretary of State John Kerry announced that there was "undeniable" evidence that chemical weapons were being used in Syria

Kerry did not, however, directly state that Assad was responsible for the attack:

In a tweet posted Monday evening, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said that chemical weapons are devastating Syrian civilians, claiming that Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad is responsible:

Samantha Power Tweet
Haunting images of entire families dead in their beds. Verdict is clear: Assad has used CWs against civilians in violation of int'l norm.
11:15 PM - 26 Aug 2013

The notion prompted quick responses from Power's followers, including Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations and current National Security Adviser Susan Rice:

Susan Rice Tweet
Only regime has capacity to launch CW with rockets.
11:47 PM - 26 Aug 2013

Power added that a response to the devastation is in the works:

Samantha Power Tweet
We're reviewing response options & consulting w/allies & partners in NY & around the world. Widespread outrage & desire for accountability.
11:20 PM - 26 Aug 2013


slide show -the women/warpigs behind the Obama presideny
I will also say that I understand the feeling that the United States needs to "do something" in response to the indiscriminate gassing or unarmed civilians -- including children -- but I don't think firing some missiles and killing more people just to send a message is an efficacious thing to do.

Oh, and another thing, I think I prefer a government that responds to the use of chemical weapons with outrage to a government that supplies intelligence to a regime known to have (and the propensity to use) chemical weapons and sits idly by in tacit approval when they are deployed, but that's just me:

The U.S. government may be considering military action in response to chemical strikes near Damascus. But a generation ago, America's military and intelligence communities knew about and did nothing to stop a series of nerve gas attacks far more devastating than anything Syria has seen, Foreign Policy has learned.

In 1988, during the waning days of Iraq's war with Iran, the United States learned through satellite imagery that Iran was about to gain a major strategic advantage by exploiting a hole in Iraqi defenses. U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.

The intelligence included imagery and maps about Iranian troop movements, as well as the locations of Iranian logistics facilities and details about Iranian air defenses. The Iraqis used mustard gas and sarin prior to four major offensives in early 1988 that relied on U.S. satellite imagery, maps, and other intelligence. These attacks helped to tilt the war in Iraq's favor and bring Iran to the negotiating table, and they ensured that the Reagan administration's long-standing policy of securing an Iraqi victory would succeed. But they were also the last in a series of chemical strikes stretching back several years that the Reagan administration knew about and didn't disclose.

how do we know the "regime" used rockets? There were some rocket casings around the area near Damascus, but they have NOT been inspected.

Conveniently. the rebels show cased the casings...enough "evidence" for the US/Brit/France intervention????????
how do we know the "regime" used rockets? There were some rocket casings around the area near Damascus, but they have NOT been inspected.

Conveniently. the rebels show cased the casings...enough "evidence" for the US/Brit/France intervention????????

Well Kerry said it's "undeniable" so that's good enough for me! I am pretty sure I saw Colin Powell nodding his head along in the background, so come on, that's airtight. Airtight! Bombs away!
Well Kerry said it's "undeniable" so that's good enough for me! I am pretty sure I saw Colin Powell nodding his head along in the background, so come on, that's airtight. Airtight! Bombs away!

You make a great point, but the fact remains that we are not talking about sending tens of thousands of Americans troops and we are not talking about killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. The case to bomb Syria does not have to be as strong as the case for Iraq should have been.
Well Kerry said it's "undeniable" so that's good enough for me! I am pretty sure I saw Colin Powell nodding his head along in the background, so come on, that's airtight. Airtight! Bombs away!
I quoted too another board I've recently left - "someone in the know"

One thing about the attack I find troubling is the apparent presence of two very different CW agents : Sarin (unconfirmed) and a second, un-named agent. (If you wade through the BBC reports, you'll see what I'm talking about: one agent causes pinpoint pupils; the other widely dilated ones.)
"someone in the know.."
Claims are one thing, reality is something else and calls upon very careful expert verification. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-22318636. Any and all samples taken must be properly documented with secure ownership at all stages, and carefully and appropriately packaged. - Mod.MHJ]

[The news media is reporting DILATED eyes. Nerve agents, regardless of what kind they are, sarin (also known as GB), soman, VX, or others cause PINPOINT pupils. So, either someone does not know what they are observing, or someone has mixed it up in the reporting. In a video posted on the web, I clearly observed at least 2 victims with DILATED pupils and 2 with PIN-POINT pupils. This is possibly a mixed agent. Or some patients with varying stages of poisoning are being treated.


It's very fishy, the timing, the 2 types of eyes reactions, the fact the bodies were cleaned up -no sign of diahreea or vomiting.

Not saying this didn't happen, but the time/place/whom did it are very much in question.


Not the this matters to the USA....