68% of QAnon followers report mental health diagnoses

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
This explains a lot. Not just the 68% of QAnon followers who reported mental health issues but the 44% who reported serious psychological trauma in their lives.

many QAnon followers revealed – in their own words on social media or in interviews – a wide range of mental health diagnoses, including bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety and addiction.

In court records of QAnon followers arrested in the wake of the Capitol insurrection, 68% reported they had received mental health diagnoses. The conditions they revealed included post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and Munchausen syndrome by proxy – a psychological disorder that causes one to invent or inflict health problems on a loved one, usually a child, in order to gain attention for themselves. By contrast, 19% of all Americans have a mental health diagnosis.

Among QAnon insurrectionists with criminal records, 44% experienced a serious psychological trauma that preceded their radicalization, such as physical or sexual abuse of them or of their children.
This explains a lot. Not just the 68% of QAnon followers who reported mental health issues but the 44% who reported serious psychological trauma in their lives.

many QAnon followers revealed – in their own words on social media or in interviews – a wide range of mental health diagnoses, including bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety and addiction.

In court records of QAnon followers arrested in the wake of the Capitol insurrection, 68% reported they had received mental health diagnoses. The conditions they revealed included post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and Munchausen syndrome by proxy – a psychological disorder that causes one to invent or inflict health problems on a loved one, usually a child, in order to gain attention for themselves. By contrast, 19% of all Americans have a mental health diagnosis.

Among QAnon insurrectionists with criminal records, 44% experienced a serious psychological trauma that preceded their radicalization, such as physical or sexual abuse of them or of their children.

Trying to provide a possible defense.



These assholes:

The facts are on the link.

Here's more: https://www.start.umd.edu/pubs/START_PIRUS_QAnon_Feb2021.pdf
Mental Health Concerns
More than two-thirds of the 31 QAnon offenders who committed crimes before and after the Capitol insurrection have documented mental health concerns,according to court records and other public sources. These conditions include post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and Munchausen syndrome by proxy. The three QAnon supporters who committed homicides have documented mental health concerns. Two of them were found to be mentally unfit to stand trial and were transferred to mental health care facilities. All six of the female offenders who committed crimes before and after the Capitol riots have documented mental health concerns.
Well, among other things, they think that Trump is a sort of mythical hero. 68% of them are mentally unbalanced.

Who the hell are the other 32%?

I probably know more about The Q movement than anyone here. What you are saying is dead wrong. But you know that already so.........
Take a look at what these people have been doing, and how little BLM and ANTIFA show up:


Is Antifa a Terrorist Group?
Starting in 2016, a number of protests and physical confrontations aimed at individuals and groups associated with right wing politics in the United States have been attributed to an ill-defined entity called “antifa”: short for anti-fascist. A high profile example took place in Charlottseville, Virginia on August 11-12, 2017. During two days of conflict and violence, anti right wing protesters clashed with right wing supporters. During the second day of the confrontation, a right-wing supporter drove a car into a crowd of protesters, killing one person and injuring 35 others. While many antifa supporters see it as a defense against right wing extremism, some on the right view supporters instead as terrorists. I tackle these issues in this essay by applying the guidelines of the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) to determine whether the actions by antifa supporters during the Charlottesville incident consitute terrrorism. I conclude that while the events share many characteristics of terrorist attacks, they do not include all of the elements of terrorism required by the GTD. I also question whether antifa can be considered to constitute a “group” at this point in time. My essay highlights how complicated it is to distinghish terrorism from other forms of illegal violence.
I probably know more about The Q movement than anyone here. What you are saying is dead wrong. But you know that already so.........

Of course you do. The odd thing is that you refused to attend the rally when they had the courage to go. :laugh:
Of course you do. The odd thing is that you refused to attend the rally when they had the courage to go. :laugh:

WHY do you keep thinking the commercial before the movie is the main event? You do know when you go out for dinner and they bring out some nice dinner rolls or a hot loaf of bread with your salad that those things arent the main course right?

If there ever is an actual insurrection it damn sure wont be by a few people at a rally armed with BEAR SPRAY. :laugh: Instead it will be by MOST of the country....:cool: You know sooooooooooo little its astounding.
WHY do you keep thinking the commercial before the movie is the main event? You do know when you go out for dinner and they bring out some nice dinner rolls or a hot loaf of bread with your salad that those things arent the main course right?

If there ever is an actual insurrection it damn sure wont be by a few people at a rally armed with BEAR SPRAY. :laugh: Instead it will be by MOST of the country....:cool: You know sooooooooooo little its astounding.

I don't. Why do you think so?

As noted in the OP, they were nutjobs. Who can explain the behavior of irrational people?
This explains a lot. Not just the 68% of QAnon followers who reported mental health issues but the 44% who reported serious psychological trauma in their lives.

many QAnon followers revealed – in their own words on social media or in interviews – a wide range of mental health diagnoses, including bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety and addiction.

In court records of QAnon followers arrested in the wake of the Capitol insurrection, 68% reported they had received mental health diagnoses. The conditions they revealed included post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and Munchausen syndrome by proxy – a psychological disorder that causes one to invent or inflict health problems on a loved one, usually a child, in order to gain attention for themselves. By contrast, 19% of all Americans have a mental health diagnosis.

Among QAnon insurrectionists with criminal records, 44% experienced a serious psychological trauma that preceded their radicalization, such as physical or sexual abuse of them or of their children.

68% of some sicko term of QAnon followers belong in insane asylums who are incapable of co existing in a civilized and progressive national and global society.
These people remind me of the Southern Poverty Law Center....they have decided to deliver a particular product...the only so-called truth that they are interested in is what can be rigged up to sell their product, make their product, and make their careers.
These people remind me of the Southern Poverty Law Center....they have decided to deliver a particular product...the only so-called truth that they are interested in is what can be rigged up to sell their product, make their product, and make their careers.

Says the guy who talks about The Empire all the time.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
These people remind me of the Southern Poverty Law Center....they have decided to deliver a particular product...the only so-called truth that they are interested in is what can be rigged up to sell their product, make their product, and make their careers.

Are you writing about the nutjob Qless or those identifying the nutjob Qless?

Do you have an affinity for the Qless?
68% of some sicko term of QAnon followers belong in insane asylums who are incapable of co existing in a civilized and progressive national and global society.

No doubt they could use some help, but the Democrats don't care. They're focusing on consolidating control of the Federal government and banning guns.;)