No more than the democrats will use it to try to show the ineptness of the Bush administration. The bar bends both ways most of the time.
It will be some kind of catastrophe that will raise the price of oil Evil
He does need a job after January you know....
It will be some kind of catastrophe that will raise the price of oil Evil
He does need a job after January you know....
Bush will never leave office, he is the anti christ! LOL
No he's not I am, just ask Evil.
In my opinion , the NOV election will be an intelligence test of the american people to see if they have realized how Bush's fearmongering for votes tactics work.
What fearmongering are you talking about? Do you mean when he tells us that terrorists are a threat? I can see where you would think that is just a tactic and not the truth. After all,most terrorists just want us all to live in peace![]()
I have tried to understand what the lefties are talking about with the Bush scare tactics,I just don't get it. Do you really think this country is safe from terrorism or will ever be? This is a new war. No other president had 9-11...Bush did. These people fight like no other. DO you really think Democrats would have known any better what to do when this happened? No. They would be sitting there just like they did when our service men and women were bombed and killed in the U.S.S. Cole. Sitting letting it all happen so slick Willy could leave office saying how peaceful the world was while he was in charge.
no we will never be free from terrorist. maybe when the US is the only country left. what we have went through, imo, is just the begining of things to come.
maybe they dont realize who we are fighting. people that think their religeon is tops. and if you dont believe that, your an infidel. and what do they do to infidels? kill them. so there is a band of lunitics out there that want 3/4 of the world dead. fuck them, lets do them before they do us.Your right on,johnny. Some people here think if and when Democrats get in office,somehow things will change. The terror threat will go away.I think they are constantly plotting and trying to figure out how to kill us.
It's not going to get the near future anyway.
The idea that we should somehow change our fundamental freedoms and way of life because some people might get killed is what Bush is using as a way to govern and a way to get votes for his party!