US-backed tyrant wins 97% of election.

From the article!!

In 1952, a group of army officers, calling themselves the Free Officers movement, overthrew the Egyptian monarchy in a bloodless coup in cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

But relations soon soured. The Free Officers, led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, disagreed with the Muslim Brotherhood's vision of implementing Islamic law and favoured a secular socialist model.

That's right.. but Ibn Saud never favored the MB.. Their beliefs were totally opposite Saudi ideas.
Good grief.. You don't know anything about MB or Nasser or KSA.

yes.....I do........that's why I was able to find a source that talked about the terrorist acts they were involved in during the 2013 revolution................Nassar and the Saudis actually had nothing to do with the terrorist acts of the MB in 2013......why do you keep bringing them up?.......
You said the article had Nassar taking over in 1956!

Read it again.. Its vague. Nasser was a pan Arabist and he wanted control over the Saudi oil production. He thought their oil belonged to all Arabs and he wanted to dole out the proceeds.

Sayiid Qubt hated the West. .. Ibn Saud never bought into that. He signed on with the Americans in the mid 1930s. The Brits wanted the concession for the future.. They were getting plenty of oil at cheap rates from Iraq and Iran so they had no intention of developing the Saudi concession. They just wanted to sit on it.
YEah we should support Muslime Brotherhood like Obama did...

Every US president since Eisenhower has engaged the Muslim Brotherhood.. because they have influence in the Arab world.. so quit being a nincompoop. Obama would have supported any party that could bring peace and stability to Egypt..and rightly so. They are the most well-organized and politically savvy political group in the ME. Not to say I agree with them, but deal with the GD FACTS.
Read it again.. Its vague. Nasser was a pan Arabist and he wanted control over the Saudi oil production. He thought their oil belonged to all Arabs and he wanted to dole out the proceeds.

Sayiid Qubt hated the West. .. Ibn Saud never bought into that. He signed on with the Americans in the mid 1930s. The Brits wanted the concession for the future.. They were getting plenty of oil at cheap rates from Iraq and Iran so they had no intention of developing the Saudi concession. They just wanted to sit on it.

You read it again, seems clear enough to me!
You read it again, seems clear enough to me!

History can't be reduced to sound bites.. You miss the back story and the dynamics.. If I may ask.. how old are you?

Frankly, I'm old as dirt and I lived thru these events.... I was in both Cairo and Tehran in the early 1950s.
History can't be reduced to sound bites.. You miss the back story and the dynamics.. If I may ask.. how old are you?

Frankly, I'm old as dirt and I lived thru these events.... I was in both Cairo and Tehran in the early 1950s.

How old are you?
Iraq orders recount of all 11 million votes from May 12 election

Parliament orders a manual recount of all ballots and sacks electoral commission members who oversaw the process.

Iraq's parliament has ordered a full recount of the country's recent parliamentary election that resulted in a shock victory for Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

The country's outgoing 328-seat parliament voted in favour of a manual recount of all 11 million ballots from the May 12 poll in response to charges of electoral fraud.

MPs also sacked a nine-member independent electoral commission that oversaw the process and replaced the body with judges.

I don't suppose there will be a recount of the Sisi result. Now we can help hunt down the ' 3% that didn't vote for him '.
Thank you, USA, for bringing democracy to Egypt.
Every US president since Eisenhower has engaged the Muslim Brotherhood.. because they have influence in the Arab world.. so quit being a nincompoop. Obama would have supported any party that could bring peace and stability to Egypt..and rightly so. They are the most well-organized and politically savvy political group in the ME. Not to say I agree with them, but deal with the GD FACTS.

choice of words is state that every president has "engaged" the MB......does that somehow negate their terrorism?.......
short memory......the terrorism listed in the wiki article related to the revolution of 2013.....

there have only been two presidents since the revolution of 2013.......

Since the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, America’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood has been driven by American interests in Egypt. Only during a brief period at the start of the Cold War and following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 did Washington actually seek to engage the Brotherhood directly, and only then as a tool in the fight against Moscow.

while the Arab Spring has created momentous, historic changes in the Middle East, some features of politics in the Arab world remain unchanged.Nonetheless, while the Arab Spring has created momentous, historic changes in the Middle East, some features of politics in the Arab world remain unchanged. One of these is the obsession with the operation of sinister forces behind the scenes, most notably the machinations of the US government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Accusing one’s political opponents of being CIA puppets has proven to be a popular tactic in the past and now, with the rise of Mohammed Morsi to the presidency of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has become a target of rumors accusing them of being agents of American power.

An examination of the initial US response to the Arab Spring shows that it was actually caught completely off guard by the tumultuous events in Tunisia and Egypt. Contrary to claims that it was working behind the scenes to bring about Mubarak’s downfall, the US was slow to respond to crises which unfolded very quickly.

Since the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, America’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood has been driven by American interests in Egypt. Only during a brief period at the start of the Cold War and following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 did Washington actually seek to engage the Brotherhood directly, and only then as a tool in the fight against Moscow.

while the Arab Spring has created momentous, historic changes in the Middle East, some features of politics in the Arab world remain unchanged.Nonetheless, while the Arab Spring has created momentous, historic changes in the Middle East, some features of politics in the Arab world remain unchanged. One of these is the obsession with the operation of sinister forces behind the scenes, most notably the machinations of the US government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Accusing one’s political opponents of being CIA puppets has proven to be a popular tactic in the past and now, with the rise of Mohammed Morsi to the presidency of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood has become a target of rumors accusing them of being agents of American power.

An examination of the initial US response to the Arab Spring shows that it was actually caught completely off guard by the tumultuous events in Tunisia and Egypt. Contrary to claims that it was working behind the scenes to bring about Mubarak’s downfall, the US was slow to respond to crises which unfolded very quickly.

that has nothing to do with the fact the MB was a terrorist organization in 2013 and still is........why do you keep diverting?......