60% of Americans oppose the war!


Well-known member
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq and a majority would support a partial withdrawal of troops by year's end, a CNN poll said on Wednesday.

It was the CNN poll's highest number opposing the war since fighting began in March 2003, a figure that has risen steadily since then, according to the Opinion Research Corp. survey conducted last week on behalf of the cable network.

The poll showed 36 percent of respondents said they were in favor of the war -- half the peak 72 percent who supported the war as it began, said the poll of 1,047 Americans.

The telephone survey, which had an error margin of 3 percentage points, showed 61 percent believed at least some U.S. troops should be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of 2006.

Voter anger over the Iraq war, plagued by insurgent and sectarian violence with a daily civilian death toll, was cited in the Connecticut Democratic primary defeat Tuesday of U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who strongly backed President George W. Bush's war effort.
DIXIE, June 15, 2006: "Zarqawi's death spells the end for alQaeda in Iraq. There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads!"
How is 60% a fringe groop? Seems to me like the Democratic party of CT represents the same view of about 60% of Americans!
Well I still have to agree with Brent on 60% being pretty much morons. As bad as I hate admitting agreement with Brent :) I guess some of that 60% just did not vote.
LOL, rob I think the suffering thing covers many presidents and congressmen.
Yes I think Regan messed up bad on AIDS by not classifying it as another STD same as clap and siff. with the same restrictions, Ie no working in food service or medical if you have it, etc.
Klaatu loved reagan b/c he made workign families suffer and helped spread aids.

lol .. I was a blue collar working stiff under Reagan .. raising 3 daughters .. and I did OK Rob. I was able to buy a house, get a job with a newly formed Hi TEch Company .... and I bought my first Brand New Car during the Reagan years! The Reagan years were great ... an era of peace and arms negotiations and prosperity ... for those who were awake during those years ..politically speaking .. there was nothing more exciting then watching US-Soviet arms control negotiations ... something we lack today in foriegn policy.

As far as AIDS .. I dont think we elected Dr. Reagan? Just a far left whaco excuse to drag his name through the mud . ...
I blame the religous right for the AIDS thing, because it was related to sex they were very slow to react to it. The idea that it was Gods punishment for deviant sex caused the slow reaction.
61 percent believed at least some U.S. troops should be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of 2006.


I hate to break this to ya, but that doesn't mean 60% oppose the war, idiot!

Everyone here knows how much I support this war, and if someone called me up and asked me: "Do you think ANY troops should be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year?" I would answer YES! We've already drawn up the plans to withdraw troops, as soon as Iraqi security forces are ready! Barring some major calamity, I see no reason why most of our combat forces can't return home by the end of this year.

One thing this proves to me, is how utterly desperate the anti-war crowd is. Still trying to lie and mislead people with propaganda like this, and still chanting to "bring them home" when it's clear, they are coming home soon, the job is almost complete. Our forces will come back home when the job is finished, and not because you pinheads 'spirited' them back with your war protests.
The politicos were afraid the categorizing AIDS as an STD with all the restrictions that implies would lose them gay votes. After all it [pretty much started out as a "gay disease".
The restrictions would include not working in the food service industry or health care industry.