45th President Trump releases statement on Senate acquittal

Trumps optimism is unfounded, and "We remain one People, one family..." is a lie....America is now a deeply divided people and broken nation.
McConnell explained it clearly. He said Trump was guilty of all charges and he should be charged by other authorities, but the fact that Trump was no longer in office kept him from a guilty vote. However, Mirch stopped the House from presenting the papers on time. Mitch says Trump got away with nothing because other courts will charge him. Few people are dumb enough to believe Trump is innocent.
McConnell explained it clearly. He said Trump was guilty of all charges and he should be charged by other authorities, but the fact that Trump was no longer in office kept him from a guilty vote. However, Mirch stopped the House from presenting the papers on time. Mitch says Trump got away with nothing because other courts will charge him.

Is that so?
McConnell explained it clearly. He said Trump was guilty of all charges and he should be charged by other authorities, but the fact that Trump was no longer in office kept him from a guilty vote. However, Mirch stopped the House from presenting the papers on time. Mitch says Trump got away with nothing because other courts will charge him. Few people are dumb enough to believe Trump is innocent.

Moscow Mitch is evil and thinks he can inherit the reTrumpagain party

The inheritors are the racist groups

The Republican Party is in a grave

Lots of shovels will be ready to bury the corpse with dirt
Indeed. We must regain control of the military.

And there it is folks

Hey idiot

Biden is president and the constitution forbids using the military against the people

I knew you shits NEVER were constitutiony like you would scream about

Thanks for outing your selves as traitors