Putin: "I Wanted Trump To Win"


Diversity Makes Greatness
Vlad: "I wanted Trump to win"

The Guardian

"Trump and Putin agreed there was “no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. "

"Trump rejected an opportunity to publicly condemn Putin for Russia’s attempts to meddle in the election. "

"Putin said the US president introduced the topic of Russian election meddling during their meeting. Putin reiterated that Russia has not and “doesn’t plan” to interfere in US domestic politics. "

"Trump said Putin “has an interesting idea” about the issue of election meddling, but did not elaborate. "

"Putin did not deny that Russia has compromising information on Trump."
Our elections are supposed to be our elections.

If it was compromised we need to void it and have a new election.

Why do we have to live with the results of a sham election?
Our elections are supposed to be our elections.

If it was compromised we need to void it and have a new election.

Why do we have to live with the results of a sham election?
I'm OK with that. Start with the primaries and what we know about hrc and the DNC, and allow Johnson in the debates.
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Hello aloysious,

I'm OK with that. Start with the primaries and what we know about hrc and the DNC, and allow Johnson in the debates.

I agree.

When the founders were debating how to set up the new nation, they had no idea that the internet would be invented, nor that cyber espionage would be a threat.

Thus, our Constitution has no prevision for a compromised election or how to address it.

We need a method to void an election result and have a 'takeover.'

Trump said the election was rigged. He was right. It was rigged by Russia.

Our democratic republic depends on free and fair, not compromised, elections.
Hello anata,

Hillary is a major warmonger -why would anyone want her to win?

Easy - to keep Trump OUT.

As bad as Hillary is, she is preferable to this disaster.

He handed Wall Street their biggest gift since Reagan, and tacked it all right onto the debt.
Hello anata,

Easy - to keep Trump OUT.

As bad as Hillary is, she is preferable to this disaster.

He handed Wall Street their biggest gift since Reagan, and tacked it all right onto the debt.
no. Hillary would have us at war in Syria for humanitarian "reasons" just like she did in Libya
Hello anatta,

no. Hillary would have us at war in Syria for humanitarian "reasons" just like she did in Libya

There is no predicting what Hillary might have done about the mess in Syria. She may have formed a multilateral approach to stopping Putin and Assad from perpetrating the atrocities there, including the use of chemical weapons. And if we ended up involved there, then perhaps that is the right thing to do instead of rolling over for Putin as he supports Assad.
Hello anata,

Easy - to keep Trump OUT.

As bad as Hillary is, she is preferable to this disaster.

He handed Wall Street their biggest gift since Reagan, and tacked it all right onto the debt.

what was wrong with hilary?

you seem to believe the Russian lies too
Hello evince,

what was wrong with hilary?

you seem to believe the Russian lies too

Your perception and mine are different. I am no Clinton fan. I voted for Ross Perot. The Clintons are too cozy with Wall Street. They are part of the oligarchy. And there was a valid concern that Hillary is a warmonger.
Hello evince,

Your perception and mine are different. I am no Clinton fan. I voted for Ross Perot. The Clintons are too cozy with Wall Street. They are part of the oligarchy. And there was a valid concern that Hillary is a warmonger.


ross perot was a complete fool
Our elections are supposed to be our elections.

If it was compromised we need to void it and have a new election.

Why do we have to live with the results of a sham election?

Ok, let’s go all the way and totally shut down the border so Mexico no longer influences our fair elections.