Why is America spending 320 million dollars to build a pier for the Palestinians


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Why is America spending 320 million dollars to build a pier for the Palestinians?

Why don’t the Muslim countries fund this absurdity?

Why won’t the Muslim countries accept these Palestinians? They know that they are a gutter, terrorist society that teaches their children to hate and kill Israeli children.

The Palestinians chose Hamas to represent them. Hamas screams death to America, death to Israel. Hamas, which is on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, murdered more than a thousand Israelis, many of whom were infants who were beheaded…burned alive. They murdered Americans and took hostages. The Palestinians cheered this action and 90% of them support Hamas and the slaughter on Oct. 7.

The humanitarian thing to do would be to stop interfering in this war and allow Israel to continue doing what they are
doing, which is the decimation and destruction of these barbaric animals in Hamas.

Don’t start a war unless you can finish the war.

Israel is finishing this war, as we speak.
These same gutter Palestinians are cheering the slaughter of Oct 7 and are screaming “death to America, death to Israel, from the river to the sea.”
Why is America spending 320 million dollars to build a pier for the Palestinians?

Why don’t the Muslim countries fund this absurdity?

Why won’t the Muslim countries accept these Palestinians? They know that they are a gutter, terrorist society that teaches their children to hate and kill Israeli children.

The Palestinians chose Hamas to represent them. Hamas screams death to America, death to Israel. Hamas, which is on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, murdered more than a thousand Israelis, many of whom were infants who were beheaded…burned alive. They murdered Americans and took hostages. The Palestinians cheered this action and 90% of them support Hamas and the slaughter on Oct. 7.

The humanitarian thing to do would be to stop interfering in this war and allow Israel to continue doing what they are
doing, which is the decimation and destruction of these barbaric animals in Hamas.

Don’t start a war unless you can finish the war.

Israel is finishing this war, as we speak.
Indeed. The humanitarian thing to do is to allow Israel to finish this war as quickly as possible. Prolonging it will only get more people killed.
Why is America spending 320 million dollars to build a pier for the Palestinians?

I thought it was in order to get much needed humanitarian aid into Gaza. Is this now a bad thing? Helping people?

Why don’t the Muslim countries fund this absurdity?

Our morality should be to be as good as we can, not as good as the people doing nothing.

Why won’t the Muslim countries accept these Palestinians?

In order to keep this particular football alive in the Middle East. Eternal war.

The Palestinians chose Hamas to represent them.

In 2016 America chose a lying, cheating piece of human shit to be our leader. Doesn't mean all Americans are Pro-Putin.

The humanitarian thing to do would be to stop interfering in this war and allow Israel to continue doing what they are
doing, which is the decimation and destruction of these barbaric animals in Hamas.

Using weapons we largely supply them. So your sugggestion would already make us complicit.

Don’t start a war unless you can finish the war.

In some sense I agree. Hamas started this thing. Hamas are also vile puking cowards hiding behind women and children.

I don't know what the solution is, but given how this has gone it doesn't sound like what Israel is doing is really solving the problem.
These same gutter Palestinians are cheering the slaughter of Oct 7 and are screaming “death to America, death to Israel, from the river to the sea.”
So, according to gutter Trumpers like you, these "gutter Palestinians" deserve to be allowed to starve and die of disease and exposure.....



Because we all know how adamant you gutter trash fuckers are about "saving the babies".

I give your post five thumbs up.

Why is America spending 320 million dollars to build a pier for the Palestinians?
You really don't know, do you.
Geez, what a moron !

Haw, haw.................haw......................haw.......................haw, haw, haw.