31 days for the rape of a girl who then commited suicide


Resign, Judge G. Todd Baugh

By Kate Olp (Contact)

To be delivered to: Judge G. Todd Baugh, District Court Judge

Petition Statement

On August 26, 2013, Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced former Senior High School teacher Stacey Rambold to just 30 days in prison for the repeated rape of a 14-year-old student. In response to the local and national outrage over Baugh's victim-shaming and willingness to excuse the behavior of the defendant, we petition that Judge Baugh resign from his position as District Court Judge.
They should take the judge and the teacher out to the middle of town and hang them both for what they did.

Federal Government: Remove Judge G. Todd Baugh from the bench

Petition by


Oakland, CA


District Judge G. Todd Baugh of Yellowstone County, Montana sentenced a teacher with just 30 days for raping a 14 year old student who later committed suicide
What is worse is in his sentencing statement the judge said the teenager was “as much in control of the situation” as her 49-year-old teacher, adding the girl was “older than her chronological age.”
Teachers need to know that they cannot use their position of power and influence to target the students that they are entrusted with.
Judges need to know that they are responsible to public safety and not as an enabler of predators!

Today, Montana Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced a teacher, Stacey Dean Rambold, 54, who repeatedly raped a 14 year old female student, who then committed suicide, to 30 days in jail. Judge Baugh blamed the girl, who he said, "was older than her chronological age". Principal Scott Anderson hired Rambold, knowing he was a sex offender, in a Jerry Sandusky like move. He kept him on despite other allegations. Rambold's failure to attend a sex offender treatment program to which he was referred, still "did not warrant a lengthy sentence" according to Judge Baugh. We demand the removal from the bench of Judge G. Todd Baugh and the permanent removal from the education system of Scott Anderson
Well, well, well,,,,, you seem to take issue with someone getting raped, but you have no problem with people being forced to be apart of the new healthcare law. Which is the same as being raped. That is if people don't want to consent to it.

Terrible comparison Liberty

Today, Montana Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced a teacher, Stacey Dean Rambold, 54, who repeatedly raped a 14 year old female student, who then committed suicide, to 30 days in jail. Judge Baugh blamed the girl, who he said, "was older than her chronological age". Principal Scott Anderson hired Rambold, knowing he was a sex offender, in a Jerry Sandusky like move. He kept him on despite other allegations. Rambold's failure to attend a sex offender treatment program to which he was referred, still "did not warrant a lengthy sentence" according to Judge Baugh. We demand the removal from the bench of Judge G. Todd Baugh and the permanent removal from the education system of Scott Anderson

Thank you for posting the petition link
Not really. I'm being forced to do something I don't want to do. What's the difference?

Sigh, paying for health insurance can be beneficial to a society and an individual in the long run, while rape is an act of violence. It disappoints me that you are this callous.

I guess it is why I stick to only discussing football with you. I should have remembered my rule.
Sigh, paying for health insurance can be beneficial to a society and an individual in the long run, while rape is an act of violence. It disappoints me that you are this callous.

I guess it is why I stick to only discussing football with you. I should have remembered my rule.

I apologize for stricking a cord with you.

You're one of the few people on here that I can have an intelligent adult conversation with of disagreement.

If you disagree with me, don't feel that you shouldn't say so. I respect your opinion. Even when we disagree.
I apologize for stricking a cord with you.

You're one of the few people on here that I can have an intelligent adult conversation with of disagreement.

If you disagree with me, don't feel that you shouldn't say so. I respect your opinion. Even when we disagree.

FWIW, I use the analogy too of 'grabbing ankles' and 'they bent me over' to describe things but I agree with the others that it's pretty out of line using that analogy to describe something else when having a discussion of real physical rape.
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FWIW, I used the analogy too of 'grabbing ankles' and 'they bent me over' to describe things but I agree with the others that it's pretty out of line using that analogy to describe something else when having a discussion of real physical rape.

That's mildly annoying, but nothing like what he said:

"Well, well, well,,,,, you seem to take issue with someone getting raped, but you have no problem with people being forced to be apart of the new healthcare law. Which is the same as being raped. That is if people don't want to consent to it."

"I'm being forced to do something I don't want to do. What's the difference?"

I'd really like to say something very vicious here, so I will just leave it at that.
forcing one to pay into their own health care is like forcing someone to allow someone to fuck them.

what a weird idea you have of the meaning of health care.
That's mildly annoying, but nothing like what he said:

"Well, well, well,,,,, you seem to take issue with someone getting raped, but you have no problem with people being forced to be apart of the new healthcare law. Which is the same as being raped. That is if people don't want to consent to it."

"I'm being forced to do something I don't want to do. What's the difference?"

I'd really like to say something very vicious here, so I will just leave it at that.

I thought I was on your ignore list.
That's mildly annoying, but nothing like what he said:

"Well, well, well,,,,, you seem to take issue with someone getting raped, but you have no problem with people being forced to be apart of the new healthcare law. Which is the same as being raped. That is if people don't want to consent to it."

"I'm being forced to do something I don't want to do. What's the difference?"

I'd really like to say something very vicious here, so I will just leave it at that.

Not following. I wasn't talking about healthcare. I said using the term 'getting raped' as an analogy is inappropriate when discussing actual rape.
forcing one to pay into their own health care is like forcing someone to allow someone to fuck them.

what a weird idea you have of the meaning of health care.

This healthcare law has become very personal to millions of people in a negitive way, and for people who like it to just disregard the concerns of such people as if they're stupid, incites complete contempt for anything that maybe good with the law. To them it's like getting raped. It's personal like watching your own child be sudamized. No matter how you justify it.