3 Days of ILA

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I have to amend my statements. Since Dante's is asking nay begging for it, the fisting she is receiving can't be construed as rape. It is just her choice.

I hope she gets an abortion by Kermit Gosnell

Nah a glutton for punishment is that new old twat Dante's

Apparently she loves the verbal ass raping she gets here on a daily basis.

It is like she is begging me to be Caligula

I follow fucking board rules. Now if you don't like it, take your cunt ass over to HowAIDS board. Or you can stay here and take your daily ass fisting. You know you like it.

Or you can use the many self moderation tools at your disposal.

Want to know why your cunt ass won't do it? Because you live for this shit. You can't quit me you bitch whore. You live to be offended. This is the most action your dried up prune of a clit has seen in years. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

You are like a woman in the hood who gets bitched slapped by her old man on a daily basis and keeps coming back for more. You keep telling Darla that you deserved it.

My hand is blistered from slapping your twat ass around all week long.

Hey. Here is a joke for ya. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. You already told her twice.


Frederick Douglass would have punched you in your ovaries

Your trichomoniasis is acting up again isn't it? I can always tell when your nasty twat is getting itchy. You get cranky. When it coincides with your period, look the fuck out.

Your wife is a cunt

I hope you get gang raped by Trayvon Martins home boys and passed around like a blunt
That explains his wife texting me in a panic wanting to know if she can turn some tricks tonight, but I had to hold firm. It's Darlas night and it wouldn't be fair

If you force sex on a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting?
Get ass raped
No Cunt. It didn't bother me at all. Now go get raped
Can you prove I lost a ton fuckface?

The only thing I lost a ton of is my jizz down your wife's throat
Is this coherent enough for you? I hope you get gang raped by illegal immigrants and left in a an alley

I hope you get gang raped in Compton and left on a street corner
More raging jealousy from the board cunt. Why is it any of your business what someone inherits? Is it because all you got when your daddy died were some skittles and and box of his Playboy magazines.

Stop being a bitter jealous cunt and worrying about what others have. Go work for a living Bijou

Dear Bijou

Darla is as dumb a cunt as you are. I notice you didn't enter the debate either so it seems odd that you are carping about it like Mrs Kravitz. Is it your insecurity that is leading to your obsequious behavior toward Darla? Did she tell you in a PM that you could wear the strap on? Are your daddy issues coming out?

I understand why you are upset cunt face. The realization that you have been sold a bag of goods by the feminzazis has you reeling as you can feel your eggs drying up inside your rotting corpse of a pussy. You are upset that you haven't been able to find a good man and all you wish is that you had a strong man like me to put and keep you in your place.
When are you going to apply some vinegar and water to your stanky pussy you dumb cunt? How many times have I told you. After a night of hooking you have to keep that shit clean. Those herpes blisters you have aren't going to go away without proper care and maintenance.

Didn't your pimp teach you anything?

I don't pay you for sucking my cock and gobbling my jizz. Why would I pay you for anything else you dumb cunt?
But, now that I finally figured out who you are, this will be easy. You are just the same dumb twat you were when I chased you off of here a long time ago. You can keep humping my leg, but I have beaten down many a cunt like you in my time.

The list of libtardiot cunts who have tried to get me banned is long and illustrious, like my cock. But, I am still standing.

Do you really think a dumb cunt like you has what it takes to take me on? Seriously? Do you think you have something with the "You didn't participate in the debates" meme? Come on Bijou. I know you have been lurking over on HowAIDS board and he probably put you up to this as a way to skirt his 90 ban, but I am 1000 times smarter than you and queer boy put together.

Now run along cunt. Your pimp is going to want his money or you gonna get a beating like you did last time. Quit asking for it.
Look queer boy. There is nothing closed about APP. Maybe the toxoplasmosis has addled your brain. Maybe your queer ass has been slapped in the face by too much black cock. I don't know, but APP is as wide open as it is here.

Only difference is both parties have to leave their guns at the door. I have shown I am willing. You are the pussy queer who is skeered to venture over.

Hey I have a joke for you.

Why did God invent hot sauce?

To teach queers what their assholes are really for


Tough night trolling the truck stop for cock you AIDS infested piece of shit?
"I don't pay you for sucking my cock and gobbling my jizz."

This is a graphic description of a sexual encounter.

This violates rule 12.

Why is this not being moderated?
No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification.

Please explain how these posts are not in violation of the above.
Humping my leg is no substitute for a real man Bijou. Look inside yourself find your inner happiness. Let go of your daddy issues. Was it that he didn't pay enough attention to you? Did he pay "too" much attention to you? Did he leave your mommy? What has spawned your hatred toward men Bijou?

That is a clear implication of child abuse - that "Bijou" (he is talking to Dantes) father paid too much attention to her. We all know what he means here.

So I guess the question becomes; who the hell's penis is ILA "sucking"??

Cause he should have been banned right there and then. That post was made three days ago.
I have to amend my statements. Since Dante's is asking nay begging for it, the fisting she is receiving can't be construed as rape. It is just her choice.

I hope she gets an abortion by Kermit Gosnell

Nah a glutton for punishment is that new old twat Dante's

Apparently she loves the verbal ass raping she gets here on a daily basis.

It is like she is begging me to be Caligula

I follow fucking board rules. Now if you don't like it, take your cunt ass over to HowAIDS board. Or you can stay here and take your daily ass fisting. You know you like it.

Or you can use the many self moderation tools at your disposal.

