6 Filthy Facts About the Rich


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Most of the 6 things are about "income inequality". I'm sick of hearing about "income inequality". It's a false "problem" dreamed up by neo-communists to stir up the proles. And you may have noticed that they are very good at laying out all of these "problems" with American society, but the answers(except for some lame antique socialist crap that has never worked in any large, industrialized country)are slim pickings indeed.
Most of the 6 things are about "income inequality". I'm sick of hearing about "income inequality". It's a false "problem" dreamed up by neo-communists to stir up the proles. And you may have noticed that they are very good at laying out all of these "problems" with American society, but the answers

These are 'fake' problems? Wow, another economic genius. The Walton family has a greater net worth than the GDP of half the countries on the planet, yet their full-time employees are on food stamps, subsidized by the US tax payer. And this is made possible by chumps like you. You want a god damn answer to our problems? Lift up the middle class, fools.

You know the good ol' days all the right wingers want to go back to? Go look up the corporate and personal tax rates. Even under freakin' Reagan, when this race to the bottom started.
Most of the 6 things are about "income inequality". I'm sick of hearing about "income inequality". It's a false "problem" dreamed up by neo-communists to stir up the proles. And you may have noticed that they are very good at laying out all of these "problems" with American society, but the answers(except for some lame antique socialist crap that has never worked in any large, industrialized country)are slim pickings indeed.

I know, the truth hurts!


These are 'fake' problems? Wow, another economic genius. The Walton family has a greater net worth than the GDP of half the countries on the planet, yet their full-time employees are on food stamps, subsidized by the US tax payer. And this is made possible by chumps like you. You want a god damn answer to our problems? Lift up the middle class, fools.

You know the good ol' days all the right wingers want to go back to? Go look up the corporate and personal tax rates. Even under freakin' Reagan, when this race to the bottom started.

Another thing is that the we'd be doing a lot better is the wealth of industry came as gains to the country as a whole, instead of being concentrated at the top.
These are 'fake' problems? Wow, another economic genius. The Walton family has a greater net worth than the GDP of half the countries on the planet, yet their full-time employees are on food stamps, subsidized by the US tax payer. And this is made possible by chumps like you. You want a god damn answer to our problems? Lift up the middle class, fools.

You know the good ol' days all the right wingers want to go back to? Go look up the corporate and personal tax rates. Even under freakin' Reagan, when this race to the bottom started.

Do you have any idea what you want to be when you grow up ?
Okay, so far we got:
1) "You want a god damn answer to our problems? Lift up the middle class, fools."
2) "we'd be doing a lot better is the wealth of industry came as gains to the country as a whole, instead of being concentrated at the top."
Great! Some real economic geniuses here at JPP! Keep 'em coming! With thinking like this, the Soviet Union lasted for almost 75 years!
These are 'fake' problems? Wow, another economic genius. The Walton family has a greater net worth than the GDP of half the countries on the planet, yet their full-time employees are on food stamps, subsidized by the US tax payer. And this is made possible by chumps like you. You want a god damn answer to our problems? Lift up the middle class, fools.

You know the good ol' days all the right wingers want to go back to? Go look up the corporate and personal tax rates. Even under freakin' Reagan, when this race to the bottom started.

The Top Corporate and Personal tax rates of the 'good ol days' are really irrelevant. The rich are paying more as a percentage of GDP now than they ever were.
I would rather live in an income unequal country where there are food pantries and low income housing for the poor than in an income equal country where everyone is dirt poor, there are no food pantries and the poor sleep in sewage filled gutters.
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"India just approved a program to spend $4 billion a year to feed 800 million [16] people. Half of Indian children under 5 are malnourished.

In 2012 [17], three members of the Walton family each made over $4 billion just from stocks and other investments. So did Charles Koch, and David Koch, and Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett, and Larry Ellison, and Michael Bloomberg, and Jeff Bezos.

It's not the obligation of any one of these individuals to feed the world. The disgrace is in the fact that our unregulated capitalist system allows such outrageous extremes to exist."

No... The disgrace is that half of the children in India are malnourished due to their economic and social system. This statement alone proves that the American economic system is far better for the children than is the economic system as practiced in India where half of the children go malnurished.
I would rather live in an income unequal country where there are food pantries and low income housing foor the poor than in an income equal country where everyone is dirt poor, there are no food pantries and the poor sleep in sewage filled gutters.

How about a country where even the least of us gets a fair day's wage for a fair day's work.....not completely dependent on skill, but the fact that you are contributing? Obviously, skill is a factor.... But I am of the opinion that even the lowest skilled people who are holding down a full time job should not be in perpetual poverty.
How about a country where even the least of us gets a fair day's wage for a fair day's work.....not completely dependent on skill, but the fact that you are contributing? Obviously, skill is a factor.... But I am of the opinion that even the lowest skilled people who are holding down a full time job should not be in perpetual poverty.

We agree... Please understand, however, that America's definition of "perpetual poverty" is what a good part of the rest of the world would define as "upper middle class."
We agree... Please understand, however, that America's definition of "perpetual poverty" is what a good part of the rest of the world would define as "upper middle class."

The problem is, we don't live in those countries. We live in a country where necessities are ungodly expensive and luxuries are disposable....you can pick up a 32" flat screen and a DVD player for $250...add another $20 for an HDMI cable to upconvert the signal to near HD quality...Then hit yard sales and bargain bins for the media.
But....basics....like housing, food, healthcare, basic utilities, etc....it's probably one of the most expensive places on earth.
The problem is, we don't live in those countries. We live in a country where necessities are ungodly expensive and luxuries are disposable....you can pick up a 32" flat screen and a DVD player for $250...add another $20 for an HDMI cable to upconvert the signal to near HD quality...Then hit yard sales and bargain bins for the media.
But....basics....like housing, food, healthcare, basic utilities, etc....it's probably one of the most expensive places on earth.

But those who are impoverished in America can live in housing for 1/3 of however little they make, get food stamps, go to food pantries and have health care. That and a 32 inch flat screen TV makes our impoverished look like upper middle class to the rest of the world and we have that "safety net" because of this capitalistic system that so many people complain about and want to eliminate.
But those who are impoverished in America can live in housing for 1/3 of however little they make, get food stamps, go to food pantries and have health care. That and a 32 inch flat screen TV makes our impoverished look like upper middle class to the rest of the world and we have that "safety net" because of this capitalistic system that so many people complain about and want to eliminate.

But not if Conservatives and "classical.liberals" had their way.
The problem is, we don't live in those countries. We live in a country where necessities are ungodly expensive and luxuries are disposable....you can pick up a 32" flat screen and a DVD player for $250...add another $20 for an HDMI cable to upconvert the signal to near HD quality...Then hit yard sales and bargain bins for the media.
But....basics....like housing, food, healthcare, basic utilities, etc....it's probably one of the most expensive places on earth.

It's not uncommon for economic sectors with the most market distortion to have a spike in prices.
But those who are impoverished in America can live in housing for 1/3 of however little they make, get food stamps, go to food pantries and have health care. That and a 32 inch flat screen TV makes our impoverished look like upper middle class to the rest of the world and we have that "safety net" because of this capitalistic system that so many people complain about and want to eliminate.

Wait, who is complaining and wants to remove our capitalistic system?

Do you have any proof of this bizarre statement?