Want to know why your cunt ass won't do it? Because you live for this shit. You can't quit me you bitch whore. You live to be offended. This is the most action your dried up prune of a clit has seen in years. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

You are like a woman in the hood who gets bitched slapped by her old man on a daily basis and keeps coming back for more. You keep telling Darla that you deserved it.

My hand is blistered from slapping your twat ass around all week long.

Hey. Here is a joke for ya. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. You already told her twice.


Frederick Douglass would have punched you in your ovaries

Your trichomoniasis is acting up again isn't it? I can always tell when your nasty twat is getting itchy. You get cranky. When it coincides with your period, look the fuck out.

Your wife is a cunt

I hope you get gang raped by Trayvon Martins home boys and passed around like a blunt
That explains his wife texting me in a panic wanting to know if she can turn some tricks tonight, but I had to hold firm. It's Darlas night and it wouldn't be fair

If you force sex on a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting?
Get ass raped
No Cunt. It didn't bother me at all. Now go get raped
Can you prove I lost a ton fuckface?

The only thing I lost a ton of is my jizz down your wife's throat
Is this coherent enough for you? I hope you get gang raped by illegal immigrants and left in a an alley

I hope you get gang raped in Compton and left on a street corner
More raging jealousy from the board cunt. Why is it any of your business what someone inherits? Is it because all you got when your daddy died were some skittles and and box of his Playboy magazines.

Stop being a bitter jealous cunt and worrying about what others have. Go work for a living Bijou

Dear Bijou

Darla is as dumb a cunt as you are. I notice you didn't enter the debate either so it seems odd that you are carping about it like Mrs Kravitz. Is it your insecurity that is leading to your obsequious behavior toward Darla? Did she tell you in a PM that you could wear the strap on? Are your daddy issues coming out?

I understand why you are upset cunt face. The realization that you have been sold a bag of goods by the feminzazis has you reeling as you can feel your eggs drying up inside your rotting corpse of a pussy. You are upset that you haven't been able to find a good man and all you wish is that you had a strong man like me to put and keep you in your place.
When are you going to apply some vinegar and water to your stanky pussy you dumb cunt? How many times have I told you. After a night of hooking you have to keep that shit clean. Those herpes blisters you have aren't going to go away without proper care and maintenance.

Didn't your pimp teach you anything?

I don't pay you for sucking my cock and gobbling my jizz. Why would I pay you for anything else you dumb cunt?
But, now that I finally figured out who you are, this will be easy. You are just the same dumb twat you were when I chased you off of here a long time ago. You can keep humping my leg, but I have beaten down many a cunt like you in my time.

The list of libtardiot cunts who have tried to get me banned is long and illustrious, like my cock. But, I am still standing.

Do you really think a dumb cunt like you has what it takes to take me on? Seriously? Do you think you have something with the "You didn't participate in the debates" meme? Come on Bijou. I know you have been lurking over on HowAIDS board and he probably put you up to this as a way to skirt his 90 ban, but I am 1000 times smarter than you and queer boy put together.

Now run along cunt. Your pimp is going to want his money or you gonna get a beating like you did last time. Quit asking for it.
Look queer boy. There is nothing closed about APP. Maybe the toxoplasmosis has addled your brain. Maybe your queer ass has been slapped in the face by too much black cock. I don't know, but APP is as wide open as it is here.

Only difference is both parties have to leave their guns at the door. I have shown I am willing. You are the pussy queer who is skeered to venture over.

Hey I have a joke for you.

Why did God invent hot sauce?

To teach queers what their assholes are really for


Tough night trolling the truck stop for cock you AIDS infested piece of shit?

Good Job. I think the one comparing feminists to slaves and why the "N" word couldn't be used but the "C" word was appropriate was removed because I can't find it but it used the "c" word gratuitously about 15-20 times. But he must have either been told to remove it or he must have removed it himself because I can't find it now. I didn't respond to it. He posted it over the weekend.
I don't think repeating what they've been warned about is a good idea.

It was posted well before he was warned about anything. That warning was a long time coming and only happened because I brought your attention to this filth.

Edit to say; as far as has been made public at any rate, therefore as far as I would have any way of knowing.
Good Job. I think the one comparing feminists to slaves and why the "N" word couldn't be used but the "C" word was appropriate was removed because I can't find it but it used the "c" word gratuitously about 15-20 times. But he must have either been told to remove it or he must have removed it himself because I can't find it now. I didn't respond to it. He posted it over the weekend.

He doesn't remove shit. So if it's gone he was told to remove it. though I have my doubts about that as well. It is possible I suppose that the mods are so concerned with the fee-fees of our little ILA, that they pull him aside privately and whisper "that might be a little over the line Sandra Dee" so as not to embarrass the little ballerina.

I mean, I suppose anything is possible.
I don't think repeating what they've been warned about is a good idea.

I'm not sure what you mean, these are not things that are kept in a separate archive they are fully available to anyone who clicks on his name. If they were not to be seen again then someone should have removed them. It appears someone may have removed one post that he made Sunday or early Monday comparing women to slaves. He is certainly still posting this stuff as even a cursory look at his list of posts will immediately show. So when was the warning, what has changed since the warning, and exactly how are we supposed to know what another poster has been warned about and why aren't the posts removed if you don't want them to be reposted?
Considering I was going to research and find the posts that were offending and remove them, but now they are quoted here, I'm done. Clearly they weren't offensive enough for you to not want to repeat them.

However this thread will close, as the user has been warned now about rule 12 violations, so assume that "future" posts are something you don't want to quote. Thanks.
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